Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education

Introducing the ascilite Learning Design SIG, 29 March 2016


This webinar will introduce the new ascilite Learning Design SIG. It will provide a current working definition of Learning Design from the Larnaca group and an opportunity to share and exchange ideas and recent research. Further, possible synergies and networking opportunities among SIG participants will be explored.


Eva Dobozy is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at Curtin University. She has a PhD in Education from Murdoch University. Her research spans the intersection between learning theory, learning design, technology-enhanced learning and teacher professional development. More specifically, Eva’s Learning Design research focuses on pedagogical modelling and the development and testing of technology supported, interactive teaching and learning. Currently, she is working on the implementation of transdisciplinary pedagogical templates. Leanne Cameron is currently Lecturer in Educational Studies (ICT) in the Faculty of Education & Arts (NSW/ACT) at the Australian Catholic University, Sydney. In this position she explores the possibilities of technology use in education with pre-service teachers. Leanne has previously worked on a number of federally funded learning design projects with MELCOE (Macquarie E-Learning Centre of Excellence) and continues to publish regularly on Learning Design topics. Her current research revolves around the investigation of ways to improve learning by the effective integration of technology in education.



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