Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

Developing Your Professional Portfolio for CMALT Australasia, 23 April 2015


This webinar was designed to provide information and support to CMALT candidates, in particular those looking to complete their portfolios in 2015. If you not currently a CMALT candidate but are interested in developing a professional portfolio and obtaining peer recognition for your work in learning technology, you maay find this webinar of interest. Ascilite members who had applied to join the 2015 CMALT Community of Practice were also encouraged to attend. CMALT enables people whose work involves learning technology to have their experience and capabilities certified by peers and to demonstrate that they are taking a committed approach to their professional development. You can find-out more about ascilite's accreditation scheme here.


Hennie Yip, from the ALT (UK) CMALT Development Group, will provide an overview of the professional accreditation scheme, the support available for candidates and guidance to individual candidates towards the completion of their professional portfolios. Hennie is an Educational Development Officer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The CMALT Australasia scheme is offered in partnership with the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) in the UK.



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