Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Business Education SIG Webinar on Professional Accreditation and Online Assessment

Date & time: 29 March @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm AEDT, 3pm Singapore and 8pm New Zealand. For additional time zones visit this link.

Throughout 2020, the academic community has engaged in significant discussion around the role of invigilation and online assessment.

Join Dr Amanda White (UTS Business, Deputy Head, Education – Accounting) for a panel and workshop discussing professional accreditation requirements in Business Schools and the tension between academic standards and integrity, invigilation, university budgets and academic workload.

Join the session with this login.

New TELall Blog Post: Leveraging on technological affordances for emergency remote teaching – experience with a large class undergraduate module

In this post by Associate Professor Yeong Foong May, Lee Zheng Wei and Lee Seow Chong (National University of Singapore), our authors explain how they read with interest blogs by Redmond & Brown (2020) and Dabner (2020) on the need to engage and support students in this unprecedented time of emergency remote teaching during COVID-19 and how it influenced their project based on the elements of the Online Engagement Framework for Higher Education (Redmond et al. 2018) in which they illustrated how these were used at NUS from August to November 2020 in an online undergraduate Life Sciences module with about 200 students.


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Webinar recording now available on “Rethinking Assessment Influences and Strategies”

Rethinking and transforming assessment have been topics in higher education learning and teaching for some time. COVID-19 and the pivot to online delivery in many instances accelerated institutions to new ways of assessing student learning.

In this session (held on 22 March), our expert panel discussed why we need to rethink assessment and practical strategies for addressing 21st Century challenges through assessment redesign. Session presenters included Margaret Bearman (Deakin University), Roseanna Bourke (Massey University), Christopher Deneen (University of Melbourne) and Matthew Hillier (Macquarie University).

View recording >>

Reminder: New Issue of AJET Published, Volume 37 (1)

The first issue of AJET (Australasian Journal of Educational Technology) has been released for 2021. The editorial contains information about the new Lead Editors and other changes to the team of Associate Editors as well as bibliometric data about the journal during 2020. The articles contained in Volume 37, Issue 1 include interesting research about the implementation of many different types of technology in a variety of higher education contexts. You can find all the articles (open access) on the AJET website.

Kate Thompson, Linda Corrin, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Jason M. Lodge
AJET Lead Editors

ASCILITE 2021 Conference – mark your calendars

The ASCILITE 2021 Conference will be held at the University of New England in Armidale NSW Australia on 29 November to 1 December 2021 so mark your calendars. The conference team at UNE is planning another stellar event and the conference website should be available in a few weeks ready for the call-out for conference papers. You’ll find a tentative schedule of key dates for the conference here.


FLANZ 2021 Conference Program released

The FLANZ 2021 Conference, in association with Massey University, is please to issue the conference programme. Spaces are limited for the face to face option at Victoria University of Wellington – register now to avoid missing out.  FLANZ is the Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand, previously known as DEANZ.


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