Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


TELedvisors SIG webinar: Enabling HyFlex teaching work behind the scenes

Date and time: Thursday 29 July, 12 noon AEST

Concurrent synchronous face-to-face and online teaching (commonly called HyFlex but going by many names) has exploded this year as institutions continue to adapt to COVID-19. It represents one of the most significant changes to learning and teaching practice since flipped classrooms and as we approach the start of a new semester, it seems timely to talk about the different ways that HyFlex is supported by edvisors in institutions and the lessons that have been learned so far.

Join us as academic developers, learning designer and education technologist share their stories.

  • Courtney Shalavin, Sandris Zeviots and Elaine Huber, three members of the Sydney Uni Business Co-design team will talk to us about their hybrid spaces and will share top tips (or lessons learned?) from  their staff support sessions including some design examples.
  • Michael Crocco (Learning Designer in the Faculty of Engineering, Monash University) will talk about guiding team work and applied learning across the digital divide while maintaining equity for remote and on-campus students.
  • Kym Schutz (Educational Technologist at the University of Adelaide) is supporting the University of Adelaide Mixed Cohort Learning pilot in his role as an educational technologist in a number of ways. These includes testing the new bespoke technologies as well as supporting teacher-student logistics and teaching methodologies in this environment.

Join as at for the session.

Reminder: Business Education SIG webinar: To use live clients or not to use live clients? Insights from educators, students and live clients

Date and time: 27 July @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm AEST | 2pm Singapore/Hong Kong | 6pm Auckland | Other time zones

The ASCILITE Business Education SIG is delighted to invite you to their webinar in which Ms Audrea Warner (University of Auckland) and a panel of students  will share insights from their experience working with live clients on a Masters level marketing course. This webinar will provide perspectives from not only the educator but also  students and live clients. It will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of group work involving a live client. In this form of student enhanced learning, students are challenged to actively synthesize and integrate what they read, bridging the gap between theoretical material learnt in the course and creating practical integrated marketing communication campaigns. The webinar will also consider student perspectives through a panel of past alumni, who have completed the ‘live client group project’, explore what the presenter has learnt as an educator from using this form of assessment and provide feedback from past live clients.


Audrea Warner is a Professional Teaching Fellow in the Graduate School of Management, University of Auckland. She has over 17 years of teaching experience in Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management and Marketing. Audrea feels a strong sense of responsibility to engage, enlighten, and empower her students both now and for the future. She wants her students to learn from the past, be proactive in the present and work for a better tomorrow. She is co-leading ASCILITE’s Business Education SIG.

Student panel members

Haoran Yu, Master of Management graduate with a Marketing specialisation. Haoran now works as the Social Media and Marketing Manager at Dacxi. Adeli Lim, Master of Management graduate with a Marketing specialisation. Adeli now works as Associate Product Manager in Optiflow Airvo Marketing. Angela Favis, Master of Management graduate with a Marketing specialisation. Angela now works as a retail marketing specialist at Mitre 10 NZ.

Session login

Login to the session here.

ASCILITE Special Interest Groups

Did you know ASCILITE has 8 diverse Special Interest Groups that members can join at any time?  Select the one that interests you to find out more:

Invitation to attend ASCILITE Meeting

Date and time: 13 August @ 9:45am AEST | 7:45am Singapore/Hong Kong | 11:45am Auckland | Other time zones

The ASCILITE Executive is calling for a Special Meeting of members to consider and vote on proposed amendments to the ASCILITE constitution. Normally, such proposals would be considered at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which takes place during the ASCILITE conference.  However, due to the nature of the proposed amendments, the Executive wishes to effect these changes in time for the annual election of Executive Committee members in October.  All current ASCILITE members are invited to attend the online meeting and cast their vote on the proposed changes. If you would like to attend the 20 minute meeting, please RSVP here by Friday 31 July.

You will find full details on the proposed changes on the ASCILITE website here.

2021 Members Survey is coming soon

The 2021 ASCILITE Membership survey will be distributed via the Qualtrics survey platform and all members will receivec their invitation via email on Tuesday 3 August 2021. Invitations will be sent to the address we have on record. The link to the survey is specific to you. Please note that email filters may divert your survey invitation. If you do not receive the invitation, check your junk mail filters. Alternately, grant permissions to the following domain:

ASCILITE conducts the Members Survey every 2 – 3 years to obtain feedback from the membership regarding the value of ASCILITE services, initiatives and related activities. The data collected from this survey is also used to inform the Society’s strategic and operational plans for the years ahead. Survey results will be distributed through the fortnightly bulletin, website and other means. ASCILITE last conducted the member survey in 2018.


EdTechPosium is back for 2021!

Join us Tuesday, 21 September 2021 for the one-day education technology conference EdTechPosium, This in-person event is a networking and learning opportunity for education technologists, learning designers, developers, teachers, librarians, higher education professionals and education businesses. Held in the beautiful Snow Centre at Canberra Grammar School, you won’t want to miss this chance to learn from colleagues and share ideas.

A Whole New World

The genie is out of the bottle! This past year has led to titanic shifts in how online learning is used across Australia and around the world. What does the education technology landscape look like now? How has it changed teaching and learning – and our practice as professionals? We’d like to hear from you. Let’s gather together as a community and share strategies, research, and practices, and discuss how we can shape this new environment.

Submissions now open!

We are now inviting submissions for workshops, presentations, and practice sharing sessions for EdTechPosium. Submissions close Monday, 16 August 2021 which you can upload here.

Register to attend

Registrations are now open! The ticket price includes access to all sessions, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner. The inclusive ticket cost is $90. You can register here.

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