Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

ASCILITE Live! webinar: Writing a great ASCILITE conference paper

What makes an award winning ASCILITE conference paper?  In this session, presented on 17 June 2021, ASCILITE Executive Committee members and conference multiple-award winners, Hazel Jones and Elaine Huber discussed their experiences and shared tips and strategies to help authors prepare their conference submissions.

Associate Professor Elaine Huber is the Academic Director, Business Co-Design at The University of Sydney Business School and has been presenting and reviewing ASCILITE conference papers since 2010. She won the Best Concise Paper Award (2017) and the Best Poster Award (2013).

Dr Hazel Jones is a Learning and Teaching Consultant (Curriculum) in the Griffith Business School (Griffith University). She has been a regular contributor at ASCILITE conferences since 2008. Along the way she has been awarded Best Concise Conference Paper (2016) and Best Student Full Paper (2019). She has also been a reviewer for many ASCILITE conferences.

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