Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Reminder: Please vote in the Executive Committee Elections

If you have not already voted for your preferred nominees to serve on the ASCILITE Executive Committee, please do so before the poll closes on 24 October.

ASCILITE members who were current at the time were emailed a private link to the poll on 10 October so please refer to that email if you would like to cast your vote.

ASCILITE Executive Committee members perform critical volunteer roles that ensure the society remains a sustainable, vibrant and relevant tertiary education community. As an ASCILITE community member, we hope that you will cast your vote in order to ensure the continuing success of the peak professional body for digital learning and teaching in Australasia.

This year, members are voting for 3 available non-office bearer positions on the committee. Five nominations were received for these positions, including one nomination from a current committee member Hazel Jones and four new nominees, Sandra Barker, David Porter, KwongNui Sim and Michael Cowling.

Unfortunately, we cannot issue additional voting links at this stage so you must refer to the email you received on 10 October in order to vote. The polling system also prevents duplicate votes so you may only vote once and you cannot return to the poll a second time to edit your vote so please choose carefully.

The results of the ballot will be announced at the ASCILITE AGM on Tuesday, 3 December at the 2019 ASCILITE Conference. Results will also be published in the member bulletin.

ASCILITE 2019 Early Bird Registration ends today! Register now

The conference Early Bird registration ends today. You can register for the conference here.  In addition to an early draft conference program available here, the conference organizing team has updated the information on pre-conference workshops that will be on offer in conjunction with the conference and you will find those details, including registration options here.

New TELall Blog: Shaping the learning landscape of tomorrow at ASCILITE 2019

In the latest blog post, the 2019 conference organizing committee asks this year’s keynotes a question on how they will be exploring the theme of shaping the learning landscape of tomorrow at the ASCILITE 2019 conference through their presentations, namely “Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining”, “Pedagogy-informed Design of New Educational Technology” and “Using Technology to Enhance Team-Based Learning”.

The conference keynotes included in the interview are Professor Koh Hian Chye (Professor and Director Business Intelligence & Analytics at the Singapore University of Social Sciences), Professor Mike Sharples (Emeritus Professor of Educational Technology in the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, UK) and Professor Sandy Cook (Senior Associate Dean at Duke-NUS Medical School).

You’ll find the interviews on the TELall website here.  There is also a link at the end of the post which provides further details from the keynotes on the ideas behind their conference presentations.

ASCILITE Live! Webinar: Open Networked Learning – a course, a community and an approach

Open Networked Learning (ONL) is an open online course organized by Alastair Creelman (Linnaeus University), Maria Kvarnström (Karolinska Institutet), Jörg Pareigis (Karlstad University), Lars Uhlin (Karolinska Institutet and Linköping University) and Lotta Åbjörnsson (Lund University) in collaboration with colleagues at other universities in Sweden and abroad. The course is aimed at teachers, course designers, educational developers and educational technologists in higher education. It offers opportunities to explore the potential of open networked learning with colleagues from around the world in a multidisciplinary and cross-cultural context and builds on problem based learning.

The course is a truly connected course, which makes use of an innovative digital learning environme nt particularly designed for the course in WordPress and other social media tools such as Twitter. During the webinar, two of the course organizers as well as former participants will share their experiences, learnings and challenges from organizing and participating in ONL, a course, a community, an approach.


Lars Uhlin works as an Educational Developer at Karolinska Institutet and Linköping university as well as Mälardalen university. He has a background in Nursing and has long experience of Health Care Education and Problem-based learning (PBL). For the last 20 years he has worked with educational development in different settings both on the national and international arena. He is also coordinating a national/nordic network for PBL and is a member of steering group for the swedish network for Information Technology in Higher Education (ITHU). Some of Lars’ main focus areas are professional development and educational design within a framework of problem based-, interprofessional- and online learning.

Jörg Pareigis is Head of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at Karlstad University, where he is also Assistant Professor in Business Administration and researcher at CTF, Service Research Center. In addition to his role as program manager of the International Business program, he leads the externally funded WISR16 and WISR17 course development projects. The purpose of the projects is to develop open online graduate courses for professionals in the private and public sector based on strategically important research centres at Karlstad University.

Date & Time

Thursday 31 October 2019, 6pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time and 8am in Stockholm. You will find other time zones for the session here.

How to Register

You can register for this webinar here. Login details for the session will be emailed to you and pre-registration will allow us to send you a reminder prior to the event.

Invitation to participate in the 2019 ASCILITE SIG Survey

ASCILITE is asking members of ASCILITE Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to participate in it’s biannual SIG survey so if you are a member of an ASCILITE SIG and you haven’t already taken the survey, you’ll find a link to the survey below.

The survey is designed for SIG members to ensure that ASCILITE SIGs remain relevant to their members. It will also help ASCILITE and the SIG leaders better understand your needs within ASCILITE SIGs.

If you are a member of more than one SIG, you are welcome to complete one survey for each of them, but if you only have the time to complete one survey, then please choose the SIG that you have the most familiarity with.

If one of the SIGs you are a member of is the Learning Design SIG, please note that this year it has not been included in the survey, so please do not answer any questions (except for Q1) in relation to the LD-SIG.

You will find the survey here:

The closing date for the survey is 24 October 2019.

Transforming Assessment (e-Assessment) SIG News


Next session: TeSLA: multifactor verification for online assessment, 6 November 2019

This session looks at the TeSLA project. A large, European Union funded project to develop a suite of embedded e-authentication tools for online assessment. The session explores what we did and what we learned and the presenter is Chris Edwards (Institute of Educational Technology, Open University, UK).

For further information and to register for this session, visit the website here.

Are typed and handwritten exams equivalent?

A recording of the webinar presented onn 2 October 2019 and facilitated by Elizabeth (Liz) Masterman and Jill Fresen (University of Oxford, UK) is now available. This session covered the issue of moving from handwritten to typed essay-based exams, the salient issue from an academic perspective is equivalence. Taking evidence from the research literature as its starting-point, this seminar explored whether the cognitive processes in, and intellectual outputs of, typed exams can be considered equivalent to those of handwritten exams. If they are not equivalent, what are the implications for the future of exams in tertiary education? The recording is available here.


Free online events: European Distance Learning Week, 11-15 November 2019

EDEN is hosting the fourth year of the European Distance Learning Week (EDLW) in cooperation with the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) and its Special Partner for 2019, the Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA).

During the European Distance Learning Week, you will have access to daily online webinars and panel sessions of expert scholars and practitioners presenting a variety of cutting edge open and online learning topics, from innovations in design to open educational research.  You will find the full schedule of events here.

Participation is free and open but don’t forget to register, as EDEN will issue open badges to acknowledge and appreciate your participation at these events. All webinar will take place in EDEN’s Adobe Connect room.

You will also find additional events for USDLA’s National Distance Learning Week on 4-8 November on the NDLW website here.

Scholarships Available through the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Deakin University

The Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Portfolio of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education, Deakin University has two scholarships to be awarded in 2019. One is a cotutelle in conjunction with the University of Copenhagan; and the other is a domestic scholarship in assessment in higher education. Please find two links for the PhD scholarship opportunities below for your attention.

Learning in data-intensive clinical environments Scholarship

The link for this scholarship is here.

This is a Cotutelle project with the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The candidate will be jointly supervised by researchers from Deakin University and University of Copenhagen and graduate with a joint PhD from both institutions. It is anticipated that the PhD candidate will be available to spend at least six months across the candidature at the University of Copenhagen.

All initial enquiries can be made to Associate Professor Margaret Bearman by email or phone on 9246-8168

Assessment in Higher Education Scholarship

The link for this scholarship is here.

This is a scholarship open to domestic candidates. The successful scholarship applicant will work on a project that aligns with one or more of CRADLE’s research program areas as outlined in Project Aims as described in the link. The successful student will work with researchers in the Centre in the area of ‘Assessment in Higher Education’ and will have a variety of topics to consider. The domestic student will be based at Deakin Downtown.

All initial enquiries can be made to Associate Professor Phillip Dawson by email or phone on 9244-5259

Job Vacancy: Associate Professor (Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education, The University of Melbourne

  • Job no: 0049304
  • Work type: Continuing
  • Location: Parkville (Melbourne), Australia
  • Division/Faculty: Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
  • Salary: AUD151,868 – AUD167,312 (Level D) + 17% superannuation

The Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE) is a global leader in teaching and education research, offering challenging courses, world-changing research and contemporary learning spaces.

About the role

The Associate Professor (Technology-Enhanced Learning in Higher Education) is located in the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education (Melbourne CSHE) in the MGSE.  The position will contribute to research, teaching, professional development and evaluation activities in the area of technology-enhanced learning at the University of Melbourne, including blended, fully online learning, mobile learning and learning analytics. This is a critical role for the University in improving the quality of learning, teaching and assessment and enhancing the student experience through the use of contemporary and emerging technologies for supporting learning.

About you

As the successful applicant, you will:

  • Lead the professional development of University staff in this area through programs and activities run by the Melbourne CSHE, often in conjunction with colleagues from Learning Environments and academics from the faculties and schools. This will include teaching into a range of award courses, seminars, workshops, etc., on topics such as curriculum design for technology-enhanced learning, facilitating online learning, ensuring students’ digital engagement, online assessment, the use of e-portfolios and the educational potential of learning analytics. It may also include events and courses aimed at staff from other universities.
  • Support the Centre and its staff and students in understanding and utilising existing and emerging technologies.  You will also provide research-informed and evidence-based advice and guidance to the University in the area of technology-enhanced learning and support the implementation and operationalisation of the University’s strategy. This will involve the provision of research-informed and evidence-based advice and guidance in the area of technology-enhanced learning and supporting the University’s initiatives.
  • Have an excellent research profile in a field related to technology-supported learning in higher education, and will be expected to undertake programs of research and evaluation to align with the strategic priorities of the Melbourne CSHE, the MGSE and the University.


  • Maximise your benefits through our Salary Packaging scheme;
  • Flexible family friendly policies, providing generous leave and working conditions;
  • Working for one of Australia’s top Universities;
  • Growing your expertise and innovative thinking in an environment that leaves an impact; and
  • The opportunity to work in a culturally rich environment.

To find out more, go to


University is a vibrant campus. We have well established clubs and networks giving the opportunity to engage and collaborate with other staff around the University. We strive to create an environment where staff and students promote culturally inclusive behaviour and activities, ensure cultural differences are heard and explored, and actively seek to learn from other cultures.

How to Apply

Your complete application will include a Cover Letter, address of the Selection Criteria and your CV. For information to assist you with compiling short statements to answer the selection criteria, please go here. To ensure the University provides a safe environment for children, this position requires the incumbent to hold a current and valid Working with Children Check.

For full details and to apply visit the website here.  The applications closing date is 15 Nov 2019 11:55 PM AEDT.

Job Vacancy, Manager Learning and Innovation, Swinburne University of Technology

  • Join Swinburne University’s Learning Transformations Unit
  • Full time, fixed term position until 2024 at our Hawthorn campus
  • HEW 9: $113,834 – $120,559 + 17% superannuation

Provide guidance to promote, develop and maintain a contemporary and innovative learning culture at Swinburne University of Technology.

About the Job

In this exciting role, you will take responsibility for our Learning Technology Innovations projects and team. Working under broad direction, you will develop, implement and review the strategy of the Learning Innovation area, ensuring alignment with the Swinburne Learning & Teaching Strategy and IT Systems strategic plan. As a part of this role, you will be expected to provide broad oversight of the Learning Technology team, and the development of the University approach to online offerings.

This role will build and maintain strong relationships with strategic partners and product/technology vendors, to leverage existing and emerging technologies for enhancing the student experience and success. This position provides leadership in using data-driven approaches, including exploring the use of learning analytics, to ensure innovative and effective blended and online learning experiences for our students in pursuit of Swinburne 2025 goals.

About Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne is a multi-sector university of science, technology and innovation with more than 54,000 students and 5,000 staff globally. We offer postgraduate, undergraduate, vocational education and online education to provide students with a variety of work-relevant pathways. Our mission is to be a world-class university, creating economic and social impact through science, technology and innovation. We aim to deliver future-ready learners, research with impact and innovative enterprise.

About you

To be successful in the role, you will have:

  • A postgraduate qualification and relevant experience in the areas of learning technologies, learning design and development in the tertiary education sector or an equivalent combination of relevant education/ training and experience
  • Demonstrated leadership experience, combined with the proven ability to exercise considerable expertise and initiative and assume responsibility for the development and implementation of strategies and/ or major initiatives and projects that lead to positive change
  • Extensive tertiary education experience in technology enhanced learning, blended and online modes of learning, and building a culture of learning innovation
  • Strong stakeholder management experience, with the proven ability and confidence to communicate effectively with a diverse range of stakeholders including senior managers, teaching and learning practitioners and external vendors

A full list of selection criteria is available within the position description.


  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Enjoy 50% study fee reduction
  • Participate in regular staff and management development programs
  • Paid parental leave for primary caregivers and secondary caregivers

To find out more about the extensive range of benefits offered to Swinburne employees please visit Employee Benefits

How to apply and further information

Please submit your application by clicking on the ‘Apply’ link, and submit a resume, cover letter and a response to the Key Selection Criteria, as listed in the position description. For further information about this position, contact Charlotte Brack (Director, Learning Transformations Unit (Acting)) on

Should you require further support for an interview due to special needs or consideration, please email our Diversity Consultant, Dr Walter Robles. For support or queries related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment, please contact

If you are experiencing technical difficulties with your application, please email the recruitment team.

Swinburne is a large and culturally diverse organisation. We are proud to be recognised by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency as an Employer of Choice for women for 10 years in a row and of key initiatives such as our Pride@Swinburne Strategic Action Plan and our Reconciliation Action Plan. Equity and diversity are integral to our 2025 vision to be a world class university creating social and economic impact through science, technology and innovation.

For further information and a position description, visit Swinburne’s job site.

Applications close at 5pm, Sunday, 3 November 2019.

Job Vacancies: 5 Educational Designer positions, Monash University

The Faculty of Engineering at Monash University empowers education innovation through an advanced program of educational design. We support academic staff to design teaching that is engaging, learner centred and uses evidence based leading practice approaches.

With major programs of work starting in 2020 including new courses, the Woodside Building for Technology and Design and new educational technologies, it’s an exciting time to be at Engineering in Monash.

We are offering 5 ongoing positions in the faculty to support this ambitious body of work. Experienced educational designers, educational technologists, learning designers and educators are encouraged to apply. STEM focus is an advantage, but many transferable skills are valued in the team.

Please visit the Monash jobs website to apply. The closing for applications is 11:55pm on 27 October 2019.

Call for Papers & Proposals – iLRN 2020: 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network

ILRN 2020, takes place 21 – 25 June, 2020, in San Luis Obispo, California, USA and is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Education Society with proceedings to be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore.   The conference theme is “Vision 20/20: Hindsight, Insight, and Foresight in XR and Immersive Learning”

The Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) is a burgeoning global network of researchers and practitioners collaborating to develop the scientific, technical, and applied potential of immersive learning. Its annual conference is the premier scholarly event focusing on advances in the use of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and other extended reality (XR) technologies to support learners and learning.

Leading scholars and professionals operating in formal education settings as well as those representing diverse industry sectors will converge on the historic and picturesque coastal city of San Luis Obispo, California for iLRN 2020, where they will share their research findings, experiences, and insights; network and establish partnerships to envision and shape the future of XR and immersive technologies for learning; and contribute to the emerging scholarly knowledge base on how these technologies can be used to create experiences that educate, engage, and excite learners.

The full CFP available at: (PDF), (HTML).

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