Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


#ASCILITE2024 Conference

2 weeks left for #ascilite2024 Early Bird registration

Don’t miss out on Australasia’s premier edtech conference – including a night at the Museum with Camp ASCILITE!

Featuring Speakers: Jason M. LodgeLisa Marie BlaschkeSusan McKenney, and  Margaret Bearman + 185 presentations (Many on AI in HE)… Venue: Arts West, University of Melbourne 1-4 December

Come get your Camp ASCILITE badge!

ASCILITE Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2 December – Save the date

The ASCILITE 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place during the annual conference.

Date: Monday 2 December 2024
Time: 12:30-1:30pm
Venue: Kathleen Fitzpatrick Lecture Theatre B101, Arts West, UniMelb.

We encourage all current members to attend the meeting. Further details will be circulated in the coming weeks.

Executive Committee News

Please join us in offering a big welcome to Lisa Bugden (UNE), Pennie White (Deakin), Karine Cosgrove (Griffith) and Vickel Narayan (Massey, NZ) to the ASCILITE committee for 2025 and 2026. We are excited to get working with the new committee members to advance our many portfolios and work with our community.

In addition, we will retain a long standing member of the executive, Thom Cochrane (Melbourne), co-opted for 12 months to ensure succession planning for our APUBS work.

Would you also join us in saying a goodbye and thank you to the outgoing members Petrea Redmond (USQ) and Robert Vanderburg (CQU). Their presence on the committee will be missed.

Sandra Barker (UniSA) will also be continuing on the executive as our new Treasurer.

We send a big thank you to our outgoing treasurer Mark Schier who has served on the executive since 2016.

And finally, a huge “THANK YOU” to all the members that voted in the election.

TELedvisors-SIG: Brisbane, SEQ and Northern NSW TELedvisors Meetup

Attention! TELedvisor colleagues in Brisbane, South-East Queensland and Northern NSW

Date: Thursday, 14 November 2024
Time: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM (a light lunch and afternoon tea provided)
Location: Room 413/A (Level 2), P Block, The Cube, Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus
RSVP: Friday, 8 November 2024

We are having a meet-up over lunch, followed by a hands-on workshop on the topic of Enhancing assessment by leveraging AI.

This event will enable you to expand your professional network and make connections with other TELedvisors. After lunch, you will form cross-institutional teams to undertake the challenge of redesigning assessment to incorporate the use of AI. Then the tables are turned and you will use AI to complete an assessment task from another group. After a debrief of your learnings and experiences, we shall wrap up the afternoon by further networking opportunities.

Register today.

Webinar: Update on New Zealand TELAS

Date: Tuesday 19 November
Time: 11am (AEDT) / 1pm (NZ)
Register here

As part of the TELAS initiative, we have been investigating TELAS and how it can be used in organisational contexts with a particular focus on New Zealand. We would now like to report back in an interactive 1 hour webinar on where we are at with this initiative.

We look forward to meeting with you on the 19th November.

AJET Webinar: How (not) to get published in AJET

Date: Tuesday 26 November 2024
Time: 12:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

In this webinar, the AJET Lead Editors will discuss what to do (and what not to do) to give you the best chance of getting published in AJET. They will also provide some tips on how to write a good abstract and how to create a good set of keywords.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 878 0200 4916

Applications to host the ASCILITE 2026 or 2027 Conference

We are seeking expressions of interest from potential conference organising committees to host the 2026 and 2027 annual conference. ASCILITE conferences are a central aspect of ASCILITE and provide opportunities for delegates to meet with international and national peers to exchange ideas, research and practice in educational technology. Conferences provide a forum for the presentation of refereed papers, short concise papers, symposiums, posters, pecha kucha and workshops. The conference also provides memorable opportunities for social interaction and networking.

There are a number of expectations of conference organising committees including:

  1. Justification for the conference location and a brief explanation as to why the venue chosen would attract delegates.
  2. Identification of strategies for marketing and attracting 450-500 delegates to the conference.
  3. Liaison and collaboration with the ASCILITE treasurer throughout the organisation of the conference particularly in relation to the budget.
  4. Ongoing communication and collaboration with the ASCILITE executive.
  5. The inclusion of an ASCILITE executive member on the conference organising committee.

If you would like to discuss hosting the conference with a member of the executive please reach out to Sandra Barker and/or Hazel Jones.

A copy of the hosting proposal guidelines are available here.

The Third Space Symposium is an event in two parts- a free, online asynchronous event over two weeks (Friday 15th – Sat 30th November) called the Slowposium and then a 1 day in-person event at the University of Melbourne on Sunday 1st December (the day before the ASCILITE conference kicks off in the same location).

Both events will include a rich program addressing all aspects of working in the tertiary education third space. The in-person symposium will focus specifically on our corner of the third space dealing with the work of learning designers, educational technologists, academic developers and the like. Registration for this event includes morning/afternoon tea and lunch and costs $56.

This is easily the biggest event that we have put on and we think it will be amazing. Really hope to see you there.

Find out more and register here


TEFA Network Online Event: Shaping the Future of Higher Education

Wednesday 13 Nov 2024 10am (AEST) / 11am (AEDT)

Join the Australian Teaching/Education Focused Academic Network for a pivotal conversation on the future of education with leading voices in higher education. Our expert panel – Professor Sally Kift, Professor Kelly Matthews, and Professor Adam Bridgeman will discuss how we can harness the power of Teaching and Education Focused Academics to shape teaching and learning practices across Australia, in light of the Australian Universities Accord and ATEC Implementation.

Register here.
Join our free network here.

Artificial Intelligence and Language Learning – Episode one and two out now!

Love it or hate it, generative artificial intelligence (genAI) has set up a permanent and growing presence in the University’s teaching and research spheres. Students and academic staff alike are now having to contend not only with the relentless pace of development of new genAI tools, but with a fog of uncertainty around when it’s acceptable or ethical to use them.

A new podcast series currently in development by the School of Languages and Linguistics (SOLL) at the University of Melbourne examines the profound – and sometimes scary – impact of genAI technologies, with a special focus on language learning and teaching, translation and linguistics. Presented by linguists Prof John Hajek and Dr Yu Hao, and with the help of an AI-generated co-host, this five-episode series covers a range of timely topics to intrigue language enthusiasts, educators, and tech-savvy listeners alike.

Universities and the rise of AI – Part 1: Ethical quandaries
Universities and the rise of AI – Part 2: A peek into large language models

The Secret Life of Language is a podcast from the University of Melbourne’s School of Languages and Linguistics. This episode was produced by Eric van Bemmel and Kelvin Param of Profactual, and Gavin Nebauer. Recorded and mixed by Gavin Nebauer at The Horwood Recording Studio, the University of Melbourne.

UNSW Scientia Education Lectures of 2024

UNSW would like to invite you to attend the final 2 Scientia Education Lectures of 2024

Navigating challenges in Work-Integrated Learning
In the face of talent shortages and changing skill requirements, educators are urged to incorporate Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) in higher education courses. However, creating quality, accessible, and impactful WIL remains challenging. This Scientia Education lecture, led by Prof. Denise Jackson from Edith Cowan University, will address these challenges and explore opportunities to improve WIL to meet the needs of diverse stakeholders.

Tue 29 Oct | 3.30-4.30pm | Online

Preparing learners for adaptively responding to uncertainty
In this Scientia Education lecture, Prof. Michelle Lazarus from Monash University, will explore how uncertainty manifests across various careers, examine the pros and cons of different strategies for managing uncertainty tolerance, and discuss the psychological factors that shape our responses. Michelle will share practical tips to help students develop adaptive skills for navigating the inevitable uncertainties they encounter as they transition through their studies and careers

Mon 4 Nov| 1-2pm | Online

Behaviour Change Masterclass

BehaviourWorks Australia is running a Behaviour Change Masterclass from November 26th – 28th in Melbourne CBD,.

The Masterclass is designed to help participants build practical, hands-on skills in designing, implementing, and evaluating behaviour change programs – with plenty of built-in opportunities to apply these concepts to their own projects.

ASCILITE members interested in learning about behavioural science and how they can apply it in an education setting are eligible for a 10% discount on course fees (use code BCM10 during enrolment).

More information and enrolment is available here.

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Institutional Members