Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education



Allan Christie – 25/4/1957 to 25/8/2022

It is with a very sad heart that we inform the ASCILITE community of the passing of Allan Christie. Allan passed away on Thursday 25 August in hospital, after complications with meningitis. Our condolences go out to Allan’s family at this very sad time – his wife, Pat, children, Tahlia, Imogen and Cameron, and their families including Allan’s much loved grandchildren, Huey and Frankie May.Allan was involved in ASCILITE from its conception in 1985 and was recognised for his contributions to ASCILITE with the prestigious Award of Life Member in 2003 (at the time, only the fourth person to receive this honour). The ASCILITE Life Member Award is the highest recognition of achievement made by ASCILITE and Allan was a most deserving recipient.Allan was well known throughout the ASCILITE community due to his deep and continued involvement in the Society for over 36 years. Not only was Allan the ‘go to’ person for corporate knowledge, he served on the ASCILITE Executive for over 27 years and from 2015 to 2018 and was elected to the position of Treasurer. This was due to his deep knowledge of the ASCILITE constitution, history, and his accounting expertise. Allan retired from the ASCILITE Executive in December 2019 and then from his role with Blackboard in 2020 with focus set to enjoying time with his family. Allan also enjoyed his time spent at his beautiful home on the beach in Adelaide, attending sporting matches including his beloved football games and traveling to exotic locations around the world.
Allan was the Founder and General Manager of NetSpot, an open-source eLearning Company that he established in 1998. Allan led NetSpot through a period of rapid growth that saw the company recognised as a BRW Fast 100 company in 2009 and 2011, SA Fast Mover company 2011, and Allan was a finalist for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Central region in 2010. In March 2012, NetSpot was acquired by Blackboard. Prior to NetSpot Allan was a Senior Lecturer at the University of South Australia, teaching and researching in the area of orthopaedics and sports physical therapy. It was in this role that Allan first became interested in technology facilitated teaching and learning. He published extensively and presented at many national and international conferences. Allan was recognised in 1993 for his use of education technologies in his courses with an Excellence in Teaching Award from the University of South Australia.
Allan was a great orator and a kind, generous and gentle person. Allan will be missed by many. I am sure there are many people that have great stories about Allan, and we look forward to hearing them.

Rest in peace, Allan. We will miss your smile, humour, generosity, and warmth.

Allan’s funeral will be at 2pm ACST on Thursday, 1st September at Harrison Funerals in Ridgehaven.  For those who are overseas or can’t be there in person, the venue will post the livestream on their website at


Reminder:  The ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School

We are excited to announce the 2022 Spring into Excellence Research School will be hosted by Monash University and Deakin University and held at the Deakin Downtown campus.

The dates for 2022 are the 24th – 26th October.

This three-day program includes lunches, morning and afternoon teas, as well as expert presenters for a cost of $600.00 (ASCILITE current financial members) or $750.00 (non-members, includes a 12-month membership). The Research School commences at lunchtime day one – Monday – and finishes at around 1:00pm on day three – Wednesday.  Further details can be found here.

Expressions of interest to attend the 2022 ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School are due by 23rd September 2022. Please note that there are limited places available so don’t be disappointed, register today.

EOI outcome notifications will be sent by 30th September 2022 and successful applicants will be provided with registration and payment options at that time.

The research school will be facilitated by senior researchers and leaders:

  • Prof Margaret Bearman (Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Deakin University)
  • A/Prof Chris Campbell (ASCILITE President; Sub-Dean (Learning Technology) and Faculty of Science and Health Business Partner Charles Sturt University)
  • Prof Phill Dawson (Associate Director, Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Deakin University)
  • Prof Sue Gregory (ASCILITE Exec and Life member, Head of School, School of Education, University of New England)
  • Prof Michael Henderson (ASCILITE Life member, Professor of Digital Futures and Director of Educational Design and Innovation (HEDI), Monash University)
  • Prof Dominique Parrish (ASCILITE Life member, Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, Macquarie University)
  • Prof Petrea Redmond (ASCILITE Exec member, Professor of Digital Pedagogies University of Southern Queensland)

If you have any further questions, please email Associate Professor Chris Campbell (ASCILITE President, Charles Sturt University).


Edvisors Wanted

Dear colleagues, I am looking for edvisors (learning designers, academic developers, educational technologists and the like) working in Australian institutions offering Higher Education qualifications to complete a short survey for my PhD research. (People have previously worked in these roles in Australia are also welcome)
I am Colin Simpson, an Educational Technologist at Monash University and a PhD student at the University of Sydney. My supervisor in this research is Professor Kalervo Gulson. I have worked in edvisor roles doing learning design, academic development and learning technology since 2003 in Higher Education and the VET sector.  I have also been a leader in the TELedvisors Network organising group since we started in 2016.
What will be involved if you participate in this study?

You will complete a brief survey about your work and experiences as an edvisor. (Approximately 25-30 mins)

Eligible respondents who complete the survey will also be able to enter a random draw to win one of four $50 gift cards.

For more information, please refer to the Participant Information Statement.


Introducing APUBS

Hello ASCILITE Community

First, some exciting news – the ASCILITE Executive have established a publications team to setup ASCILITE Publications (APUBS) as our own platform for publishing ASCILITE Conference papers and a publication pathway for ‘non-traditional’ articles from the ASCILITE community. This is a work in progress as we setup and configure a self-hosted version of the Open Journal System (OJS), with the ASCILITE 2022 Conference using APUBS as the submission, review, and publication platform for the first time.

As part of the setup process, we are also publishing our first APUBS Issue based upon the 2019 ASCILITE Conference proceedings. If you are an author of an ASCILITE 2019 paper you may receive automatic notification from the APUBS system when your paper is back-published into the 2019 Issue – don’t worry, this is not an ‘error’ and needs no action from you, it’s just because the paper has been resubmitted to a new system. This means your past ASCILITE Conference papers will be published in APUBS with a citable DOI, metrics, and a great looking format. Publishing the past 25+ years of ASCILITE Conference papers in APUBS will also create a consistent permanent archive that has many features – such as a central repository with search functionality, metrics, and associated DOIs, giving your ASCILITE Conference contributions wider impact.

Unfortunately, like any new system we are ironing out the bugs as we go, but those emails from APUBS should be good news going forward! Bear with us as we tweak the OJS system for APUBS and sort out the email bounces etc that you may have received through the system. If you are a submitter or reviewer for ASCILITE 2022 you should also be aware that emails will arrive from APUBS going forward and ensure these are allowed in your spam filter settings.

Nonetheless, if you have any concerns, please get in touch with us. We’re excited about the future of APUBS and tying in with the 2022 Conference theme as we Reconnect the ASCILITE community’s 25+ years of conference proceedings!


The APUBS editorial team.

TELedvisors webinar – Belonging in online learning environments

Thursday 1st September @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm AEST

This TELedvisors webinar takes its cue from a recently released special issue of the Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, called ‘Pedagogies of belonging in an anxious world’ (Edited by Nona Press and colleagues). The presenters for our webinar are all contributing authors to the special issue. First, Nicole Crawford and colleagues will discuss their paper on “Experiences of belonging (or not) among mature-aged regional and remote university students”. Next, Beate Mueller and colleagues will outline how to “build belonging in online WIL environments”, drawing on lessons learned from the pandemic. Finally Ammar Bahadur Singh will “examine students’ collaborative epistemic actions in a MOOC learning environment”.

We look forward to seeing you on 1 September at

Transforming Assessment SIG webinar: Poor feedback and what we can do about it

Wednesday, 7th September @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm AEST

Presenter: Pauline Ross (University of Sydney, Australia)

Student and staff dissatisfaction with feedback is common across the sector nationally and internationally. This webinar will start by covering the well-known issues of poor feedback, i.e. lack of timeliness and opportunity to act on feedback. We will then move on to describe successful examples of feedback where students and staff indicate a high level of satisfaction that quality feedback has been provided and used to improve learning outcomes.

There will be time for Q&A.

Webinar registration is at

Start: 0700 universal time | 8AM UK | 3PM SG/HK | 5PM SYD/MEL | 7PM NZ.

Reminder:  ASCILITE Live! Webinar – ASCILITE’s Women in Academic Leadership Initiative


Monday 12th September @ 3-4 (AEST)

Presented by A/Prof Chris Campbell, Prof Sue Gregory, Prof Petrea Redmond, A/Prof Elaine Huber.

This webinar will provide information about the Women in Academic Leadership Initiative in preparation for the next round of applications. Come along and hear about the success of the last two years and how you can get involved for 2023-2024.

The program provides mentoring opportunities for academics at levels C and D (or equivalent), with mentors from Levels D and E. The initiative brings together its members via a community approach to support each other to progress in academia. Applicants must be current members of ASCILITE and maintain their membership for the duration of the two year initiative.

The benefits of participation in the initiative include:

  • Tips and advice on academic promotion from members;
  • Seminars for mentoring on relevant topics suggested by the cohort;
  • Expansion of skills, knowledge and experience such as communication, leadership, storytelling, visibility and strategic planning; and
  • Opportunity for networking and to create contacts outside of the individual’s own workplace.

Full details of the initiative will be discussed at this webinar.
Register at:

Empower Learners in an AI World presented by EduGrowth and ASCILITE

Thu 6th Oct 2022, 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm AEDT
As big data becomes an increasingly important skill, hear from AI thought leaders on how we can empower learners to understand and utilise artificial intelligence.
This session will explore the role of universities in preparing learners for the world of AI. And case studies from innovative EdTech companies will also be presented showcasing how AI is empowering their users.

This session will cover:

  • The capabilities people need in a world of AI
  • How these capabilities can be conceptualised and integrated into the university curriculum
  • How to empower learners in AI literacy to safeguard the technology

Speakers to be announced.

Register at

ASCILITE has a new Secretariat

After many years Andre Colbert retired from the Secretariat position. ASCILITE wishes Andre all the best for his retirement.  ASCILITE would like to introduce Michelle Davy, the new ASCILITE Secretariat who is stepping in to ensure a smooth transition.

Michelle has been a long-time member of ASCILITE and most recently attended the 2019 conference in Singapore.

Michelle is also affiliated with UniSA and Navitas will be the friendly person behind the Secretariat email.

We wish Michelle all the best in this position.

Call for Nominations to the Executive Committee

Current ASCILITE financial members are invited to stand for election to the ASCILITE Executive Committee and the closing date for nominations is the 20 September 2022.

You will find details of current Executive Members here and a summary of Executive roles and the work of the Executive is outlined in the document Prospective Executive Committee Member Information.

For further information on the work of the Society or the Executive Committee please contact the President, Vice-President or any Executive Committee member. Committee members will be happy to answer your questions by phone or email.

The Call for Nominations is open to all financial members from 29 August to 20 September 2022 and voting will be open to all financial members from 22 September to 10 October 2022. Members will be sent candidate information with an online voting link on 22 September and the results of this ballot will be announced at the ASCILITE Annual General Meeting at ASCILITE 2022.

You will find further details of the election schedule, positions available and nomination forms on the ASCILITE website here.




Hybrid ALT Annual Conference

Dear ASCILITE members

We are excited to share with you the final programme for our first ever Hybrid ALT Annual Conference.

Featuring over 100 sessions across three days both in person and online. Our online programme opens up participation to a wider audience, enabling participation across geographic boundaries and time zones, whilst our in-person sessions will bring our community back together for the first time since 2019.

Explore our full programme of sessions and activities below;

Our plenary sessions are designed to bring all participants together to focus on the key themes and will be available both online and in-person.

  • Opening Plenary: Welcome to the Conference – chaired by Peter Bryant
  • How our profession is changing: the #altc22 Panel Discussion – chaired by Helen O’Sullivan with Fereshte Goshtasbpour and Helen Beetham
  • Ethics and educational technology – Dr Rob Farrow
  • Excellence in Learning Technology Showcase – chaired by David White

Explore Programme


Position Available: Digital Media Technologist

Charles Sturt University

Work type: Fixed Term – Full Time, until July 2025
Location: Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Wagga Wagga
Division of Learning and Teaching

As a Digital Media Technologist, you will plan, design and develop high quality digital media for online delivery. This position will work collaboratively to develop creative and innovative resources in varied digital formats that enhance student learning and will provide expert and timely advice relating to media content and production.


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Institutional Members