Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE 2022 Registrations Live

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Call for Papers for ASCILITE 2022 extended closing date

The call for papers for the 2022 ASCILITE conference now has an extended closing date of 23 July 2022.  Details are provided on the  conference website including submission types, sub-themes and presentation formats. The submissions portal is now open to upload your papers.

Ready to Review! Preparing to peer-review for ASCILITE 2022

Date and Time: Monday, 25 July @ 12pm AEST | Singapore/Hong Kong 10am |  New Zealand 2pm | Other time zones

Register at

This workshop is designed to support you in the process of submitting high quality reviews for ASCILITE 2022. We will clarify expectations about the role, explore the conference themes and the criteria you will be using to complete your reviews, and discuss how to provide constructive feedback that will help authors to make their conference submissions the best that they can be. We will also point you to our resources that will ensure you are comfortable with how to submit your review in the Open Journal System (OJS).

Dr Stephanie Wilson is a member of the Submissions and Proceedings team for ASCILITE 2022. She is a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Director of Business Co-Design (BCD) at The University of Sydney Business School and a Senior Fellow (SFHEA) of Advance HE (UK). She is currently leading a team of educational developers working on a large strategic project addressing Connected Learning at Scale (CLaS) Her research spans peer learning, educational futures, studio learning, and the designed environment in higher education.

Dr Dewa Wardak is a member of the Submissions and Proceedings team for ASCILITE 2022. She is a Lecturer in Educational Development with Business Co-Design (BCD) at The University of Sydney Business School and a Fellow (FHEA) of Advance HE. With a background in learning sciences and technologies, Dewa explores broad areas of research including networked learning, meaningful learning experiences for students in higher education, multimodal approaches to the analysis of learning and teaching, and research ethics.

Melbourne EdTech Summit

Education Unlimited – Think Big, Drive Change, Transform Learning

8 & 9 August 2022 | Deakin Downtown

Celebrate Education Innovation with 2 days of bold ideas, discussion and debate. Reconnect with your peers and learn along with the industry’s big thinkers.

This is Australia’s premier education technology summit. A space for passionate educators, some of the greatest education technology companies, and education innovation experts from across Australia.

The 2-day pass includes a future-focused plenary featuring over 40 speakers and a networking reception.

Our friends at EduGrowth are extending the members rate to the ASCILITE community.

Normally $499, ASCILITE Discount $329 – a saving of $170.
Simply add the code ASCILITE at checkout.

Learn more

CRADLE Seminar Series

Programmatic assessment, hype or necessary development?

When: Tuesday 9 August 2022
Time: 2.00pm-3.30pm (AEDT)
Where: Online
Cost: This is a free event

Register Now

Please join the CRADLE Seminar Series to hear from Professor Lambert Schuwirth, Flinders University, on views of programmatic assessment. 

Programmatic assessment has gained popularity rapidly. That begs the question whether it is really a necessary development and an improvement to existing practices or just a fad that will disappear as rapidly as it has come. Whether programmatic assessment is the answer to the many problems with traditional assessment in modern education remains to be seen. It is certainly not a single method or a silver bullet, but it is a set of principles underlying assessment design. These principles seek to make assessment more meaningful for the provision of feedback and more credible in the support of high-stakes decisions.

Programmatic assessment is therefore not the same as assessment for learning, but the two have some logical links. In this presentation, I will explore how programmatic assessment addresses some of the major concerns with traditional assessments and how it therefore aligns better with current views on education.

Prof Lambert Schuwirth obtained his MD from Maastricht University. In 1991, he joined the Department of Educational Development and Research there, taking up various roles in student assessment: Chairman of the Inter-university and the Local Progress Test Review Committee, the OSCE Review Committee and the Case-based Testing Committee. Since the early 2000s, he has been Chair of the overall Taskforce on Assessment. He has been advisor on assessment to medical colleges in the Netherlands and the UK. In 2010, he chaired an international consensus group on educational research, the results of which were published in Medical Teacher. Since 2007, he has been a full-professor for Innovative Assessment at Maastricht University until 2019. In 2011, he was made a Strategic Professor for Medical Education at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia and is also the Chair of the Flinders University Prideaux Discipline of Clinical Education.


Educational Designer – Ongoing and Talent Pool

Closing Date: 11 pm, 19 July 2022

Reference no: 495524
Work type: Continuing – Full Time
Location: Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Wagga Wagga
Categories: Education and Training or Learning Support (i.e. Academic Skills, Educational Designers), Professional

  • Multiple positions available across our campus network
  • Work collaboratively with academic staff to design and deliver effective workshops and resources
  • Contribute to professional development activities for academic staff and the mentoring of staff

Application Requirements

Applicants are expected to apply online and address the selection criteria in the position description. If you experience difficulties applying online or for further information on completing the application process please visit our how to apply page or contact us.

Apply your expertise in curriculum design and renewal, assessment design, online and blended pedagogy and learning technologies to course and subject design.

Support academic staff by working collaboratively with design and media teams to design, develop and deliver learning activities and resources.

This position would ideally suit an individual with experience in early childhood, primary, secondary, or adult education learning contexts with associated experience in curriculum design and resource creation.

We have a number of permanent positions to fill and an eligibility list/ talent pool will be created to fill a number of expected upcoming fixed term and project based roles.

To be successful you will have:

  • A degree, normally with at least four years subsequent relevant experience or equivalent
  • Experience in collaborative approaches to learning design and development
  • Demonstrated experience in the design of learning activities, resources and assessments
  • High level interpersonal skills with ability to liaise and negotiate with a range of people
  • Experience in project design, delivery and management of processes
  • Excellent problem solving skills with the ability to work within well defined timelines

Further Information

Additional information is available in the Position Description or by contacting:

Associate Professor David Smith | Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor, Learning and Teaching | | Ph: 0431 544 796

ALT Annual Conference 2022, 6-8 September 2022, Manchester, UK

Earlybird registration is now open for the ALT Annual Conference 2022 and this year ALT is offering both hybrid registration and online registration options. Members of ALT (including Associate Members) are eligible for a substantial discount.

Conference themes

  • Digital transformation beyond the crisis
  • Co-creation with learners:
  • Emerging leadership for a new strategic vision
  • Developing Digital Fluency
  • AmplifyFE

Read more about the conference themes and register on the ALT (UK) website.

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