Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


January’s ASCILITE Wavelength Podcast now available

The January edition of the new ASCILITE Wavelength Podcast service is now available.

In this episode, Michael Cowling chats with Sally Kift about scholarship of learning and teaching and what is needed for tertiary education to continue to innovate. We feature the first of a three-part series examining the work of staff addressing academic integrity at the coal face. “The Student Voice” examines student support services.

Episode Two

You’ll find all podcast episodes on the ASCILITE website along with additional information on the service  Wavelength is a community-contributed podcast, and we invite members of the ASCILITE community and affiliates to produce and contribute segments for the podcast. Details for how you can get involved are available on the ASCILITE website here.

New TELall blog post on improving cognitive presence in online discussions in large enrolment courses

Our latest blog post, by Janet Zydney (University of Cincinnati) and Aimee DeNoyelles (University of Central Florida), poses the question of how can an instructor possibly facilitate meaningful online discussions in a class of 400 students. The post explains how how this question was explored over 3 semesters in an undergraduate business course. Students facilitated themselves in small groups using structured protocols for discussion.


Reminder: AJET Call for Special Issue: Achieving Lasting Education in the New Digital Learning World

Guest Editors

Dr. Filia Garivaldis, Monash University
Dr. Stephen McKenzie, University of Melbourne
Dr. Danah Henriksen, Arizona State University
Dr. Sylvie Studente, Regent’s University London

The rapid and unprecedented teaching and learning modality shift of the pandemic has left instructors and students searching for ways to engage productively in these spaces. Against this backdrop, it is critical to highlight the need for robust and proven pedagogical designs.

We are inviting evidence-based papers, qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies, critical reviews, and theoretical contributions related to this topic through themes, including:

  • Integrating the past, present, and future of online learning, in using existing/established theories and models, examining current examples, and considered the projected future.
  • Translation and application of classical educational/learning theories and practices to the online modality
  • Design processes or models that support the use and mapping of classical learning theories into online spaces
  • Mindsets or approaches that help instructors and course designers to design effective and theory-driven online learning
  • Supporting creativity and innovation in online learning theory and research while tapping into classical theories and proven approaches
  • Navigating tensions and barriers in identifying or applying theory to effective online learning
  • Learning theories that support engagement in online spaces to avoid isolation or disengagement
  • Barriers or challenges to implementing educational/learning theories in the online modality
  • Models of effective learning through hybrid deliveries of education
  • Effective evaluation of online learning impact
  • Harnessing technology to enable lasting learning
  • Impactful professional development and life-long learning

You will find manuscript submission Instructions here.

Deadlines for authors

Submission deadline: 1 March 2022
Decision on manuscripts: 16 May 2022
Revised/final manuscripts: 16 June 2022
Expected Publication: August 2022

Final Reminder: Expressions of Interest invited in ASCILITE’s 2022 Community Mentoring Program

Applications (Expressions of Interest) in the 2022 Community Mentoring Program are now being accepted and are due by 6 February 2022. Both potential mentors and mentees are required to submit an EOI to express interest in the program, and applicants will then be matched with a mentor or mentee.

The ASCILITE Community Mentoring Program (CMP) has been operating since 2003 and over 200 members having taken part to date. The program is recognised by members for its value in coaching, facilitating and networking for both mentors and mentees. It aims to provide mentoring opportunities across a number of fields including educational technology, academic development, learning development, faculty education, early career research, graphic design and programming.

You will find full details of the program on the ASCILITE website here along with the application forms.

Information Session

An ASCILITE Live! webinar information session on the CMP has been scheduled for 3 February 2022 between 11 am and 12pm AEST for those interested in the program. The session will explain how the program works and cover what it means to become a mentor or a mentee. The session will be presented by 2020/2021 CMP members and chaired by the CMP coordinators Dr Kwong Nui Sim and Hazel Jones. If you can’t make it to the info session, you can still find out about the CMP and apply here.

Session login:


Call for Papers for IMET 2022

The 2nd International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET 2022) – Technical is co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society (Approval is Pending)

The conference is dedicated to the exploration of current practices in the use of emerging and interactive technologies. The interdisciplinary research topics presented and discussed at IMET render it a rather unique venue that promotes a dearly needed blend of technology and applied research. Given the very distinct needs and methodologies of both these great scientific fields, the conference must ensure that the presentation and discussion of results is accessible to both audiences and still has great scientific value. It also must serve different mindsets in terms of publications which is why, for instance, we offer post-conference invitations to the best submissions for inclusion in special journal issues which is greatly relevant especially to educational researchers. The main theme of IMET 2022 will be on Interactive Media in relation to: (a) Novel Technologies and (b) Applications.

We invite submissions on suitable subjects and the conference’s standard topics which you’ll find listed on the website here.

Electronic submission will be conducted using the EasyChair conference system. Full papers should be up 8 pages (including references), short papers 4 pages (including references), poster papers and demo papers up to 2 pages (including references). All papers must be formatted according to IEEE templates. All accepted papers (full, short, poster, demo and workshop papers) will be submitted for inclusion at the IEEE Digital Library.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: 8 March 2022
  • Short Paper, Poster submission deadline: 16 April 2022
  • Demo submission deadline: 16 May 2022
  • Workshop proposal deadline: 15 April 2022
  • Notification of acceptance for full papers: 15 April 2022
  • Notification of acceptance for short papers, posters: 15 May 2022
  • Final full paper submission date: 1 May 2022
  • Final short papers, posters submission date: 1 June 2022
  • Camera ready: 1 August 2022
  • Conference: 4 – 7 Oct 2022

Australian Volunteers Program, Australia’s flagship international volunteering program

The Australian Volunteers Program, funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) operates in 26 countries and recruits thousands of Australians with a broad range of skills and experience every year. The program is working with DFAT to recruit a select group of Australians with specific skillsets to support a coordinated health response across our region.

Over the past two years, we’ve shifted our focus to create short-term (3 months) remote volunteer assignments to continue providing much needed support to our partners.

We are currently looking to fill the following volunteer positions:

You will be supporting organisations based across Papua New Guinea and as a remote volunteer, you will be offered:

  • Language training allowance
  • A modest allowance for weekly expenses;
  • Online events and an opportunity to connect with likeminded volunteers

Find out more about by visiting the website here.

(Ed. note: In addition to the above offer, ASCILITE supports the Peer Assisted Learning Design (PALD) Initiative, an ASCILITE pilot program aimed at connecting educational technologists and designers with not-for-profits to support their educational technology or instructional design needs. You can find-out more about PALD on the ASCILITE website.

ALT (UK) News Digests

For those interested in what’s happening with technology enhanced learning in the UK, ASCILITE’s peer organisation – the Association of Learning Technologies, publishes a fortnightly News Digest.  Links to their latest News Digests are as follows: Issue 636 released on 17 January and Issue 637 released on 24 January.

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