Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Notification of AJET Host Server Migration

On Thursday 27 August AJET moved to a new server. As a consequence of the move, AJET’s address has changed from to

Registered users should note that all usernames and passwords will remain the same on the new server.

The AJET editorial team and management committee would like to thank Netspot (now Blackboard) for many years of hosting services and for their great support during the transition to the new server.

Reminder: AJET Call for Lead Editor

As you may know, the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology AJET is the official journal of ascilite. It is led by a small team of Lead Editors, namely Professor Barney Dalgarno, Charles Sturt University, Professor Sue Bennett, University of Wollongong and Dr Michael Henderson, Faculty of Education, Monash University.

In December 2015, Professor Sue Bennett will complete her term as a Lead Editor. As a result ascilite now invites applications for a new Lead Editor to join the existing editorial team.

If you are interested in applying for this important position, you will find full details on the ascilite website here.

Applications close 4 September 2015.

Learning Analytics SIG Awards: Applications Close Soon

The ascilite LA SIG group recently launched its inaugural Awards for Excellence in Learning Analytics.

The Awards program aims to recognise excellence in the practical application of LA to enhance learning and teaching, and provides cash prizes for finalists to support travel to this year’s ascilite conference in Perth (where finalists will present on their submissions).

Details of the Awards can be found here.

This is just a reminder that Award submissions close on Friday 11 September. Finalists will be announced on Monday 5 October.

To enter, click here. Submissions need only be a simple 5-minute “pecha-kucha” style narrated presentation comprising 10-15 slides.

We look forward to hearing about your innovative practices and sharing them with the Learning Analytics community.

What is the Transforming Assessment SIG?

by Chris Campbell, ascilite Executive

The Transforming Assessment SIG (TA SIG) is for those interested in online assessment for both formative and summative purposes. This SIG is about staying in touch with the latest happenings in e-Assessment across Australasia and around the world. It runs a monthly webinar series and has its own website with archived session recordings and e-Assessment examples. The group is also served by its own mailing list and a social media presence on Linkedin, Facebook and Google+.

How can I be further involved in the Transforming Assessment SIG?

The TA SIG runs on a casual, 'come as you please' basis with options for people to be involved in the regular e-assessment webinars as an audience member, presenter or 'TA local' host. Webinars are intended to provide a low stakes method for connecting with experts and other people interested in e-Assessment. Webinars serve to bridge the gap between discussions that occur at both conferences and within higher education institutions.

'TA locals' (Transforming Assessment Locals), which are coming soon, will be locally hosted, face to face sessions to follow each webinar that aim to bring the global level discussion held in each online session into the local institutional context. The local sessions intend to support interested practitioners within each institution by getting local conversations started around the topic that was covered in the preceding webinar. The first TA local @ UQ was one conducted at the University of Queensland St Lucia campus on 6 August following on from the webinar on the 5th.  Participants reported that the local face to face discussion was of value and served to connect them with others holding an interest in the topic.

Members at institutions wishing to establish and host their own TA local face-to-face discussion group can contact Mathew Hillier for advice. Local hosts will be able register for early access to the webinar topic presentation slides and question prompt sheet that will help them prepare to host their own TA local. Local hosts will have the option of being listed on the main transforming website.

How can I get further information?

You will find contact details for the Transforming Assessment SIG on the ascilite website here.

The next Transforming Assessment webinar will be held on 9 September titled What can we do with assessment analytics?  (See below for details).

Next Transforming Assessment Webinar:What can we do with assessment analytics?


Time & Date

9 September 2015, 7am UTC/GMT. You will find your local time zone here.


Just because we have the data, does that mean that we can do anything useful with it? Is there value in collecting data about assessments, and can it be used to improve staff and student experiences of assessment or, assessment outcomes? The webinar will present some examples of using assessment data for quality enhancement and course development in higher education, and open up a discussion of the possible limitations and risks.


This webinar will be presented by Associate Professor Cath Ellis (University of New South Wales, Australia) and Dr. Rachel Forsyth (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK)

To register for this session please visit the TA SIG website here.

ascilite Welcomes New Institutional Member

The University of Western Australia has become the 19th institution to join ascilite as an institutional member and the ascilite community extends a warm welcome to all of those in UWA who have joined.

Reminder: Call Out for Proposals to Host the ascilite2016 Conference

ascilite is seeking expressions of interest from potential conference organizing committees to host the 2016 annual conference.

ascilite conferences are a central aspect of ascilite and provide opportunities for delegates to meet with international and national peers to exchange ideas, research and practice in educational technology.

Conferences provide a forum for the presentation of refereed papers, short concise papers, symposiums, posters and workshops. The conference also provides memorable opportunities for social interaction and networking.

There are a number of expectations of conference organizing committees including:

  1. Justification for the conference location and a brief explanation as to why the venue chosen would attract delegates.
  2. Identification of strategies for marketing and attracting 400 – 450 delegates to the conference.
  3. Liaison and collaboration with the ascilite Treasurer throughout the organization of the conference particularly in relation to the budget.
  4. Ongoing communication and collaboration with the ascilite Executive.
  5. The inclusion of an ascilite Executive member on the conference organizing committee.

The deadline for ascilite 2016 conference proposal submissions is Monday 14 September 2015.

As a first step a potential conference organizing committee should obtain a copy of the Conference Handbook and discuss this with an ascilite Executive. A copy of the Handbook is available by emailing the ascilite Secretariat.  Since the geographical location of the conference is an important consideration, you may view past conference locations on the ascilite website here.


Better Teaching, Better Learning: Monash University’s Blended Learning Transformation

Monash University is a research-intensive institution that continues to design and improve blended learning environments for its students. With an ambitious objective to transform education, and support from senior management, the "Better Teaching, Better Learning Agenda is a strategic initiative putting pedagogy at the heart of student learning outcomes.

Ahead of the annual Blended learning Summit in October, Darrell Evans, Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching, Monash University, shared exclusive insight into how the Better Teaching, Better Learning Agenda is being established and rolled out across numerous faculties.

Case Study Download

You can download the case study here: Better Teaching, Better Learning – Monash University’s blended learning transformation. In it, Darrell provides key insights into:

  • How stakeholder buy-in is driving more effective blended learning experiences for students
  • Where existing resources are being used to support academics and technology needs
  • The main focus areas for the next 12 months

We hope you enjoy the case study. If you’d like to know more about the Blended Learning Summit, please download the brochure or visit the website here. Alternatively, you can call + 61 (2) 9229 1000 or email

Peer Review of Assessment (PRAN) Project

Dear Colleagues,

This is an update to inform interested parties that the Peer Review of Assessment Project has received a great deal of feedback and support for its various initiatives and network, particularly the online peer review tool, as well as making linkages to other projects. If PRAN is of interest to you, please view and download a PDF here that contains a detailed update of the following items:

  • Status of PRAN Final Report
  • OLT National Teaching Fellowship: Prof Denise Chalmers
  • Developments in the UK
  • Developments in Australia: Education Services Australia: Development of sector wide online peer review tool
  • Proposed OLT Extension Grant: Trial of College of Peers process and online peer review tool
  • Higher Education Services: Higher Education Compliance and Quality Forum [HECQN]

Please send this notice to other academic colleagues interested in the peer review of teaching and assessment. They can contact us if they would like to be part of the network.

Best wishes,
Sara Booth
Strategic Advisor- Quality [External]
Division of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students & Education)
University of Tasmania

Job Vacancy: Academic Developer, University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame is currently seeking an Academic Developer (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer). This position is located on the Sydney Campus and reports to the Director, Learning and Teaching and ultimately, to the Pro Vice Chancellor Academic.

The duties of this position include, but are not limited to:

  1. Provide professional learning opportunities for staff to (a) develop and apply knowledge of pedagogical approaches; and (b) use different forms of media and technology to create high quality blended and online learning experiences for students.
  2. Develop and maintain a repository of web-based information resources that provide practical advice and support for academic staff on the design and maintenance of Blackboard unit sites and, more generally, for the design and delivery of quality learning and teaching experiences.
  3. Develop and foster a service-orientated approach that includes liaising with Schools and academic support areas to (a) provide advice and consultation support for the design, development and evaluation of curriculum (including course architecture), and learning resources; and (b) keep staff informed of activities, services, and developments related to the University’s Learning Management System, blended learning practises and general academic development opportunities.
  4. Work collaboratively with the Learning & Teaching Office (LTO) team on the Fremantle and Sydney Campuses to contribute to the ongoing development, implement and improve academic professional development across the University.
  5. Work with the University’s eLearning Advisory Group and the Learning & Teaching Committee to support the development, implement and/or review of strategic directions, priorities, policy, guidelines and processes related to the quality of teaching, learning, curricula and learning environments/infrastructure.
  6. Act as an effective communications conduit between Schools and the LTO.
  7. Attend and participate in relevant meetings, committees and events, as required.
  8. Other duties as directed by the Director, Learning and Teaching and the Pro Vice Chancellor Academic.

For further information, please visit the university website here.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members