Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

This is an invitation to attend the ASCILITE Annual General Meeting and also to provide to members the 2024 Annual Report and other supporting documentation for the meeting to be held in-person during the ASCILITE conference. All current ASCILITE members are encouraged to attend and if you are receiving this email it means you are most welcome to join the meeting.  The meeting will start 20 minutes after the lunch break begins to allow time to eat prior to attending the AGM.

Date: Monday 2 December 2024
Time: 12:30-1:30pm
Venue: Kathleen Fitzpatrick Lecture Theatre B101, Arts West, UniMelb.

Below are links to various reports that describe the society’s activities and achievements over the past year, including the activities of several new member services, our SIGs, the Community Mentoring Program, AJET and the many other areas of activity.

Institutional Members