Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


2019 ASCILITE Awards

The ASCILITE awards were announced at the annual conference in Singapore on 3 December 2019 and we congratulate all the winners of this year’s awards. The calibre of nominations across all awards this year was exceptionally high and the entire ASCILITE community extends their congratulations to each and every award recipient.  Below are the recipients of each award category.

Innovation Award

The ASCILITE Innovation Award celebrates work undertaken by an individual or team of people in support of the exemplary and research informed use of technologies for teaching and learning in tertiary education. Innovation is defined as a new idea, device or process or something original that “breaks into” teaching and learning in the tertiary sector. The winners of the award this year are:

  • Shamim Joarder (Macquarie University) for “iLearn Insights; creating an application to facilitate data driven student interventions to increase student engagement.
  • Brent Gregory and Lisa Harris (University of New England) for On-Demand Assessment supported by Progression Pipeline Learning Environment.
  • Christian Moro (Bond University) for the development of physiology and anatomy digital learning modules that enhance student learning, engagement and participation in health sciences and medicine.

Emerging Scholar Award

The winners of the 2019 Emerging Scholar award are Carol Johnson (The University of Melbourne) and Kwong Nui Sim (Victoria University of Wellington). This award recognies outstanding contributions to the exemplary use of, and/or research into, technologies for teaching and learning in tertiary education as an emerging scholar in at least two of the following categories; emerging professional mentoring or leadership, emerging noteworthy or quality research or sustained innovations.

Community Fellow Award

The winner of the 2019 Community Fellow Award is Colin Simpson (Monash University).  Colin has been instrumental in fostering the success of the hugely popular Tel-edvisors SIG.  The Community Fellow award recognises the outstanding contributions to the exemplary use of, and/or research into, technologies for teaching and learning in tertiary education for and with communities in at least two of the following categories:

  • Professional leadership working within the community
  • Encourages and supports exemplary use of technologies within the community
  • Innovations in practice in exemplary use of technologies within the community.

AJET Distinguished Reviewer Award

This year’s winner of the AJET Distinguished Reviewer Award is Dr Rachael Adlington (University of New England). Rachael Adlington is an academic in the School of Education (UNE) where she works with Education students to become proficient users of Information and Communication Technologies to enhance teaching and learning.

On behalf of the ASCILITE community we thank all award winners for their outstanding contributions.

2019 Conference Awards

Congratulations to the following winners of this year’s conference awards:

Best Full Paper

Charlotte Clark and Ger Post for “The value of student attendance at face-to-face classes, as part of a blended learning experience”.

Best Full Paper (Student)

Hazel Jones for “Barriers, enablers, and motivations – staff adoption of learning analytics: Insights for professional learning opportunities from an Australian university”.

Best Concise Paper

Joanne Elliott and Darci Taylor for “Okay, but what does it look like?” Building staff capacity in online learning design through role modelling”.

Best Concise Paper (Student)

Sheng Hung Chung and Seng Chee Tan for “Mentor – Intelligent Mobile Online Peer Tutoring Application for Face-to-Face and Remote Peer Tutoring”.

Best Poster

Adrian Lee and Rui Lin Koh for “Scaffolding the learning of data analysis using individualized homework assignments”

Best PechaKucha

Christian Moro, Mona Izzeldin, Zane Stromberga and Petrea Redmond for “Learning and teaching with holograms: Incorporating the HoloLens in medicine and health science education”.

2019 Conference Wrap-up

Conference Proceedings: You will find the final version of the conference proceedings here. This document (16Mb) replaces an earlier version published last week. ASCILITE is currently looking ways to create links to individual papers.

Conference Evaluation: If you went to ASCILITE 2019, and you haven’t already completed the conference evaluation, you may do so here. It takes only about 3 minutes to complete.

Blog Retrospective: Sandy Barker, newly elected ASCILITE Executive, has written a blog on the conference which is well worth a read. You’ll find it here.

Conference Photos: Photos from the conference, including the conference dinner, welcome reception and other events are now available at the links below:

2020 Conference: ASCILITE 2020 will be held at the University of New England in Armidale NSW, 30 November 2 December 2020.

Expressions of Interest invited in ASCILITE’s 2020 Community Mentoring Program

Applications (Expressions of Interest) in the 2020 Community Mentoring Program are now being accepted and are due by 1 February 2020.

The ASCILITE Community Mentoring Program (CMP) aims to provide mentoring opportunities across a number of fields including technical, academic development, learning development, faculty academics, early career researchers, graphic designers and programmers.

The program has been operating since 2003 with over 165 members having taken part to date. You will find full details of the program on the ASCILITE website here along with the application forms. For those with a keen interest in the program, an information session webinar will be conducted in the new year.

ASCILITE Executive Committee Changes

There have been a number of changes to the ASCILITE Executive Committee following the executive elections held in October with the changes being announced at ASCILITE 2019 in Singapore.

Three long serving committee members have retired; Dominique Parrish (Macquarie University), Allan Christie (Blackboard) and Alan Soong (National University of Singapore). Dominique was the ASCILITE President from 2015 – 2019 while Allan Christie served in various positions on the Executive for many years and is one of the longest active members in ASCILITE (27 years).  Both Dominique and Allan are ASCILITE Life Members. Alan Soong served on the Executive for 7 years.

The new President is Chris Campbell (Griffith University) while the new Vice-President is Sue Gregory (University of New England). Both are long serving Executive committee members with Chris having served as Vice-President throughout 2019 and Sue previously having served as Vice President in 2015 – 2016.  Both Chris and Sue were elected unopposed.

The Executive also welcomes four new committee members: Sandy Barker (University of South Australia) David Porter (University of Wollongong), Michael Cowling (CQ University) and Kwong Nui Sim (Victoria University of Wellington). Hazel Jones (Griffith University) has been co-opted to continue her work on the committee while Thom Cochrane (Auckland University of Technology) and Mark Schier (Swinburne University of Technology) are also continuing as members of the Executive.

You can view profiles of each Committee Member on the ASCILITE website here.

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