Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

Awards for Excellence in Learning Analytics (Information Session), 17 August 2015


The inaugural Awards for Excellence in Learning Analytics were an initiative of the ascilite Learning Analytics Special Interest Group (LA SIG). The Awards focus on the practical application of Learning Analytics at any scale – from the classroom to the Institution as a whole. This session provided important information for anyone considering an Awards submission. Submissions were open until 11 September 2015.


Simon Welsh is the Manager, Adaptive Learning and Teaching at Charles Sturt University. He is responsible for leading the implementation of the University’s Learning Analytics program including technical implementation, research and organisational engagement.

Dr Abelardo Pardo is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney. He specialises in technology enhanced learning with emphasis on learning and behavioural analytics, computer supported collaborative learning, and personalization of learning experiences.



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