Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE is governed by its constitution and by-laws in accordance with the Associations Incorporations Act 1985. An elected Executive Committee decides upon policy, strategy, plans and the activities of the Association and it is supported by a paid Secretariat who provides part-time administrative support to the Executive. The Society’s first Constitution was registered in 1987 and has been updated several times to better serve the ASCILITE community and to comply with the Act. ASCILITE is registered in South Australia as a registered NFP corporation.

ASCILITE’s finances are reconciled each year by Chartered Accountants and their annual report is made available to the ASCILITE membership as a supporting document for the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Strategic Plan

The ASCILITE 2021 – 2024 ASCILITE Strategic Plan identifies the strategic goals and objectives that guide the society’s plans and activities from 2021 through to 2024 within the strategically important areas of sustainability, innovation, evidence-based practice and research.


To be recognised internationally as Australasia’s foremost community, leading and advocating for excellence in the use of digital technologies in tertiary education.


To promote and recognise exemplary innovation, evidence–based practice and research in digital technologies’ sustainable use to progress pedagogical practice in technology-enhanced learning.

2024 Committee Elections

The 2024 election will be for the positions of Treasurer and 4 Committee Members. Expect more information in early/mid September.

Member Surveys

ASCILITE undertakes a Member Survey every 2 – 3 years, the purpose of which is to obtain feedback from members on the value of ASCILITE services, initiatives and related activities.  The data collected from the survey is also used to inform the Society’s strategic and operational plans for the years ahead.  Survey results are reported to members through the fortnightly bulletin, website and other means. You can view the most recent Member Survey (2021) here.

In 2012, ASCILITE also undertook a PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) Analysis of the contemporary environment of higher education in relation to ASCILITE.

Annual Reports

ASCILITE Annual Reports contain details of the activities of the ASCILITE Executive and community for the current calendar year. It is prepared by the President, Executive Committee members and the Secretariat and made available to all members of the Society before and during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Copies of ASCILITE’s past Annual Reports, AGM minutes and Treasurer’s Reports are available from the archives.

Information for the 2023 AGM can be accessed here 

Institutional Members