Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ascilite2015 Conference – Award Winners

Innovation Awards

The ascilite Innovation Award recognes outstanding innovation in the development of a major professional development initiative which promotes the exemplary and research informed use of technologies for teaching and learning in tertiary education.

  • Brent Gregory for "Instant Feedback Accounting Practice Set", University of New England.
  • Leopold Bayerlein & Naomi McGrath for "Balancing Life – A Virtual Internship cheap jerseys for Accounting Education", University of New England.
  • Helen Farley, Sharron Dove, Stephen Seymour, Chris Lee, John MacDonald, Anita Ryle, Susan Hopkins, Jared Wright, Kyle Murphy, Jacinta Cox, Louise Patching, Tracey Eastment and Catherine Abraham for "Making the connection: Improving Access to Higher Education for Low Socio-Economic Status Students with ICT Limitation", University of Southern Queensland.

Best Full Paper

  • Deborah West, Henk Huijser, David Heath, Alf Lizzio, L’écureuil Danny Toohey, Carol Miles for "Higher Education Teachers’ Experiences with Learning Analytics in Relation to Student Retention Analytics and Visualisation".

Best Concise Paper

  • Michael A Cowling, James Birt for "Teaching Theoretical Complex Multi-Step Problems in ICT Networking through 3D Printing and Augmented Reality"

Best Poster

  • Aaron Matthews, Rachna Aggarwal, Siew Leng Lim for "Digitise Your Dreams the Indigenous Way".

Excellence in Learning Analytics

  • (Winner) Roberto Martinez-Maldonado for “Learning Analytics & Interactive Surfaces”, University of Sydney
  • (Finalist) Danny Liu for “A Personalized & Cross-Institutional Approach to Connect Students with Staff through Customizable Analytics”, wholesale nba jerseys University of Sydney
  • (Finalist) Damien Clark for “EASICONNECT”, CQ University

Caroline Steel awarded Life Membership

An ascilite Life Member Award recognises the significant service and/or sustained contribution of an ascilite member to the Society. Life Member Awards are the highest recognition of achievement made by ascilite and it is awarded only when an appropriate candidate meets the criteria.

At the 2015 ascilite conference, Caroline Steel received this award for her dedicated service to ascilite over many years.  She first became a member of the ascilite Executive in December 2005, then served wholesale jerseys China as Vice President in 2008 and finally as President from 2011 to 2015.

During her time on the Executive, Caroline was a highly active committee member who identified and initiated a range of new activities such as the biannual member survey; the ascilite webinar series and the formation of several Special Interest Groups. She was also on the organising committee of the annual ascilite conference in 2004 in Perth and was a co-host and program chair for ascilite2010 in Sydney while also fulfilling her duties as ascilite Vice President. Caroline was also involved in the Campus Reps and Community Mentoring Programs from 2005 to mid 2010.

The new ascilite President, Dominique Parrish and ascilite committee members wish Caroline all the best for the future and extend their profound thanks to her for the dedication and commitment she showed ascilite over the years.

Conference Evaluation

If you attended the 2015 Conference in Perth, and you have not already completed the conference evaluation, we will be emailing all delegates with a link to the survey.  (The link is not included here due to a temporary technical glitch which we expect to resolve shortly).

ascilite2015 Conference Resources

The ascilite conference at Curtin University in Perth, held from 30 November to 2 December was attended by over 270 delegates attending from 11 countries and 77 different universities.   Keynote videos, conference photos and a retrospective will be made available to members in the coming weeks.   Conference proceedings were and made Stylish available to all delegates on a USB stick distributed in the conference satchels.

The countries represented and their delegate numbers at the conference were:

  • Australia 217
  • Canada 1
  • Denmark 4
  • Fiji 5
  • Finland 2
  • Japan 1
  • Malaysia 1
  • New Zealand 27
  • Singapore 5
  • Thailand 1
  • United Kingdom 4
  • United States 2


New ALT (UK) Blog Series

In what ALT (Association for Learning Technologies) in the UK cheap jerseys China looks at blog posts that have caught the eye of the #altc blog editorial team. The three posts they have chosen highlight the range of formats and topics that learning technology bloggers embrace. Read more >>

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