Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


New issue of AJET published, Vol. 37 No. 3 (2021)

The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) has released a new issue Vol 37 (3). This issue addresses the theme of Trends in education technology in higher education and you will find the editorial and the articles contained in the issue (open access) on the AJET website here.

2021 ASCILITE Members Survey – find it in your inbox tomorrow!

The 2021 ASCILITE Members Survey will be emailed to each member on Tuesday 3 August 2021 via the Qualtrics survey platform so please keep an eye out for it. The link to the survey contained in the email will be specific to each recipient. Please note that email filters may divert your survey invitation. If you do not receive the invitation, check your junk mail filters. Alternately, grant permissions to the following domain:

ASCILITE conducts the Members Survey every 2 – 3 years to obtain feedback from the membership regarding the value of ASCILITE services, initiatives and related activities. The data collected from this survey is also used to inform the Society’s strategic and operational plans for the years ahead. Survey results will be distributed through the fortnightly bulletin, website and other means. ASCILITE last conducted the member survey in 2018.

ASCILITE Live! webinar: Virtual learning experiences utilizing digital technologies

Date and time: 25 August @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm AEST | 9am Singapore/Hong Kong | 1pm Auckland | Other time zones

This Massey University team received an ASCILITE Innovation Award in 2020 and their presentation will highlight the team’s innovation which resulted in the development of  three applications that enabled virtual experiences:

  1. Virtual microscopy that delivers an interactive microscope experience, enabling full slide viewing and zooming of interactive magnification views of stained glass slides on any device.
  2. Integrated virtual microscope slide images linked to E-publication of the research project, enabling readers of the publication to view and interact with an on-line microscope image referenced in the paper discussion.
  3. Virtual experiments for student physiology labs performed on living tissues, delivering interactive data recordings of physiological parameters integrated into on-line lessons examining isolated smooth muscle tissue, cardiac function, and uterine function.

Following implementation, survey results revealed that the majority of students found the virtual lessons favourable and beneficial to their learning.


Preet Singh
Preet is a senior lecturer in the Animal Welfare Science & Bioethics Centre, Massey University and teaches Anatomy and Physiology in Veterinary course at Massey. He along with Neil and Antony are leaders in adopting innovative technologies with an aim to increase student engagement and provide positive learning experiences in veterinary anatomy and physiology courses

Neil Ward
Neil is the technical director and senior technician in the Animal Welfare Science & Bioethics Centre, Massey University. He teaches into Veterinary, Agriculture and Science courses and contributes to many post-graduate and staff projects in physiology, animal welfare and pain studies. He has been a leader in the evolution of computer technologies for both teaching & research. A particular interest has been application of the 3 Rs and welfare of staff working with animals.

Antony Jacob
Antony is a research technician in the Animal Welfare science & Bioethics Centre, Massey University. He is actively involved in creating content for student practical teaching using the Kura cloud platform. His research interests include developing new methods to analyze the pharmacodynamic effect of various drugs used in different animal species.

Session Login

Join the session in ASCILITE’s Collaborate meeting room here.

If you would like to share this event with colleagues, please refer them to this webpage.

Did you miss the fantastic TELedvisors Network webinar on enabling HyFlex Teaching?

Did you miss it or you just want to see it again or share it? Well you’ll find the discussions from all three presenters here:

The TELedvisors Network July webinar with academic developers, learning designer and education technologists shared their stories about HyFlex which covers concurrent synchronous face-to-face and online teaching (commonly called HyFlex but going by many names) and which has exploded this year as institutions continue to adapt to COVID-19.

Hyflex represents one of the most significant changes to learning and teaching practice since flipped classrooms and as we approach the start of a new semester, it seems timely to talk about the different ways that HyFlex is supported by edvisors in institutions and the lessons that have been learned so far.

Reminder: Invitation to attend ASCILITE Meeting

Date and time: 13 August @ 9:45am AEST | 7:45am Singapore/Hong Kong | 11:45am Auckland | Other time zones

The ASCILITE Executive is calling for a Special Meeting of members to consider and vote on proposed amendments to the ASCILITE constitution. Normally, such proposals would be considered at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which takes place during the ASCILITE conference.  However, due to the nature of the proposed amendments, the Executive wishes to effect these changes in time for the annual election of Executive Committee members in October.  All current ASCILITE members are invited to attend the online meeting and cast their vote on the proposed constitutional. If you would like to attend the 20 minute meeting, please RSVP here.

You will find full details on the proposed changes on the ASCILITE website here.


Job Vacancies: Learning Designers (2 positions), Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland

Full time HEW 7 Fixed term contract 2 years and additional short term contract 6 months.

These positions are to support teaching staff in the post-graduate and MD programs within the Medical Dean Portfolio to design curriculum, assessment, active and flexible pedagogies, to enhance learning and teaching quality in courses and contribute to ongoing projects. The position is located on the Herston campus in Brisbane.

Further details are available on the UQ Jobs website and enquiries may be made to Kym Ward at

Melbourne EdTech Summit 2021

The Melbourne EdTech Summit is back this August — 100% virtual and free to attend.

The theme? Amplifying education innovation. Running from 17 to 20 August, the summit comprises four days of bold ideas led by thought leaders and featuring 50+ speakers on topics covering K -12, higher education, workforce, skills and EdTech entrepreneurship.

This is one of Australia’s premier education technology summits. It’s a space for passionate educators, some of the greatest education technology companies, and education innovation experts from across Australia and the globe. Snap up your free ticket today by visiting the website here.

Association for Learning Technologies (UK) Annual Conference

Registration is open for the 2021 ALT Annual Conference, 7 – 9 September.

ALT is ASCILITE’s counterpart in the UK.

This year’s Association ALT conference is an opportunity to come together to reflect on shared experiences during the ongoing pandemic. The long-term impact of the last year and the ongoing pandemic is hard to imagine. Fully online and blended learning have become everyone’s business; all educators, learners, managers, senior leaders and policy writers have been drawn into the world of learning technology. The response from everyone has been phenomenal. Now it’s time to discuss how it has challenged us. Where have we succeeded? What lessons have we learned? What might the future look like?

Through focusing on the following conference themes participants will explore:

  • Leadership in learning technology
  • Inclusive practice
  • Digital well-being
  • Digital and physical spaces
  • Wildcard

Full details are available on the conference website here.

TLC Asia Pacific 2021

Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference Asia Pacific

Join participants in advancing learning for a better future at #TLCAPAC this year. For the second year in a row, TLC will take participants on a virtual teaching & learning experience, offering some of the best from the education community in Asia Pacific.

The conference is free to attend and offers two days of interactive sessions, workshops and panel discussions that aim to inspire, educate and get you thinking on the future of education. Get ready to be inspired by ideas and best practices from your peers in teaching and learning, and get updates on the latest in Blackboard technology.

Full details are available here.

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Institutional Members