Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


TELedvisor SIG Webinar: Enhancing digital equity – a shift in learning and teaching perspectives

Date: 19 July
Time: 12pm
Presenters: Dr Justine Maldon, Michelle Pedlow, Daniel Gilogley

The learning and teaching team at Edith Cowan University’s School of Nursing and Midwifery has partnered with postgraduate students to enhance their success. Together they have implemented various initiatives within the postgraduate curriculum, including online and multimodal learning activities, resources, and programs. These efforts were driven by anecdotal evidence suggesting that some students in this diverse cohort lacked essential digital literacy skills and this was impacting their progress. The shift to online learning during the pandemic further accentuated the issue, especially for postgraduate students returning to study after a break and from equity groups. Hence, the team’s objective was to support students to self-evaluate and enhance their academic and digital literacies via online platforms and through fostering constructive peer-to-peer and student-staff relationships. The team created a self-assessment tool for students to gain a clear understanding of their academic and digital literacy expectations and assess their current levels. This tool also provided valuable data for staff to understand students’ preparedness for their postgraduate studies. The team will share the initial findings of their research project, exploring strategies to empower staff and promote a sense of agency that can improve learning opportunities for all students. They will also discuss scalable approaches to ensure that staff are prepared to teach and support students effectively.

For more information please see the event on ASCILITE calendar here.

Register here.

ASCILITE LD SIG Hackathon webinar 2

Date: 28 July
Time: 12pm – 1:30pm  AEST

All information can be found here.

This webinar series is open to all. If you enjoy doing hands-on and want to work on a learning design problem with colleagues from Australasia, this webinar series if for you

ASCILITE OEP SIG Webinar #5: New research: The lived experience of open educational resources (OER) creator-practitioners

Date: 18 July
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm AESTThis presentation will outline new research on the lived experience of creator-practitioners of open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices (OEP) in United States (U.S.) higher education institutions. Vygotsky and Bruner’s constructivist theories guide this study as they describe both the cognitive and social aspects of content creation.

Participants in the study included eleven current instructors from colleges and universities across the U.S. who have used and created their own OER, and engaged in OEP in at least one of their courses. Through hermeneutical phenomenological research design, collecting qualitative data through journal entries, artifact analysis, and semi-structured interviews, three themes were revealed.


  • Alex Wanstrath (Instructional Design and Technology Ph.D., Liberty University (Virginia, United States), School of Education)

Registration and details

Find the latest news from the OEP SIG here.

TELAS Reviewer Certification workshop (online) coming up

The Technology Enhanced Learning Accreditation Standards (TELAS) are a set of internationally benchmarked standards designed to assess the quality of online learning, particularly in relation to the tertiary sector. They provide institutions with the means to assess and evaluate the affordances of their online learning environments and thereby guide quality enhancements.

The next TELAS Reviewer Certification Workshop is now open for registration.

Location: The workshop will be conducted fully online via Zoom.
Date: Thursday 27th July & Friday 28th July,
Time:  10am – 1:30pm AEST
Cost (ex GST): $250(members);  $400 (non-members – includes 12 month ASCILITE membership fee).

For further details and to register, visit the TELAS website.

Please direct any queries and/or expressions of interest to

EOIs open for the 2023 ASCILITE Research School

We are excited to announce the 2023 Spring into Excellence Research school will be held in Canberra, 23 – 25 October, 2023
The School will be hosted by the Charles Sturt University.

Venue: Canberra, Charles Sturt University Barton Campus.
The research school will be facilitated by senior ASCILITE researchers and leaders:

  • A/Prof Chris Campbell (ASCILITE President; Sub-Dean (Learning Technology) Charles Sturt University)
  • Prof Sue Gregory (ASCILITE Exec and Life member, Head of School, School of Education, University of New England)
  • Prof Michael Henderson (ASCILITE Life member, Professor of Digital Futures and Director of Educational Design and Innovation (HEDI), Monash University)
  • Prof Dominique Parrish (ASCILITE Life member, Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, Macquarie University)
  • Prof Petrea Redmond (ASCILITE Exec member, Professor of Digital Pedagogies University of Southern Queensland)
  • Prof Barney Dalgano, (ASCILITE Life member, Executive Dean Faculty of Education, University of Canberra)

Expressions of interest to attend the 2023 ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School is be available here. Please note that there are limited places available so don’t be disappointed. More information can be gained from the website.

ASCILITE23 Conference: Final Call for Papers

Submissions are rolling in for ASCILITE23 and the committee is looking forward to counting up the final submissions at midnight (NZ time) tonight – the 17th July.

We are also excited to announce our second keynote Chelsea Rapp. Chelsea is Games and Interactive Media Ambassador for the University of Canterbury’s Digital Screen Campus and Chairperson for the New Zealand Game Developers Association. Chelsea’s is speaking on “Levelling Up Education: Harnessing the Power of Video Game Tech”.

Comments are closed.

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