Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

CMALT Australasia accreditation, 10 June 2016


This webinar was designed to explain details of CMALT Australasia's professional accreditation scheme and how to develop a professional portfolio. In this webinar one of our ascilite CMALT holders, Stephen Bright, shared his experience of achieving CMALT accreditation. This included sharing the development of his e-portfolio in Mahara as one way of presenting a portfolio of evidence of professional practice.

The CMALT Australasia scheme is offered in partnership with the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) UK. It enables people whose work involves learning technology to have their experience and capabilities certified by peers and to demonstrate that they are taking a committed approach to their professional development.


Stephen has held the position of e-learning designer at Waikato University since 2011. He has had a widely varied career in tertiary education for over 25 years, including Waikato Institute of technology (WinTec) and Bethlehem Tertiary Institute before moving to the university. He was also a holder of a FLLinNZ (Flexible Learning Leaders in New Zealand) award in 2004. Stephen’s key tasks in his current role include assisting lecturers in designing online courses, being the project manager for a university-wide e-portfolio project, teaching FTF workshops on e-learning, facilitating online professional development courses, and continuing to do research and writing on a range of elearning-related issues.



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