The ASCILITE Executive would like to invite ASCILITE members to a special Melbourne networking event on 27 June at 5:30pm to be held in conjunction with the HERDSA Annual Conference. The ASCILITE community has not been able to get together in person for several years now so here’s an opportunity to catch up in Melbourne!… Continue reading →
How do you change the thinking of educators used to teaching face-to-face to equip them for the online world? The transition from established place-based, face-to-face learning to fully online delivery modes of professional learning to educational leaders across schools in Victoria allowed us to better understand entrenched patterns. As the learning design team at the Victorian Academy… Continue reading →
A joint Transforming Assessment and eAssessment Association session. This session will feature short presentations and an opportunity for questions with selected international eAssessment Award winners from the categories: Best Formative Assessment Project 2022. Best Summative Assessment Project 2022. Most Innovative Use of Technology in Assessment 2022. There will be time for Q&A. Please refer to further information… Continue reading →
Singapore/Hong Kong 2pm | New Zealand 6pm | Other time zones Entangled pedagogy challenges the notion that technology-first or pedagogy-first framings accurately describe the complex relationships between the different elements that contribute to any educational activity. It offers a framework for thinking about how these elements inevitably shape each other, and about the kinds of… Continue reading →
July episode#3 – 22 July, (10 AEST) presented by Mehrasa Alizadeh and Professor Neil Cowie on “The Affordances and Challenges of Virtual Reality for Language Teaching”.
This workshop is designed to support you in the process of submitting high quality reviews for ASCILITE 2022. We will clarify expectations about the role, explore the conference themes and the criteria you will be using to complete your reviews, and discuss how to provide constructive feedback that will help authors to make their conference… Continue reading →
To access, just go to (Sessions are recorded and kept in our YouTube channel) Edvisors - learning designers, academic developers, education technologists and other people in 3rd space roles - have a lot to offer when it comes to facilitating good learning and teaching. We bring rich and varied experience from both our past… Continue reading →