Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

Improving student learning outcomes through virtual internship based teaching, 24 May 2016


Developing students’ professional skills is critical for their success in the workplace. This webinar introduces virtual internships based teaching as a methodology that enables students to develop skills and knowledge through an immersive virtual learning environment in which students assume the role of virtual interns. The webinar will outline the process used to develop successful virtual internship environments, showcase the multi award winning “Balancing Life” virtual internship programme developed at the University of New England Business School, and outline the benefits of this teaching strategy.


Dr Leopold Bayerlein is a Senior Lecturer in Financial Accounting at the University of New England Business School. Leopold has a strong research interest in accounting education and curriculum development and has received several national awards for his innovative teaching strategies, including his development of Balancing Life.

Mrs Naomi McGrath is a Learning Designer at the UNE Business School. She has extensive experience in gamification and the development of multimedia focused learning activities. Naomi’s research interests are in the gamification of higher education, and she is a co-recipient of this programme’s 2015 ascilite innovation award.



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