Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Final call for EOIs for the ASCILITE 2020 Community Mentoring Program

This is a reminder that applications for those interested in becoming either a mentor or a mentee in the 2020 Community Mentoring Program are due 1 February 2020.   If you are interested in the CMP, but would like further information before deciding, a webinar explaining the program was conducted on 23 January 2020 that explains how the CMP works and the expectations of mentors and mentees. The video recording (42 minutes) is available here.    You can also find-out more about the CMP and download application forms by visiting the ASCILITE website here.

New TELall blog post on digital equity; a social justice issue for staff too

In our latest blog post, Dr Julie Willems discusses the factors which impact staff adoption and acceptance of technology for teaching and learning. New technology acceptance and adoption rates by staff varies, and the reasons behind this need to be carefully interrogated. Digital participation and access is not a level playing field.

Read the full blog post here.

Call-out for Proposals to Host the 2021, 2022 or 2023 ASCILITE Conference

ASCILITE is seeking expressions of interest from institutions that may be interested in forming a conference organizing committee to host either the 2021, 2022 or 2023 ASCILITE annual conference.

ASCILITE conferences are a central aspect of ASCILITE and provide opportunities for delegates to meet with international and national peers to exchange ideas, research and practice in educational technology.  They also provide a forum for the presentation of refereed papers, short concise papers, symposiums, posters and workshops. The conferences also provide memorable opportunities for social interaction and networking.

There are a number of expectations of conference organizing committee proposals and conference planning, including:

  1. Justification for the conference location and a brief explanation as to why the proposed venue would attract delegates.
  2. Identification of strategies for marketing and attracting 300 – 400 delegates to the conference.
  3. Ongoing communication and collaboration with the ASCILITE Executive.

The deadline for proposals is Monday 6 April 2020 although preliminary proposals are welcome prior to that date. As a first step, potential conference organizers should read the ASCILITE Hosting Proposal Guidelines, and review the Hosting Proforma and then contact the ASCILITE Secretariat or the ASCILITE President (Chris Campbell) with any questions.

Since the geographical location of the conference is an important consideration, you may wish to view past conference locations on the ASCILITE website here. The 2020 conference is being hosted by the University of New England in Armidale, NSW, Australia.

ASCILITE Welcomes New Members

ASCILITE welcomes the 86 delegates who attended the annual conference in Singapore and opted to join ASCILITE. This includes 29 members from Singapore, 47 from Australia, 6 from New Zealand, 3 from Denmark and one from India.  If you are one of those delegates, your membership is now active.  Check-out this page for ways to get involved in ASCILITE.

In addition to individual membership, ASCILITE now has 22 institutional members with the recent additions of the University of Sydney (Business School) and the University of Canberra.  Institutional members select and nominate a designated number of staff members to their membership.  Contact the ASCILITE Secretariat for further information:

  • AUT University
  • Charles Darwin University
  • CQ University
  • Deakin University
  • Flinders University
  • Griffith University
  • La Trobe University
  • Lincoln University
  • Macquarie University
  • Massey University, New Zealand
  • Monash University
  • Open Polytechnic, New Zealand
  • Southern Cross University
  • University of Canberra
  • University of New England
  • University of Notre Dame
  • University of Wollongong
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Southern Queensland
  • University of Sydney (School of Business)
  • University of Western Australia
  • UTS Insearch

Calling all AJET authors and reviewers

The AJET Editors are calling for all authors and reviewers currently registered with the journal to update their AJET profile. In particular you are asked to check for old email addresses and institution and keywords. Please include your ORCID. You can login to the journal here.

ASCILITE Live! Webinar: Using modern technology to enhance the in-class learning experience, presented by ASCILITE Innovation Award Winner

Date & time: Friday, 14 February 10 – 11am AEST and 8 – 9am Singapore. You’ll find session start times for other time zones here.

Abstract: This session will introduce examples of how students are using technology and devices in Physiology and Anatomy, in a way that facilitates individualised experiences and enhances learning. Virtual and Augmented Reality, Serious Games, Holograms, Activities and other initiatives will be discussed, along with the research and evidence into their effectiveness.

Presenter: ASCILITE Innovation Award Winner, A/Prof Christian Moro, Bond University.

A/Professor Christian Moro has incorporated a range of technological tools to enhance student learning, including virtual and augmented reality, within his medical and biomedical classes. He is a former secondary science teacher with educational experience in Australia and the United Kingdom. Christian currently sits as the Science Lead of the Bond University Medical Program with his educational interest revolving around maximizing the provision of hands-on activities coupled with gamification and online content.

Christian is one of Australia’s most awarded tertiary academics, and in 2019 alone received the Australian Teaching Excellence Award (AAUT, AOLT & Universities Australia), The Australian Financial Review Higher Education Award, the Physiology Society’s David Jordan Teaching Award (UK) and the ASCILITE Innovation Award.

Registration: You can register for this webinar here.  Pre-registration allows us to send you a friendly reminder and a link to the session recording, should you be unable to attend.

Link Sharing: Please share this link with colleagues who may be interested in attending the session.  ASCILITE webinars are open to members and non-members at no cost.


Call for Submissions to the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE)

The organizers of ICICTE 2020 are pleased to invite submissions for plenary session presentations, workshops and poster presentations to ICICTE 2020, which will be returning to the island where it all started 20 years ago, Samos, 2 – 4 July 2020.

As always, the conference aims to address the many challenges relating to the use of technology in the pedagogical environment, and we encourage submissions from researchers developing new technologies, examining the application of technology to all forms of education and training, researching pedagogical practice or the effects of integrating ICT into the curriculum.

The conference accepts submissions relating to all aspects of ICT in Education, and the general themes can be found on the ICICTE website. Papers on other themes related to technology in education will also be considered.

ICICTE has run annually since 2000, and following in the tradition of previous ICICTE conferences, ICICTE 2020 will bring together an international community of scholars and practitioners in a forum setting. Opportunities for discussion on current thinking and practices in applications of technology to education are enhanced by the limited number of participants.

Proposals must be submitted by February 14, 2020. Each proposal will be double-blind peer reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee. Notification of acceptance will be sent by February 20, 2020.

Completed manuscripts must be submitted by March 29, 2020 and will also be double-blind peer reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee. Comments will be forwarded to the authors, and final manuscripts, with editorial changes, must be received by April 24, 2020.  Papers presented at the conference will be published in the proceedings of the conference. The proceedings will have an ISBN, and will be listed in the British Library and EBSCO. Various journals also show interest in expanded selected papers from ICICTE.

The conference’s social programs have always brought Greek hospitality to the fore of our meetings and discussions. This year’s social program includes the opening night reception, the closing ‘Greek Night’ dinner, and two lunches. The gorgeous, historical environment, the limited number of participants, and the intimate setting allow attendees to develop associations that extend into post-conference activities.

For more information, please email the Conference Director, Mrs. Nancy Pyrini or visit the ICICTE website.

EDEN 2020 Annual Conference Call for Contributions: Human and AI for the society of the future

EDEN (European Distance & eLearning Network) is pleased to announce its 29th Annual Conference, hosted by the Politehnica University of Timisoara on 21 – 24 June 2020 in Timisoara, Romania. The Conference will benefit from the cultural and digital environment of the city of Timisoara, as it celebrates creativity and innovation as the 2021 European Capital of Culture as the Politehnica University of Timisoara commemorates its first century of academic excellence.

Contributions are invited which resulted from own research, project achievements, case studies, theoretic and conceptual work in paper, poster, synergy, training, workshop / panel discussion session and demonstration / technical presentation formats.

The call for contributions deadline is 10 February 2020. For full details visit the website here.

Job Vacancy: Academic Developer (Teaching Specialist Academic), Flinders University

Flinders University is offering a continuing, full time position (Academic Level B) with a primary focus on teaching and teaching-related activities, support for curriculum development and teaching which supports student learning, and the development of teaching skills of academic staff.

For full details, visit Jobs @ Flinders here.

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Institutional Members