Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

Innovation Award Winners

The ASCILITE Innovation and Excellence Awards was first introduced in 2011. In 2015, the name of the award was changed from the “Innovation & Excellence Award” to the “Innovation Award”. The Innovation award aims to recognise innovative projects and initiatives undertaken by a team of people in support of the exemplary and research informed use of technologies for learning and teaching in tertiary education. Below are details of all past Innovation Award winners from 2011 to the present.

If you are looking for current year award nomination forms you will find those here.


There were 2 winners of this award:

  • Ashley Howard Kerr, Lyn Campbell, Stephen McKenzie, Ashley Hillsley, Amber Moore, Trent Naylor, Nijel Ratonel, Kaveh Tabar Heydar, Lidia Bier (Torrens University) for their work “Designing for Innovation in Psychological Science: A Technology-Enhanced Learning Pathway”
  • Joel Moore, Amna Mazeh, Jo Blannin, Rosemarie I Herbert, Guilherme Horst Duque, Emily Stokes, Angelina Lim, Lisa Barker, Li Ling Yeap, Helmy Cook, Bethany Howard (Monash University) for their work “ATLAS (Authentic Teaching and Learning Application Simulations)”


  • Lauren Humby, Trisha Poole, Alex Charchar (University of Southern Queensland) for their work “Emoji reactions: An innovative solution for garnering immediate student feedback in an online educational context“.


There were 3 winners of this award:

  • Sathana Dushyanthen, Kayley Lyons, Wendy Chapman, Douglas Pires, Daniel Capurro, Kathleen Gray, Professor Graeme Hart, Meg Perrier, Kit Huckvale, Chris McMaster, Meredith Layton, Mahima Kalla, Kara Burns (University of Melbourne) for their work “The Hitchhiker’s guide to Jupyter notebooks: innovative cross-disciplinary informatics learning for digital health enthusiasts
  • Kelly Linden, Neil Van der Ploeg, Sarah Teakel, Noelia Roman, Ben Hicks (Charles Sturt University) for their work “Retention @ Charles Sturt
  • Nikki Donald, Nijel Ratonel, Carlos Dominguez Ortega, Kaveh Tabar Heydar, Alisha Albright, Jaki Walker, Russell Ponting, Yan Pothin (Torrens University) for their work “Virtual Design Studio


  • Laura Tubino with Julien Ugon, Kerri Morgan, Simon James and Andrew Cain from Deakin University for Lifelong learning through mathematics.
  • Samantha Clarke (University of Sydney) for Modular Professional Learning Framework.


  • Marla S Burrow (Massey University) for Batman: The Online Clinical Classroom
  • Preet Singh (Massey University) for Leveraging technology for virtual learning experiences
  • Grace Y Qi and Kevan Loke (Massey University) for Scavenger Hunt Game: Chinese Language Camp – student interventions to increase student engagement


  • Shamim Joarder (Macquarie University) for iLearn Insights; creating an application to facilitate data driven student interventions to increase student engagement.
  • Brent Gregory and Lisa Harris (University of New England) for On-Demand Assessment supported by Progression Pipeline Learning Environment.
  • Christian Moro (Bond University) for the development of physiology and anatomy digital learning modules that enhance student learning, engagement and participation in health sciences and medicine.


  • Dr Maggie Hartnett and Dr Peter Rawlins (Massey University) for Professional Inquiry – Researcher Training & Development Course.
  • Simone Tyrell (Project Lead), Leanne Ngo, Kerrie Bridson, Michael Volkov, Sharon Chua, Ellyse Mitchell (Deakin University) for their Professional Literacy Suite.
  • Melissa Fanshawe (University of Southern Queensland) for Fostering a positive maths mindset for learning through technology-based sense of presence.


  • Prasad Iyer of Singapore Institute of Technology with Cheow Wean Sin and Lim Kok Hwa for Chem Quest – An Adaptive Pre-Freshman Online Chemistry Course.
  • Erica Southgate of University of Newcastle with Shamus P. Smith for The literacy apps project: Serious games and information apps to improve adult literacy.
  • Colin Warren, Peter Bright, Sarah Burgess and Karen D’souza of Deakin University for their cARdiac ECG Augmented Reality App.


  • Danny Liu for the University of Sydney with Prof Adam Bridgeman, Zinnia Sahukar, Dr Mel Keep, Kevin Samnick, Ruth Weeks, A/Prof Abelardo Pardo, Dr Kathryn Bartimote-Aufflick, A/Prof Charlotte Taylor for The Student Relationship Engagement System.
  • Sasha Nikolic for the University of Wollongong with Christian Ritz, Farzad Safaei, Tom Goldfinch, Wanqing Li, Mark J.W. Lee (Charles Sturt University) for Improving Transnational and Industry-supported Student Engagement Through Immersive Videoconferencing in a 3D Virtual Environment.
  • (Highly Commended) James Oldfield for Unitec Institute of Technology with Karen Haines, JJ Purton Jones, Lisa Simperingham, Wayne Sebalja, Ken Liu, Sarah Kirk, Linda Keesing-Styles, Simon Nash for Supporting teachers in new collaborative learning spaces.
  • (Commended) Lisa Tee for Curtin University with Kate Rodgers for MyCourseMap: Making curriculum visible through a multidimensional interactive map to engage students in learning outcomes and career relevance.


  • Brent Gregory for the University of New England’s Instant Feedback Accounting Practice Set.
  • Leopold Bayerlein & Naomi McGrath for the University of New England’s Balancing Life – A Virtual Internship for Accounting Education.
  • Helen Farley, Sharron Dove, Stephen Seymour, Chris Lee, John MacDonald, Anita Ryle, Susan Hopkins, Jared Wright, Kyle Murphy, Jacinta Cox, Louise Patching, Tracey Eastment and Catherine Abraham for the University of Southern Queensland’s Making the connection: Improving Access to Higher Education for Low Socio-Economic Status Students with ICT Limitation.


  • (Commended) Helen Carter, Elaine Huber, Fiona Nicolson, Lucy Arthur and Maria D’Addiego-Kettle for Macquarie University’s Faculty Partnership Program.
  • (Commended) John P Egan, Aran Sisley, Lynne Bye, Michelle Honey, Dianne Marshall, Adam Blake, Jill Yielder, Fiona Moir, Roger Booth and Mark Barrow for the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Medical and Health Science E-Portfolio Project.
  • (Commended) Anthea Leggett, Trish Andrews, Dominic McGrath, Joshua Darrah, Tania Ryan and Safie Khan for the University of Queensland’s ITALI Flipped Classroom Initiative.


  • Dr Helen Farley, Australian Digital Futures Institute, University of Southern Queensland, along with Serco Asia Pacific and Queensland Corrective Services for their project From Access to Success: Improving the higher education learning experience for students without Internet access.


  • Professor Mike Keppell, Associate Professor Merilyn Childs and Carole Hunter from the Flexible Learning Institute, Charles Sturt University for their project The Flexible Learning Institute Teaching Fellowship.
  • Dr Sandi Shillington, Andrea Mackay, Dr Shelley Paewai and Professor Mark Brown from the Distance Education and Learning Futures Alliance, Massey University for their project A Student Success Framework: Tools for Distance Learners Over Initial Stages of the Study Lifecycle.


  • Simon McIntyre and Karin Watson, The University of New South Wales for their project, Learning to Teach Online Project
  • (Commended) Philip Paasuke, Dr Grace Lynch, Lyn Atkinson, Sachin Dua and Jessica Robertson, Open Universities of Australia for their project, Engaging Learners in Online Discussion (ELOD).

A number of different awards were offered by ASCILITE prior to the introduction of the Innovation and Excellence Award. Previous award winners from earlier award categories (1996 – 2008) may be found in the archives.

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