Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

To Badge or not to Badge? That is the Question, 29 September 2015


Open Badges are a form of digital credential that make it possible for learners to receive credit for all forms of learning they engage in. Badges can recognise skills, achievements and participation across a learner's many contexts. Badges received by learners are portable and stackable. Open badges are based on an internationally agreed open standard. During this one-hour webinar, Joyce provided a short presentation on open badges, including how they work and highlighting some prominent examples. After the presentation, participants were invited to explore the questions, challenges and opportunities that open badges offer in our environments and for our learners.


Joyce Seitzinger has worked in higher education in Australia and New Zealand. She is a learner experience designer, open badges advocate, digital presence coach and founder of Academic Tribe ( With her network of distributed education specialists she has worked on projects for education and research organisations, such as RMIT University, the University of Melbourne and Chisholm TAFE. Joyce also co-facilitated the Open Badges Australia and New Zealand community group (@ob_anz). You can often find Joyce on Twitter as @catspyjamasnz.



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