Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ascilite2015 Conference: Register Now!

Four speakers will address global challenges, analytics & visualization and innovations in technology enhanced learning at the ascilite2015 conference hosted by Curtin University so lift your horizons with the best in the west and head to sunny Perth from Nov 30 to Dec 2 (with workshops on Sunday 29 Nov).  All up, there will be over 150 sessions to choose from in (1) Global challenges in education, (2) Analytics and visualization, and (3) Innovations in technology enhanced learning.

The conference schedule is growing by the day as more sessions are confirmed, so do take a look at the latest version of the program.

ascilite2015 is presents a unique opportunity to connect to global technology in education trends and see new technology in action. And don't forget to experience the sunny ocean breezes and wine country while you're there!

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) Special Issue 2016 – Call for Papers

Brain, mind and education: Understanding learning in digital environments

Guest editors

Dr Jason Lodge, Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education & ARC Science of Learning Research Centre, University of Melbourne.

Professor Gregor Kennedy, Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education & ARC Science of Learning Research Centre, University of Melbourne.

Professor Lori Lockyer, School of Education & ARC Science of Learning Research Centre, Macquarie University.

Focus of the Special Issue

This special issue invites papers from education, neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, and computer science researchers and seeks to show how collaboration between these disciplines is fundamental to furthering our understanding of tertiary education and learning in both online and blended learning settings. Papers are sought that will highlight:

  • research applications of cognitive neuroscience and cognitive science theoretical models;
  • innovative and leading edge research, in areas such as information processing, attention and other aspects of the learning process; and
  • the potential of cognitive neuroscience and cognitive science methods for advancing research, design and practice within the field of educational technology.

The conceptual theme in this special issue focuses on how both intra and inter-individual characteristics or variables impact on the development of students’ understanding and skills within digital learning environments in post-secondary education settings. The term “digital learning environments” is used broadly to refer to ‘stand alone’ interactive multimedia learning applications (e.g. Intelligent Tutoring Systems), fully online learning environments, and blended learning environments and their component media. Of particular interest for this special issue is investigations in areas such as, but not restricted to:

  • intention, self-efficacy and motivation;
  • metacognitive self regulation;
  • learning and cognitive strategy use;
  • perception and attention;
  • cognitive conflict, misunderstanding and conceptual change; and
  • error and feedback.

The methodological theme for this special issue focuses on research studies that use approaches fundamental to cognitive neuroscience, cognitive science and psychophysiology to address significant research questions that emerge from digital learning environments. As such, a feature of this special issue will be to introduce the readership of AJET to methods and techniques that they perhaps were unaware of or have not previously used. These methods may include:

  • eye tracking;
  • facial electromyography;
  • galvanic skin response;
  • EEG;
  • fMRI; and
  • learning analytics including digital traces and logs in combination with the above.

The translation theme for this special issue focuses on papers that consider how the findings of experimental, laboratory-based research on learning in digital environments can be applied and used in practice. This significant issue of translation may be presented within individual research papers or, alternatively, be the specific focus of entire papers. The issue of translation may be considered from the point of research evidence informing areas such as, learning and curriculum design, classroom interventions, student support, or the professional development of teachers.

Finally, as a relatively new field, particularly in its application to education, the special issue welcomes critical reviews of the ways in which of cognitive neuroscience and cognitive science techniques and evidence are used in the pursuit of educational technology research. 
For example, manuscripts are welcome that critically analyse the utility of results from neuroscience and cognitive science studies for educational technology given the tendency of these studies to use positivist methodologies that are substantially different from learning in an applied setting.

Submission instructions

Proposals should be submitted through the AJET online submission system ( Please go to ABOUT to consult the author guidelines prior to submission for information about the required format. Information about peer review criteria is also linked from the ABOUT page. When submitting your manuscript please include a note in the field ‘Comments for the Editor’ indicating you wish it to be considered for the special issue.

Deadlines for authors Submission deadline

29 January 2016 Decision on manuscripts
10 April 2016 Revised/final manuscripts
27 June 2016 Publication
September 2016 (indicative)

Transforming Assessment SIG News

Next e-Assessment webinar

Topic: Providing meaningful learning analytics data to teachers: a tool to complete the loop

Date & Time: 9 December 2015 at UTC 07:00am (5PM Eastern Australian standard) time for one hour.  Further information, time zone conversions and registration is available here.

Presenters: Professor Gregor Kennedy, Dr Linda Corrin and Ms Paula De Barba (University of Melbourne)

Abstract: This session explores an open source web-based learning analytics tool (Loop) that uses data from learning management systems to provide meaningful feedback to teachers. The Loop tool is designed to help academics make the connection between data and curriculum, including student engagement and performance in formative and summative assessment. By encouraging the use of learning design as a lens for data interpretation, the tool will enable teachers to more easily identify and implement changes to their teaching practices and curriculum design. The Loop tool is the result of a collaboration between the University of Melbourne, Macquarie University and the University of South Australia, funded by the Australian Government Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT).

Sessions are hosted by Professor Geoffrey Crisp, Dean Learning and Teaching, RMIT University and Dr Mathew Hillier, Office of the Vice-Provost Learning and Teaching, Monash University, Australia.

Recording Available

You may now view the recording and download resources for the 4 November webinar The multiple limitations of assessment criteria, presented by Emeritus Professor Sue Bloxham (University of Cumbria, UK).

ascilite Live! Webinar Videos Available

Video recordings of recent ascilite Live! webinars are now available here.  These include MOOCs: Yes they Can Work! (29 October), To Badge or Not to Badge (29 September) and the extremely popular Flipped Classrooms: where to start (16 September).


DEANZ2016 Conference, University of Waikato, Hamilton New Zealand, 17 – 20 April 2016

Dear Colleagues,

The DEANZ2016 conference covers research and practice in open, distance, flexible and mobile learning across the compulsory schooling sectors, vocational, tertiary and professional development settings. The conference draws inspiration from a Hobbiton-based dinner venue and theme, "There and back: Charting flexible pathways in open, mobile and distance education". The conference will feature keynote speakers who are active in the field of online, mobile and flexible learning: Professor Curtis Bonk (University of Indiana), Dr Dianne Forbes (University of Waikato) and Carolyn Alexander Bennett (FarNet).

The conference dinner will be held at the Hobbiton Movie Set.

To date we have received a large number of responses to the initial call for submissions, and some are now closed. Please check the categories that are still open: Refereed, Practice, Postgraduate, and Speed sessions.

Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in DEANZ2016.

Important Dates

  • Final deadline for submissions: 1 December 2015 (4pm, New Zealand time).  This applies for the Refereed, Practice, Postgraduate, and Speed session submissions ONLY. Submissions for workshops are now closed.
  • Review outcome notification: 15 December 2015.
  • Deadline for Poster session submissions: 20 February 2016.
  • Early bird Registration: 15 February 2016.

For more details on the options and to submit your abstract, please visit the website.

Conference awards

  • DEANZ Award for best practice in the field
  • Best refereed paper
  • Best paper submitted by postgraduate student. There is a $200 prize for this category sponsored by the Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research (WMIER),
  • Best paper published in the The Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning.

Further Information & Enquiries

Visit the conference website for further information on DEANZ2016 or email us here.

Job Vacancies: Learning Designers & Senior Learning Designers (Multiple Positions), University of Melbourne

The Centre for the Study of Higher Education, Melbourne Graduate School of Education has a number of Learning Designer and Senior Learning Designer positions are available.

These roles will focus on leading the design, development and adoption of innovative solutions for the University's new suite of online graduate courses, using a range of contemporary technologies in online learning environments. The positions will use sound instructional principles and methodologies oriented to best practice learning and teaching pedagogies, and will be guided by the University's eLearning Strategy.

Experience and depth of understanding of pedagogy distinguish Learning Designers from Senior Learning Designers. Senior Learning Designers will have extensive experience in the practice of learning design for online education, with an established and intellectual understanding of pedagogy in an online learning context and a background in the development of frameworks for efficient and effective learning design. Learning Designers will have an understanding of pedagogy and experience in the application of this knowledge to eLearning resources, but will be guided and mentored by the Senior Learning Designers.

For further information visit the University of Melbourne jobs website. Please note that the deadline is 9 November.

Job Vacancy: Casual Technology Enhanced Learning Designers, Victoria University

VU is currently seeking expressions of interest for casual Technology-Enhanced Learning Designers. You will find details of this opportunity here.

Job Vacancy: Senior Manager/Lecturer, Learning & Teaching Innovation, Navitas

This full time, ongoing position is located in the Melbourne CBD. Reporting to the Director Learning and Teaching Innovation this position will have responsibility for: curriculum review and redevelopment programs; evaluation strategies; innovation projects, technology integration and capability building across diverse teaching environments; and promoting and engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

For more information please visit the Navitas website or email the Director Learning and Teaching Innovation Iain Doherty.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members