Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

Crisis and Technology Enhanced Learning: Responses from the ASCILITE Community

Abstract: As Australasian institutions continue to respond to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis, technology-enhanced learning is at the centre of many institutions’ business continuity plans. This also means that many of our ASCILITE colleagues are inherently involved in institutional efforts to support academics and students in their transition to online learning.  In this ASCILITE Live! session, we heard from some of our colleagues about the responses at their institutions and what the ASCILITE membership can do to support these efforts and one another.


  • Mrs Hazel Jones, Learning & Teaching Consultant, Griffith University and representative of the ASCILITE Learning Analytics SIG
  • Mrs  Audrea Warner, Lecturer, University of Auckland and Representative of the ASCILITE Business Education SIG
  • Mrs Wendy Taleo, Learning Technologist, Charles Darwin University and Representative of the ASCILITE TELedvisors SIG
  • Dr Henk Huijser, Senior Lecturer, Queensland University of Technology and Representative of the ASCILITE TELedvisors SIG

The session was moderated by David Porter (UOW).

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