Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Program-Level Assessment Design and the Two-Lane Approach, 18 March 2025

Join Professor Danny Liu as he explores the Two-Lane Approach to assessment—balancing AI-aware, scaffolded learning (Lane 2) with rigorous, controlled validation of student capabilities (Lane 1). This session will highlight program-level assessment design as a key strategy for ensuring students achieve learning outcomes in a world where generative AI is pervasive. Learn how universities can move beyond siloed unit assessments to a holistic, staged approach that fosters deep learning, maintains academic integrity, and prepares students for an AI-driven future. Danny is a molecular biologist by training, programmer by night, researcher and academic developer by day, and educator at heart. A multiple international and national teaching award winner, he works at the confluence of artificial intelligence, learning analytics, student engagement, educational technology, and professional development and leadership. He is a Professor of Educational Technologies in the DVC Education Portfolio at the University of Sydney, co-chairs the University’s AI in Education working group, and leads the initiative that puts educators in the driver’s seat of AI.


Exploring GenAI’s scope in business education: Text, images, and avatars, 4 Feb 2025

In this recording the BE SIG examines some of the scope of GenAI’s role in advancing teaching and learning in business education. Led by Dr. Guy Bate, Professional Teaching Fellow at the University of Auckland Business School, this workshop focused on three themes: Text, Images, and Avatars. Through live demonstrations, including tools like GPT Vision and Soul Machines avatars, you will gain insights into how AI can support critical reflection, analyse visual trends, and enhance personalized learning experiences. This webinar offered an opportunity to explore practical approaches to integrating AI into your teaching practice and to discuss its potential impact with like-minded colleagues. It is perfect for educators and researchers looking to thoughtfully incorporate AI into their pedagogy.


  • Slides from the webinar are available here.

How is business education and assessment adapting to reflect real-world use of GenAI, June 2024

In this webinar, the Business Education SIG shared examples of how the work of business professionals is changing with the integration of Generative AI (GenAI) into their everyday practices and how innovative educators have adapted assessment tasks to reflect the real-world use of GenAI.Their guest presenter Patrick Dodd (a Professional Teaching Fellow at the University of Auckland, specialising in Digital Marketing) shares how he uses GenAI within assessment tasks to help students prepare for a future in digital marketing.

Resources suggested to help educators keep up to date recommended during the webinar are:

Empowering reflective assessment in business: Navigating the AI frontier, 12 April 2024

Reflective assessments are an important tool to help students develop and grow as learners, in preparation for the world of work after university. In this webinar, the Business Education Special Interest Group considers reflective assessment in the age of generative AI (GenAI) and large language models (LLMs). These new tools can create fantastic stories and narratives given a prompt – so how should assessments involving reflection change?

In this webinar, the Business Education SIG leaders examine how reflection-based assessments can encourage authentic student engagement and how GenAI and LLMs can be ethically used by students during a reflection task. They also discuss how rubrics can be designed to encourage students to complete their own work and discourage plagiarism and cheating.


  • Dr Sandy Barker (UniSA)
  • A/Prof Lynn Gribble (UNSW)
  • A/Prof Amanda White (UTS)

See the presentation (in pdf) here.

Talking about What Matters!, 16 February 2024

The Business Education SIG announce their 2024 “In Conversation” series discussing what matters for Business Education in relation to Technology Enhanced Learning practice.  We will be facilitating regular online sessions that spotlight conversations on critical matters facing business schools. The sessions will be in a format to include structured sharing and then unstructured discussion. In this first session hear about what is keeping you awake at night and what everyone in business is talking about.

Held:  Friday 16th February  11.30am-12.30pm AEDT

Please see the compiled padlet here.

Connected learning at scale and transforming the student experience, 7 April 2022

Connected Learning at Scale is a 5-year large-scale, collaborative strategically funded project between educational developers, learning designers, students, alumni and academic teaching partners. The aim is to transform the student learning experience. Commencing in 2019, this project has redesigned and successfully delivered over 80 Business School units. Transforming the ways in which students engage with information and knowledge (principle 1), actively participate and learn through connected learning experiences in large and smaller groups (principle 2) and redesigning assessment towards more authentic modes (principle 3), underpinned by engagement with critical global, local and personal challenges. In this session, our presenters shared the thinking behind the design of the project, project and evaluation processes, outputs which include design patterns and a range of examples of the changes they have implemented.


  • Associate Professor Peter Bryant (The University of Sydney)
  • Associate Professor Elaine Huber (The University of Sydney)
  • Dr Stephanie Wilson (The University of Sydney)
  • Dr Dewa Wardak (The University of Sydney)
  • Dr Jessica Tyrell (The University of Sydney)

Using Learning Analytics to Support a Pedagogy of Care in Business Schools, 21 February 2022

This joint webinar was hosted by the Business Education and Learning Analytics SIGs. The topic of the session was “Using Learning Analytics to Support a Pedagogy of Care in Business Schools”. Business Schools are characterised by diverse and often large student populations. In this webinar the hosts explored how we can use learning analytics to support the care of our students.

Leveraging technology to teach large cohorts: Comparing high and low resource investment, 19 October 2021

Elaine Huber leads the University of Sydney Business School Co-Design Unit (BCD). Her 30-member team includes educational developers, digital learning designers and technologists, media producers, student interns and educational evaluators. BCD collaborates with large cohort unit coordinators to redesign the delivery of their units.  In this session, Elaine discussed the team’s journey which has been supported by large strategic project funding (Connected Learning at Scale).  She also provided examples of innovations based on the following three guiding principles:

  • Connecting with discipline knowledge
  • Connecting with Peers through active and collaborative activities
  • Connecting with society through authentic assessment

While Brent Gregory was responsible for introductory Accounting Units at the University of New England, he structured those units to facilitate scalable personalisation. Brent had no budget and so took a more basic approach targeted more at the low hanging fruit.

This presentation displayed a continuum from state of the art to low cost and provides a framework and examples for you to consider your approach to a more effective delivery of large cohort units.

Students as Partners, 6 September 2021

Students as Partners is being embraced as a teaching and learning principle across the world. But what exactly is Students as Partners (SaP) and how can we use it to improve and support student learning in Business?

In this webinar, Dr Amanda White (University of Technology Sydney) and Danielle Logan (Griffith University) explained ways to embark on a Students as Partners journey.  They were joined by a panel of experts to help us understand the what, why and how:

  • Dr Leah Coutts (Griffith University)
  • Dr Mollie Dollinger (Deakin University)
  • Madelaine Marie-Judd (University of Queensland)
  • Dr Fiona O’Riordan (Dublin City University)

To use live clients or not to use live clients? Insights from educators, students and live clients, 27 July 2021

In this webinar, Audrea Warner (University of Auckland) along with a panel of students shared insights into their experience working with live clients on a Masters level marketing course. The session provided perspectives from not only the educator but also students and live clients. It discussed the benefits and disadvantages of group work involving a live client. In this form of student enhanced learning, students are challenged to actively synthesize and integrate what they read, bridging the gap between theoretical material learnt in the course and creating practical integrated marketing communication campaigns. The webinar also considered student perspectives through a panel of past alumni, who have completed the ‘live client group project’, explore what the presenter has learnt as an educator from using this form of assessment and provide feedback from past live clients.

Audrea is a Professional Teaching Fellow in the Graduate School of Management, University of Auckland. She has over 17 years of teaching experience in Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management and Marketing.  The student panel comprised Haoran Yu, Master of Management graduate with a Marketing specialisation. Haoran now works as the Social Media and Marketing Manager at Dacxi. Adeli Lim, Master of Management graduate with a Marketing specialisation. Adeli now works as Associate Product Manager in Optiflow Airvo Marketing. Angela Favis, Master of Management graduate with a Marketing specialisation.

Technology Enhanced Responsible Management Education, 11 May 2021

This webinar was jointly co-hosted by the ASCILITE Business Education SIG, PRME ANZ Chapter and the ABEN Ethics Education SIG and presented by A/Prof Harsh Suri and Mr Vivek Venkiteswaran (Deakin University) along with A/Prof Christian Schott (Victoria University Wellington).

The presentation commenced with Harsh and Vivek who discussed how the TPCK framework (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) offers a useful theoretical lens for harnessing the power of digitalization for scaffolding meaningful integration of SDGs into mainstream business curricula. TPCK framework is commonly used in educational technology to adopt a holistic, nuanced and context-sensitive approach for integrating technology, pedagogy and content knowledge to achieve deep transformational learning. We also discussed how SDGs should become a pervasive context within which we transform Business Education using affordances of digitalization.

Next, Christian discussed why he sees a place, and indeed a need for technology, to support education for sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). His presentation promoted experiential education as a key pedagogy for a VUCA world and he made the case that situating learning in its appropriate geographical, cultural and social context is an important ingredient. Utilising gaming software and digital immersion technology Christian and his team have developed two sustainability-focused learning tools, one ‘taking’ students to an island in Fiji and the other to Machu Picchu Pueblo in Peru. Although the latter was developed for Secondary schools it was used as an example during the presentation.

Professional accreditation and online assessment, 29 March 2021

Throughout 2020, the academic community engaged in significant discussion around the role of invigilation and online assessment.

In this session, Dr Amanda White (UTS Business, Deputy Head, Education Accounting) led a panel to discuss the professional accreditation requirements in Business Schools and the tension between academic standards and integrity, invigilation, university budgets and academic workload.  This is the second of a two part series of webinars discussing assessment in business education.

Authentic Assessment in Business Education – a panacea for a hybrid teaching world? 17 February 2021

This panel session was jointly presented by the Transforming Assessment SIG and the Business Education SIG.

The panel of international business educators explored tensions between rationalisation, cost savings, and the desire for increased student engagement, the development of transversal skills and protection from contract cheating while striving for authentic assessment design.

In the Business program context this also means the need to demonstrate assurance of learning and meeting rigorous accreditation requirements, with this gaining considerable attention during the rapid pivot to hybrid and online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Panel Chairs were Danielle Logan (Griffith University, Australia) and Mathew Hillier (Macquarie University Australia).

Panel Members

  • A/Prof Popi Sotiriadou (Griffith University, Australia)
  • Dr Amanda White (University of Technology, Australia)
  • Dr Charmaine Fleming (Federation University, Australia)
  • Dr Fiona O’Riordan (Dublin City University, Ireland)
  • Dr Monica Ward (Dublin City University, Ireland)

Using Simulations as a Learning Alternative, 3 Nov 2020

In this webinar, Ms Audrea Warner (University of Auckland) and Dr Sandy Barker (University of South Australia) shared insights from their rich experience of using simulations to enhance student learning. Simulations have been used in Business Schools across Australia and New Zealand for over twenty years. This webinar explored the benefits offered to students that other learning methods, for example traditional lectures or case discussions, do not offer. Students play a role within the simulation, rather than merely reading and analysing concepts and ideas. Students are able to synthesise and integrate what they read and then make decisions with consequences based on facts or data from the simulations, to consolidate and co-create a deeper understanding. The webinar also focused on the student reactions to using the simulations, explore what the presenters have learnt as academics from using simulations into their courses.

Audrea Warner is a Professional Teaching Fellow in the Graduate School of Management, University of Auckland. She has over 17 years of teaching experience in Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management and Marketing. Audrea feels a strong sense of responsibility to engage, enlighten, and empower her students both now and for the future. She wants her students to learn from the past, be proactive in the present and work for a better tomorrow.

This year Audrea has been working with both national and international academics to present at webinars, write academic blogs and collaborate on research papers on the impact of COVID 19 and the innovative ways academics and organisations have adapted to the emerging academic landscape to support students embrace new learning approaches. She is co-leading ASCILITE’s Business Education SIG.

Sandy Barker is a Lecturer and Digital Learning Leader in Management at UniSA Business. As the Digital Learning Leader she takes responsibility for working with academic colleagues to ensure a high standard of digital resources for all students. As a lecturer Sandy is involved in teaching and curriculum development for undergraduate students in both Australia and Hong Kong as well as coordinating coursework practicums/placements for final year undergraduates. Sandy has a PhD (Business), Graduate Diploma in Education Studies (Digital Learning), Graduate Certificate in Education (University Teaching), and a Bachelor of Applied Science (Chemistry).

Sandy is interested in experiential learning research with a focus on work placements, graduate qualities/enterprise skills, learning analytics, business simulations and role play. All courses that she teaches have an experiential component to ensure students are ready for the professional world as soon as they graduate. She is a current member of the ASCILITE Executive, was the Convenor for the 2016 ASCILITE conference and was on the organising committee of the 2003 ASCILITE conference held in Adelaide.

On-Demand Exams, 29 Sept 2020

In this webinar, Brent Gregory shared insights from his rich experience of offering On-Demand Exams. The introduction of Online Exams to UNE was an enabler for new thinking about how we structure units that are exam dependent.  UNE is no longer constrained by the exam timetable straightjacket and is able to mould the whole learning journey to better match the rich tapestry of skills, experiences and circumstances that its students bring to the learning environment. On-Demand exams supported by the progression pipeline enables greater control to students and helps academics better understand the most effective pathways adopted by students.

You may also be interested in this blog post that covers “on-demand exams” in more detail.

Brent Gregory is a lecturer at the University of New England Business School and a Chartered Accountant whose pre-academic professional career focused on helping business owners improve their returns.  He is now applying those skills to developing learning environments that enhance and personalise the student learning journey, while being sensitive to effective resource utilisation. This is referred to as Scalable Personalisation.  His progress in this field has been recognised by a number of awards in recent years, including the UNE Faculty of Science Agriculture Business and Law Educator of the Year, an ASCILITE Innovation and Excellence Award, and an Australian Award for University Teaching Citation.

Work Integrated Learning (WIL), 11 August 2020

The BE-SIG’s first webinar, held on 11 August 2020, discussed ‘Work Integrated Learning (WIL) placements and projects which enable students to interact directly with host industries or communities to work on real-life problems or projects. With COVID 19 restrictions, it was timely to discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with engaging students in authentic virtual WIL experiences offered via online platforms, which may be independent of time, space, geographical boundaries and disciplines.’

This session was co-facilitated by A/Prof Harsh Suri (Deakin University), Ms Friederika Kaider (Deakin University) and Dr Sandra Barker (University of South Australia).

Institutional Members