Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE 2023 Conference On Now!

Kia Ora from Christchurch!

As you read this, around 300 ASCILITE members will be finishing up their first day of our ASCILITE 2023 conference, organised by the University of Canterbury. Although I’m writing this on Monday morning, it’s already looking to be an amazing event, with some great pre-conference workshops on Sunday, and of course delegate drinks as well!

I’m really looking forward to a great week spending time with some of you, and if not this year then perhaps at ASCILITE 2024, or during one of our online / regional events during the year (more on those soon!). And of course also our conference dinner, with the theme of ‘Old Skool’.

I really look forward to connecting with you all and engaging with our members in 2024. But in the meantime, if you’re one of those members in Christchurch, greetings; if you’re virtual then online greetings; and if you’re not here this year then keep an eye on the website ( and the conference social media for more updates.

Have a great week ASCILITE-ers.

Michael Cowling (ASCILITE President 2024 – 2025)

Invitation to attend NZ TELAS discussion

Over the next 12 months we will be holding stakeholder discussions on how the TELAS framework aligns with higher education providers in New Zealand.

We will begin this work at the annual conference in Christchurch with a session and then we will have further discussion during 2024. We plan to finalise this work before the 2024 conference. The initial NZ TELAS discussion at the conference will be held on Tuesday 5th December from 1:30 to 2:30.

If you work in NZ higher education or have an interest in this area, please feel free to come along. If you can’t attend this session please register here to receive updates on this initiative. If you cannot make the conference session but are interested in participating, please reach out to us via the TELAS Admin email

We look forward to seeing you there!
Chris and Elaine

ASCILITE Live! & EduGrowth Webinar Recording: Navigating Change in the Future of Work

In this Higher Education showcase event Professor Martin Bean CBE explained his strategy to equip leaders to navigate change, to seize opportunities, and to foster resilient teams.  His presentation explored the current landscape of education and work in Australia and globally in an ever changing environment.

It also explored what lessons have been learnt around navigating adversity following the upheaval in education COVID-19 ushered in, and how to turn adversity into advantage for your team and organisation.

Professor Bean also profiled case studies showcasing how partnerships between EdTech and institutions creates tangible impact for learners.

Watch the recording here.

ASCILITE OEP SIG: November 2023 Digest

Read the latest Australasian and International news from the Open Educational Practice (OEP) SIG here. Alongside news items we also have professional development opportunities, resources and tips for making your OERs more inclusive, diverse, equitable, and accessible.

Contextualising Horizon 2022–2023

ASCILITE is excited to announce the release of Bringing Australasian Technology and Practice Trends into Focus: The 2022–2023 Contextualising Horizon Report. The report features analysis and insights regarding the outcomes of the ASCILITE’s Contextualising Horizon initiative and this year’s top trends:

  1. Hybrid and flexible learning
  2. Artificial intelligence literacy
  3. Mental health and well-being
  4. Evolution of mobile learning
  5. Integration of Indigenous knowledges

Beginning in 2022, ASCILITE community members and affiliates came together to consider the forces impacting higher education and the technologies and practices likely to be of significance. The research team – Chris Campbell, Hazel Jones, Danielle Logan-Fleming, and David Bruce Porter – extend their appreciation for all who have been involved over the past year. They especially wish to thank the report contributors for helping to make the report possible.

Now entering its third year, Contextualising Horizon aims to generate discussion around the issues and challenges in the Australasian tertiary sector and to identify the educational technologies and practices likely to make and impact.

Find out more and access the reports at

Invitation to the Generative AI for Education Leaders Summit 2024

The Generative AI for Education Leaders Summit 2024 is the first event in Australia designed for secondary and tertiary education leaders tasked with harnessing the power of generative AI while avoiding the risks. Over two jam-packed days of content, networking and learning, you’ll meet and hear from the revolutionaries at the forefront of generative AI from both the education and technology sectors. These leaders are already using the technology to drive their organisations forward and will share insights you can implement in your institution.

The Summit will cover everything you need to take the next step in embracing this technology, from evaluating, choosing and implementing the right AI tools, to mitigating risks, understanding potential issues and discovering how you can re-skill your teams. You’ll leave the Summit prepared to improve your processes, increase efficiency, provide real benefits to students & staff, and avoid the reputational & ethical risks that come with this ground-breaking new technology. View all speakers here.

Register with VIP code ‘ASCILITE10’ to save 10% off the registration fee for ASCILITE members. Book online here or call +61 (0)2 9977 0565.


The ALT Amplify Insight report 2023 is now available

What to know what makes for truly successful co-creation between vocational educators and digital design project teams? Read the Amplify Insight Report 2023 here.

Get more of the latest news from our UK partners here.

EDEN: European Open and Digital Learning Week Recordings

If you missed the European Open and Digital Learning Week (EODLW) organised by EDEN you can catch up with all the recording from the event here. The theme of this years events was:  Education in the Digital Age: What can we do better?

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