Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

ASCILITE NEWS ASCILITE 2018 Conference Program Released! The 2018 Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to announce a draft of the conference program is now available for viewing. You will find… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS What some of our keynotes are looking forward to about ASCILITE 2018 (25 – 28 November) In the lead up to ASCILITE 2018, we asked our keynotes to… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS Two New ASCILITE Awards Open for Nominations ASCILITE is pleased to announce two new awards that are now open for nominations; the Emerging Scholar Award and the Community… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS Important Reminder: Provide Feedback to ASCILITE through the 2018 Member Survey Members are invited to provide feedback on ASCILITE through the 2018 ASCILITE Member Survey. The purpose of… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS Invitation to Provide Feedback to ASCILITE through the 2018 Member Survey Members are invited to provide feedback on ASCILITE through the 2018 ASCILITE Member Survey. The purpose of… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS 2018 ASCILITE Awards Open for Nominations Each year, ASCILITE members are invited to apply or nominate for the ASCILITE awards and to consider nominations that they believe meet… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS AJET Issue Vol 34 (3) 2018 Now Published We are pleased to advise a new issue of the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology for 2018 has been published.… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS Closing date for ASCILITE 2018 Conference Submissions Extended The Call for Participation for the ASCILITE 2018 Conference at Deakin University has been extended by two weeks to 27… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS Invitation to Provide Feedback on the Development of ASCILITE’s Online Learning Accreditation Framework Over the past 18 months, ASCILITE has been working on conceptualizing an internationally benchmarked online… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS Next TELedvisors SIG Webinar: T&L Support Site showcase 2018 – evaluating, showcasing and creating TEL practices Following the positive feedback given last year, the TELe-SIG has decided it’s… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS ASCILITE2018 Keynote Speakers Announced The Conference Organizing Committee for ASCILITE 2018 is pleased to announce the keynote speaker line up for the conference. We hope you are as… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS LA-SIG Webinar: Learning analytics and learning design: promoting a conversation among equals Date & Time Wednesday 30 May 2018, 10am (AEST) and 12pm (NZ). You will find other… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS ASCILITE 2018 Conference Registration Opens The 2018 Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that registration for ASCILITE 2018 is now available online as per the schedule below.… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS Next TELedvisors SIG webinar: 2018 Academic development and standards for technology enhanced learning – resistance or assurance. The next TELedvisors SIG webinar session is scheduled for Thursday April… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS AJET Issue Vol 34 (1) 2018 Now Published We are pleased to advise a new issue of the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology for 2018 has been published.… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS New Open Educational Practices SIG Launched Following on from the recent launch of the Digital Equity SIG, ASCILITE is please to announce the launch of a new Open… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS TELedvisors SIG kicks-off first 2018 webinar Date & Time Thursday 22 March, 12pm AEST. Topic Exploration of the place of the student in learning design and technology. Won’t… Continue reading

ASCILITE NEWS Digital Equity SIG Launch Activities After several years of discussions, the Digital Equity SIG was officially formed at the ASCILITE2017 conference in Toowoomba, December 2017 to promote the… Continue reading

TELedvisors SIG News The TELedvisors SIG will kick off its 2018 activities with a webchat to discuss members’ research interests and explore opportunities for collaboration.  The discussion will run from… Continue reading

AJET Call for Papers for Special Issues Call for Special Issue (2019): “Re-Examining Cognitive Tools: New Developments, New Perspectives, and New Opportunities for Educational Technology Research” This special issue seeks… Continue reading

Institutional Members