Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

Life Members

An ASCILITE Life Member Award recognises the significant service and sustained contribution of an ASCILITE member to the Society. Life Member Awards are the highest recognition of achievement made by ASCILITE and the award is made only when an appropriate candidate meets the criteria. Consequently, this award may not be presented every year*.


Petrea Redmond (2024)

Mark Schier (2021)

Chris Campbell (2023)

Michael Henderson (2021)

Sue Gregory (2020)

Dominique Parrish (2018)

Barney Dalgarno (2017)

Caroline Steel (2015)

Gregor Kennedy (2014)

Michael Keppell (2011)

Geraldine Lefoe (2010)

Roger Atkinson (2009)

Cathy Gunn (2009)

Rob Phillips (2009)

Helen Carter (2006)

No photo


Allan Christie (2003)


Roderick Sims (1995)


Bill Chia (1999)

No photo


John Bowden (1992)


*Prior to 2009 Life Members were referred to as Fellows. With the introduction of the annual Fellow awards in 2009, previously awarded Fellows were renamed to Life Members.

Awards Criteria & Application Forms

You will find awards criteria and application forms under the Get Involved section of the website.

Institutional Members