Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

The path to identifying, developing and implementing an innovation to harness the power of immediate feedback, 12 May 2016


This webinar provided and overview of the 2015 ascilite Innovation Award winning project on Harnessing the power of immediate feedback. The winner of the award, Brent Gregory from the University of New England explains his research focusing on the innovative use of feedback as a learning tool in a first year Accounting course at UNE.


Brent Gregory is a Chartered Accountant with extensive experience in Business Management and Growth. Prior to entering Academia his key area of research related to the attributes of successful business and in particular the key success factors for owner operated businesses. As a result he has devoted much of his professional career to guiding business on how to operate their businesses to better achieve their goals. He has also served on numerous regional development and community organisations.



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