Benefits of Institutional Membership
All the usual benefits and discounts of ASCILITE individual membership apply to institutional members plus there are a range of additional benefits available to the institution such as reduced costs per staff member. Further information on individual membership benefits is available here.
Benefits available to institutional members include a complimentary TELAS half-day workshop, complimentary pre-conference workshop registrations and complimentary CMALT half-day workshops, plus a chance to host the annual Spring into Excellence Research School. Terms and conditions do apply and vary with each membership category. Institutional member names and logos are also displayed on each page of the ASCILITE website and at the ASCILITE annual conference awards ceremony.
In addition to selecting one of the four categories of membership (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond), an institution selects either an annual membership or a 3 year membership. Further details of the benefits of institutional membership and the T&Cs of membership are available in the Institutional Membership Options & Benefits (PDF).
Once an institution joins, staff changes to the membership may be made at any time. To qualify for this scheme, all members covered by an institutional subscription must be staff or students of the named institution.