Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ASCILITE 2019 Call for Papers extended closing

The ASCILITE 2019 Conference Organizing Committee would like to inform you that contributions describing critical perspectives on the use of educational technology under the themes and submission types outlined on the conference website here are now due by 9 August (extended from 26 July 2019). All submissions must be made via EasyChair. If you have any queries, please email the conference organisers.

Call for Proposals for Special Isssue of AJET in 2020

The editors of the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) welcome expressions of interest from individuals or teams interested in guest editing a special issue of the journal in 2020 or early 2021.

Expressions of interest of up to 500 words should include the following information:

  1. Names and affiliations of guest editor(s), including experience and brief biographical details
  2. Proposed special issue theme, including possible topics
  3. The relevance of the theme to the scope and coverage of the journal
  4. The significance of the theme in advancing the field of educational technology in higher education

The proposals email your expression of interest to A/Prof Michael Henderson, AJET Lead Editor, by 1 September 2019.

TELall blog: ASCILITE Conference Social Highlights

In TELall’s latest blog, Alan Soong (National University of Singapore) and Chris Campbell (Griffith University) help you with planning on what to see and do and where to eat when you go to the ASCILITE 2019 conference in Singapore this December.  When you register for the conference, you’ll notice in your registration from a choice of tickets for social activities. Two of these, the Night Safari and the Singapore Flyer are only valid for Tuesday 3rd December (day 1 of the conference), while Gardens by the Bay is available for 30 days from the 2 December. Singapore also has great places to eat and a few of these are described the the post.


ASCILITE 2019 Conference registration opens

The 2019 conference organizing team is pleased to announce that Early Bird registration is now open for the conference here.

The conference team is working hard to finalize an exciting 2019 conference program and has confirmed several Keynote speakers to date including Emeritus Professor Mike Sharples, Emeritus Professor of Educational Technology from the Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, UK and Professor Koh Hian Chye, Professor and Director, Business Intelligence & Analytics at the Singapore University of Social Sciences.

Conference highlights will include:

  • Keynote talks by distinguished speakers
  • Choice of six exciting conference themes
  • Experimental workshops and poster displays
  • Conference dinner and dance
  • NIght trip excursions to explore Singapore
  • Networking with over 300 fellow participants in the APAC region

A conference twitter handle will be up and running in the next few weeks and you will be invited to connect so that you don’t miss any of the latest developments.

ASCILITE Live! Webinar: A multidisciplinary approach to embedding digital literacy across the curricula – Today at 12pm AEST

The Professional Literacy Suite (PLS) is a set of three embedded digital literacy modules developed to translate Deakin University’s Graduate Learning Outcome of Digital Literacy and support employability.  This project was awarded the 2018 ASCILITE Innovation Award in recognition of outstanding innovation in the development of the Professional Literacy Suite, as the project lead.

This session will give an overview of the PLS, how the multidisciplinary project team implemented and scaffolded the suite across the course, and the support provided for both staff and students. Participants will have the opportunity to see how the modules are embedded within the student Learning Management System, interact with the modules themselves and consider how it may be applied at their own institutions.

You can join the session here, although if you pre-register here, we’ll be able to email you a link to the session recording.  Pre-registration will remain open until the session finishes at 1pm AEST.

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