Membership Payments
Thank you! Your membership form was successfully submitted.
Please use the details below to pay by direct deposit, cheque or money order. If you are unable to use the details below at this time, we have emailed them to you at the address you used in the membership form.
Membership Rates
1 year Individual Membership – A$150
3 year Individual Membership – A$405
3 year Retiree Membership – A$200
1 year Student/Retiree Membership – A$75
Direct Deposit
BSB: 082-522
Account name: ascilite
Account number: 02-634-2666
Important Note: Please be sure to use your membership name in the reference field of your funds transfer.
Cheque or Money Order
PO BOX 350
Tugun QLD 4224
Please include the member’s name with your payment if it is unclear from the details on the cheque or money order.
Thank you!