Our presenters, Diana Turnip (UNSW), Naomi Millgate and Colleen Hodgins (JCU) and Puva Arumugam (Deakin), will show the range and depth of skills and knowledge of people in TELedvisor roles. In this friendly webinar we get to experience a day in the life of a faculty and project focused education designer, learning technology advisors and… Continue reading →
Presenters: Mike Perkins (British University Vietnam, Vietnam) and Jasper Roe (James Cook University Singapore, Singapore) In this session we describe the current literature on deepfakes and synthetic media, explaining how advances in these areas of Gen AI are set to pose important risks to educational assessment practices in the near future, as well as possible… Continue reading →
This interactive webinar will be a community discussion about a recent journal article examining two Australian case studies about OER-enabled pedagogy.
In this session Cherie Diaz (Executive Director, Education Innovation – Western Sydney University), Associate Professor Jason Lodge (University of Queensland) and Professor Alex Steel (UNSW) will discuss a recent report prepared for the Universities Accord Review Panel: Future Disruptions for Australian Universities. All three represent Universities that were contributors to the report, which was put together by Dr… Continue reading →