How to get involved
The LD SIG is open to everyone. Please fill in this simple form to express your interest in joining. We have set up a digital collaborative space for LD-SIG members to network, collaborate and exchange ideas on learning design and this space will be made available to you once you have joined the SIG. If you have any feedback/comments please contact one of the SIG Leaders below.
Some activities that this group would carry out are:
- Explore linkage between theory, research and application of learning design
- Invite ideas to streamline the understanding of learning design
- Explore existing and emerging pedagogic theories of learning guiding learning design practices
- Establish and disseminate best practices in learning design
- Conduct research in learning design
- Collect and disseminate methodologies in the area of research in learning design
- Facilitate structured exchange of ideas and research in Learning Design
- Build a supportive community of practice through an ongoing digital collaborative space
- Curate a repository of sharable artifacts through individual and collective experiences amongst this SIG.
- Host Learning Design Labs as creative and collaborative problem-solving sprints
LD-SIG Leaders
Dr Leanne Ngo (Deakin University)
Keith Heggart (UTS)