Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


AJET Volume 32, Special Issue No. 6 (2016) now published

The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology Volume 32 Special issue 6 (2016) on Brain, Mind & Educational Technology has now been published.


The emergence and growth of research in cognitive neuroscience over recent decades has led to important discoveries about how the brain and mind work. These discoveries have potential implications for the use of educational technologies and provide insight into possibilities for improving student learning in digital environments. Despite the promise of the emerging field of educational neuroscience, it is difficult to translate findings from the laboratory to the physical or virtual classroom. The articles in this special issue of AJET are attempts to bridge this gap. We hope that this special issue will serve as a catalyst for further work on the translation of foundational research on the brain and mind to learning design and teaching with educational technologies.

The editorial and the articles the Special Issue contains are available from the AJET website.

Expressions of Interest invited in ASCILITE's 2017 Community Mentoring Program

Applications (Expressions of Interest) in the 2017 Community Mentoring Program are now being accepted and are due on 6 March 2016.

The ASCILITE Community Mentoring Program (CMP) aims to provide mentoring opportunities across a number of fields including technical, academic development, learning development, faculty academics, early career researchers, graphic designers and programmers. The program has been operating since 2003 with over 120 members having taken part to date.

You will find full details of the program on the ASCILITE website along with the application forms.

For those with a keen interest in the program, an information session webinar is scheduled for 13 February at 12pm AEST and you can register for the session here.  You will find your local time for the session here.

ASCILITE2016 Conference Resources: photos, posters, keynote videos and proceedings

Resources for the recent ASCILITE2016 conference held in Adelaide are now available for viewing:

  • Keynote videos are available here
  • Conference photo albums are here
  • Full proceedings (17Mb PDF) are here.
  • Poster presentations are available here.


Recruiting 3 PhD students with Research Fellow Posts, Griffith University

The new Creative Practice Lab (CPL) in the School of Education and Professional Studies at Griffith University is looking for 3 PhD students to research resources in four key areas:

  1. resources for studies involving creative tasks such as coding, robotics and fabrication (i.e. laser cutter and 3D printer for education);
  2. recording, visualising and development infrastructure (i.e. cameras, server, computing);
  3. recording equipment for use in other educational settings; and
  4. an online space to support collaboration between researchers, teachers and learners.

While each of these could be used individually, the goal of the CPL is for them to be used together.

Building the links between the components and providing support to the academics using the CPL will be key to the success of the facility and supported by three part-time positions. One supporting research focused on learning analytics broadly and one supporting research focused on STEAM learning and teaching and the third supporting research on Digital STEAM, and in particular, the development of a Virtual Internship in STEAM Education.

Also refer to for more information and email Kate Thompson for further details on the positions.

Job Vacancy: New Learning Spaces Educational Lead, CSU (Lecturer level B)

CSU is advertising for an exciting new position of Learning Spaces Educational Lead.

  • Ref No 95801: Learning Spaces Educational Lead (Lecturer)
  • Vacancy Position#: 658271
  • Description: Full Time, Fixed-term (up to 2 Years)
  • Level B – $92,117 to $109,391 p.a.(plus Super)
  • Location negotiated on appointment
  • Employment Status: Fixed Term, specific task

This position will lead and build on the strategy approved by the Learning Environments Committee: CSU’s Principles and Priorities of Campus Learning Spaces; contribute educational perspectives to on-campus learning spaces design, professional development and post occupancy evaluation; work closely with relevant organisational groups such as Faculties and Division of Facilities Management; and ensure that CSU effectively utilises spaces to underpin a distinctive student learning experience. The Learning Spaces Educational Lead will provide pedagogical leadership in the use of learning spaces contributing to vibrant on-campus learning experiences.

The position description and official advert can be downloaded from here. For any further information email Philip Uys or call Philip on (02) 6365 7501. Applications Close 8 February 2017. 

ODLAA Conference 5 – 7 February 2017

A draft conference program has been released for ODLAA 2017 Expanding Horizons in Open & Distance Education and may be viewed here.  This is a preliminary draft program and if you have lodged a paper or workshop for the conference you must register and pay in full to be included in the final program.

2nd Call for Participation: 4th International Mobile Learning Festival, IMLF2017

Submissions for IMLF2017 on the Mobile and Emerging Learning Resources, Activities, Support & Evaluation are due on 15 February 2017. The festival will be held at the University of Hong Kong on 8 – 10 June 2017. Full details are available on the festival website.

IEEE TLT special issue on Learning through Wearable Technologies and the Internet of Things Issued

A special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT) is now available for viewing on the topic of Learning through Wearable Technologies and the Internet of Things,  The guest editor for this issue was Mark J. W. Lee and the editor's preface to the special issue is free to download here.

Please note that TLT operates on a "delayed open-access" publication model whereby the articles are initially only available to Xplore subscribers (most university libraries have subscriptions), but become open access 12 months following publication.

Institutional Members