ASCILITE supports a diverse range of Special Interest Groups as per the list below. Select a SIG that interests you to find-out more.
Open Educational Practice SIG
Transforming Assessment SIG
Learning Analytics SIG
Learning Design SIG
Mobile Learning SIG
TELedvisors SIG
Business Education SIG
Application Process for New SIGs
Members are invited to submit proposals to form SIGs that have a clear purpose and need that aligns with the ASCILITE 2021 – 2024 Strategic Plan. Proposals need to describe SIG activities that engage members towards meaningful outcomes and encourage participation.
ASCILITE SIGs offer ASCILITE members the opportunity to work together to pursue common interests in research and practice and to create a ‘buzz’ around their focus, goals and achievements both within and beyond the ASCILITE community.
Approved SIGs will have access to annual funding from ASCILITE and may be extended beyond the first year if they prove to be viable. SIGs will be encouraged to utilise ASCILITE’s webinar service to conduct their own webinars and they will have access to a dedicated presence on the ASCILITE website. SIGs will be encouraged to use ASCILITE’s social media and networking tools to broadcast their activities and achievements to the ASCILITE community and beyond. SIG events at the ASCILITE conference will also provide opportunities to promote SIG activities through the SIG’s preferred format, e.g. a scheduled presentation, offline meeting, a symposium or a workshop.
To establish and lead a SIG, you must be a current ASCILITE member, however non-ASCILITE members can join your SIG.
ASCILITE’s SIG initiative evolved from an investigation of approaches to SIGs taken by similar organisations such as ALT (UK). We are excited to be able to offer this community building initiative with its focus on member leadership and engagement.
Full details on how to establish a SIG are available in a SIG Policy & Procedures document. After reading the policy document, complete and submit a SIG Proposal Form (Word Docx). SIG Proposals may be submitted at any time, however, approval for a new SIG can only be made at the next ASCILITE Executive Meeting following submission of the proposal. Executive meetings occur every two months.
Existing ASCILITE SIGs are required to submit an annual report.
Further information
If the answers to your questions are not found in the SIG Policy & Procedure document, please email the ASCILITE Secretariat for further information. Proposals should be sent to the Secretariat.