Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

Creating presence in online learning for practice based classes

Abstract: The sudden shift to all disciplines moving to online learning due to COVID-19 has surfaced many questions for those teaching practice-based classes, such as music performance, visual arts, physics and so forth.  Community of Inquiry model (Garrison, Anderson & Archer, 2000) presents teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence in a concentric approach for meaningful online learning. Attainable online student learning objectives, authentic student assessment, and the development of community become key considerations for how presences can be developed for practice-based online classes.

Recommendations through research-informed approaches will be used to identify ways to transform face-to-face, practise-based activities into their meaningful, and approachable, online counterparts.

Presenter: Carol Johnson, PhD, is the Senior Lecturer in Music (Online Learning & Educational Technology) at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music where she researches evidence-based approaches in teaching and learning music online. Carol is the 2019 recipient of the ASCILITE Emerging Scholar Award.

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