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TELedvisors webinar – A third space moment: what is integrated practice? and how can it enable positive change and support a career journey? (7pm AEDT 9am BST)

31 March 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm AEDT

Emily McIntosh and Diane Nutt 

with the support of Sally Kift 

What is integrated academic practice, and how does it apply to me in the work I do?  The webinar will focus on exploring what integrated practice means, and how it applies to understanding our identity and activities in the ‘third space’.  We will consider the ever-changing nature of this important work, especially in the context of the events of the last two years, and discuss how we might lead into the future to effectively situate post-pandemic TELedvisor practice within university strategies, structures and systems.  We will consider: how TELedvisors can continue to effect positive change from where we are and what our career journeys might look like into the future.

The session will cover:

  • An introduction on what integrated practice is, third space as a concept and third space working – and its impact on our practice
  • Applying this thinking to enable change in institutions
  • Exploring career journeys in integrated practice for edvisors in (and out of) the third space

The session will be followed by a half hour informal launch of Emily’s and Diane’s new book, published March 31st – Mcintosh, E and Nutt, D. (Eds.) The Impact of the Integrated Practitioner in Higher Education: studies in third space professionalism (Routledge, 2022) We hope some of you will be able to stay and raise a glass with us.

link to the book here: The Impact of the Integrated Practitioner in Higher Education: Studies (

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Dr Emily McIntosh is Director of Learning, Teaching and Student Experience at Middlesex University, London. Emily’s role at Middlesex involves cross institutional leadership for learning and teaching, including student transition, technology enhanced learning (TEL), academic practice, equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), academic advising, and student engagement.  Emily is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) and a National Teaching Fellow (NTF).  She is a member of the Executive Board and Trustee of the Heads of Educational Development Group (HEDG) and is also Academic Board Member of the NACADA Center for Research at Kansas State University, United States.  Emily has always had a keen interest in blended and third space working and has published monographs, chapters and articles on a wide variety of topics from personal tutoring and peer learning to integrated practice.  She is on twitter: @emilythemac.

Dr Diane Nutt (PFHEA) is an Independent HE Consultant based in York, UK. Diane established the European First Year Experience Network and Annual Conference Series in 2006. She was chair of the network and organising committee until 2021.  She is also on the International Advisory Board for the USA National Resource Center for First Year Experience and Students in Transition. She has been a bookseller, a Sociology lecturer, an educational developer and head of a student retention team. In 2015 she set up as an independent HE consultant, often describing herself as having two heads: one focused on student first year experiences and transitions; the other directing her passion for career development for staff working in higher education in a variety of roles spanning academic, professional and third space settings. Diane has published a number of books and articles on student transitions and staff development. She is on twitter: @dixxyd

Professor Sally Kift (PFHEA FAAL ALTF) is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA), a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law (FAAL), and President of the Australian Learning & Teaching Fellows (ALTF). She has held several university leadership positions, including as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) at James Cook University. Sally is a national Teaching Award winner, a national Program Award winner, a Senior Teaching Fellow and a Discipline Scholar, Law. In 2017, she received an Australian University Career Achievement Award for her contribution to Australian higher education. Sally was a member of the Australian Qualifications Framework Review Panel that reported to Government in September 2019. Since, 2017, she has worked as an independent higher education consultant. She is on twitter: @kiftsally


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31 March 2022
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm AEDT


TELedvisors SIG


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