Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education



Please be aware of emails that purport to be from ASCILITE executive members (such as the one below). None of the ASCILITE executive would reach out to you in such a manner so if you receive an email claiming to be one of the executive (or the secretariat) and you are unsure please forward the suspicious email onto the member just to confirm that it has come from them. We have had a number of reports of these types of emails in the last few weeks.

EOI invited in ASCILITE’s 2024 CMP/Women in Professional Leadership  Programs

Applications (EOI) in the 2024 CMP/WiPL are now being accepted and are due by 3rd March 2024 (Sunday). Both potential mentors and mentees are required to submit an EOI to express interest in the program and the successful applicants will be matched with a mentor or mentee in the week of 11th March 2024. The ASCILITE CMP has been operating since 2003 and over 200 members having taken part to date. The program is recognised by members for its value in coaching, facilitating and networking for both mentors and mentees. It aims to provide mentoring opportunities across a number of fields including educational technology, academic development, learning development, faculty education, early career research, graphic design and programming. Applications for mentors or mentees could be completed via this form.

Following feedback from our 2023 participants, Women in Professional Leadership (WiPL) program will become a two year, standalone program that will have more of a focus on professional development and networking, for mentees and mentors, in the initial months, followed by small group or 1-1 mentoring. The aim of WiPL is to provide opportunities for women in learning design, educational technology and similar roles at HEW 7 or above to receive mentoring and support in developing relevant leadership skills and confidence to support them to further their careers. Mentors in this program will be drawn from staff in professional roles at HEW 8 and above and industry partners/consultants with sustained experience in these types of roles. Details of the revised program, which will be coordinated by Dr Hazel Jones, are currently being finalised and will be added to the website in coming weeks. Applications are welcomed from potential mentees and mentors via this form and close on 3rd February 2024 (Sunday).

A combined informative/Q&A webinar will be held for CMP and WiPL at 1pm (Sydney time) on 28th February 2024 (Wednesday).

Anyone interested in the CMP/WiPL is welcome to attend this information session in order to learn about the programme and what it means to become a mentor or a mentee. The session will be presented by 2023 CMP members and chaired by the CMP coordinators Associate Professor Kwong Nui Sim, Dr Hazel Jones and Dr Robert Vanderburg. If you can’t make it to the info session, you can still find out about the program on the ASCILITE website and apply to nominate as a mentor or mentee in the program.

TELAS Reviewer Certification workshop (online) Feb 29 and Mar 1

The Technology Enhanced Learning Accreditation Standards (TELAS) are a set of internationally benchmarked standards designed to assess the quality of online learning, particularly in relation to the tertiary sector. They provide institutions with the means to assess and evaluate the affordances of their online learning environments and thereby guide quality enhancements.

The next TELAS Reviewer Certification Workshop is now open for registration.
Location: The workshop will be conducted fully online via Zoom.
Date: Thursday 29th February & Friday 1st March,
Time: 10am – 1.30pm (AEDT)
Cost: $250(members);  $400 (non-members – includes 12 month ASCILITE membership fee).

For further details and to register, visit the TELAS website.

Please direct any queries and/or expressions of interest to

TELAS Reviewer Certification workshop on campus at The University of Sydney – April 12

The Technology Enhanced Learning Accreditation Standards (TELAS) are a set of internationally benchmarked standards designed to assess the quality of online learning, particularly in relation to the tertiary sector. They provide institutions with the means to assess and evaluate the affordances of their online learning environments and thereby guide quality enhancements.

The next TELAS Reviewer Certification Workshop is now open for registration.
Location: The workshop will be conducted at Sydney University
Date: Friday April 12
Time: 9-4.30pm (AEDT)
Cost: $330(members);  $480 (non-members – includes 12 month ASCILITE membership fee).

Cost includes food.

For further details and to register, visit the TELAS website.

Please direct any queries and/or expressions of interest to

EOI for Open Education Down UndOER: Australasian Case Studies

The ASCILITE OEP SIG is soliciting contributed chapters for the publication Open Education Down UndOER: Australasian Case Studies on the CAUL OER Collective Pressbooks Platform.This book is a peer-reviewed, openly-licensed collection of scholarly chapters from librarians, researchers, learning and teaching teams and engaged practitioners from Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and the Asia-Pacific region.

The objective of this publication is to raise awareness about the role of Open Educational Practices (OEP) in advancing learning and teaching, inspiring educators and institutions to embrace open practices, promoting inclusivity and equity in education, with an emphasis on sustainability.

The case studies will carry the voices and the lived experiences of these practitioners with a further aim to highlight the role of third-place professionals in supporting initiatives in open education that contribute to student learning success.

More information is available here.

Closing date: 15 February 2024

Call for EOI for the role of Associate Editor for AJET

Due date: 12th February 2024

We invite applications for new Associate Editors to join the existing editorial team of the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET). Associate Editors work with the Lead Editors to oversee the article review process and other work of the journal. This is a global call. EOIs from Associate Editors in all regions, including outside of Australasia are welcome. We are looking for experienced educational technology researchers with a well-established track record of high quality journal publications, preferably in the field of educational technologies in post-school contexts; a strong track record of reviewing articles for journals, preferably educational technology journals; excellent English language written communication skills; knowledgeable of a range of research methods; and with the time and commitment to dedicate to the role of an Associate Editor.

For further information on how to submit an expression of interest visit:

Call for submissions for 2024 AJET Special Issue: Advancements in Technology-Enhanced Assessment in Tertiary Education

Guest Editors:
Daniele Agostini (University of Trento, Italy)
Alexandra Lazareva (University of Agder, Norway)
Federica Picasso (University of Trento, Italy)

Submissions due on 15th March 2024 (expected publication: October 2024)

The special issue will focus on exploring assessment methodologies specifically suited for tertiary education. By examining the intersection between emerging technologies and assessment design, this special issue will provide AJET readers with insights and inspire thoughtful reflections on the evolution of assessment strategies in the digital era. The importance of this topic lies in its ability to stimulate conversations and thoughtful reflections on how assessment practices in tertiary education are evolving, especially in the face of the latest advances in generative AI.
We are inviting evidence-based papers including theoretical contributions related to this theme, including but not limited to:

  • Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment and Feedback
  • AI-Powered Assessments
  • Games and Assessments
  • Blockchain and Assessment
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Assessment
  • Designing Inclusive Assessments
  • Submission Instructions

For more information on how to make a submission for this special issue visit:

ASCILITE Business Ed SIG event: Talking about What Matters!

The Business Education SIG announce their 2024 “In Conversation” series discussing what matters for Business Education in relation to Technology Enhanced Learning practice.  We will be facilitating regular online sessions that spotlight conversations on critical matters facing business schools. The sessions will be in a format to include structured sharing and then unstructured discussion. In this first session we want to hear about what is keeping you awake at night and what everyone in business is talking about.

When:  Friday 16th February  11.30am-12.30pm AEDT
Link:  Join from a PC, Mac, iOS or Android:

Every voice matters!  Have your voice heard. If you have some ideas and can’t attend, our Padlet will be available shortly on the Business Ed SIG webpage (

Contextualising Horizon 2024

ASCILITE’s Contextualising Horizon will kick off its 2024 workshop series later this month. Contextualising Horizon aims to identify the technologies and practices likely to be of importance to the Australasian Higher Education sector in the next 12–18 months.

The workshop series kicks off with a group exploration of the Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, and Political (STEEP) trends impacting Australasian Higher Education. You need not be an expert in the area, and everyone is invited to contribute. The workshops are designed to surface the issues affecting the tertiary education institutions in the region through brainstorming and discussion. There will be two STEEP sessions. While the sessions will build on one another, you are encouraged to attend any one or both sessions:

Register for STEEP Session 1: Wednesday 21 February 12–2 pm AEDT
Register for STEEP Session 2: Friday 23 February 12–2 pm AEDT

In March, Contextualising Horizon will host the Technology and Practice Workshops in which we present the final STEEP trends and collectively examine the technologies and practices likely to address higher education’s challenges. There will be two sessions. Attendance at both is encouraged, but it is not required:

Register for Technology and Practice Session 1: Tuesday 19 March 12–2 pm AEDT
Register for Technology and Practice Session 2: Tuesday 26 March 12–2 pm AEDT

Contextualising Horizon is an ASCILITE initiative. Find out more and read the reports on ASCILITE’s Contextualising Horizon page.


Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC Semester 1

Last year 1,800 people registered for the MOOC. If you missed out then Semester 1, 2024 enrolments have opened for the Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC. There are 24 modules to choose from!

This course is for those who:

  •        teach in higher education anywhere in the world
  •        want content designed by learning and teaching experts
  •        seek to enhance their teaching and their students’ learning
  •        are interested in scoping the course for their institution’s professional development program
  •        are sessional, contract or continuing teachers.

You can choose which modules you explore and when, but we recommend one of the four pathways: new to teaching, enhancing student learning, enhancing your teaching practice or leading learning and teaching. An enhanced feature is that participants completing any of the four pathways can receive a digital badge for that pathway. Study is self-paced in two-hour modules that can be completed over a semester.

MOOC content is available to universities to share and adapt under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. The course is presented under the auspices of the Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT) and is led by A/Prof Agnes Bosanquet (Macquarie University) and A/Prof Marina Harvey.

Enrol here:
Dates: 12 February 2024 – 30 June 2024

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