Digital Equity SIG
The aims of the Digital Equity SIG are to:
- Connect like-minded individuals around the globe with an interest in the various aspects of digital equity
- Identify and explore the issues, challenges and opportunities relating to digital equity and to bring these to the attention of ASCILITE members and the broader higher education community
- Provide guidance and advice across the sector on issues relating to digital equity
- Foster the development of initiatives, innovation and practices relating to digital equity
- Foster collaboration around digital equity projects, publications and practices
Webinar recording: Making your conference presentations more accessible
This webinar was presented by the Digital Equity SIG on 13 November 2020. The presenters were Sue Tucker (Charles Darwin University) and Darren Britten (La Trobe University).
The session was designed to assist those presenting at conferences with making their sessions more accessible and to enhance audience engagement.
SIG Activities
- Monthly SIG meetings
- Topical webinars relating to the various aspects of Digital Equity
- Creation, collation and curation of digital resources relating to digital equity
- Special events such as virtual conferences
- Participation in the annual ASCILITE conference
- Joint research
- Joint publications
- Social media and blog submissions
- Face-to-face member catch ups where possible
How to Get Involved
The Digital Equity SIG is no longer active as of September 2021.

SIG History
Following a presentation on equity given at ASCILITE 2015 in Perth, Dr Julie Willems asked delegates who would be keen to join forces to create a special interest group in and around digital equity. The purpose was to promote the scholarship of digital equity as a core, continuing and ethical stream for ASCILITE as an association and to disseminate research findings and best practice.
After several discussions, a SIG proposal was submitted in April 2017, and the Digital Equity SIG was officially launched at the ASCILITE2017 conference in Toowoomba, December 2017. The first online meeting for the SIG was held in early 2018 as a ‘Blue Sky’ planning session. The SIG has grown from strength to strength. At its heart, it has a dedicated core of talented colleagues, gifted in many ways, and all passionate about various aspects of digital equity.