Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Call for Nominations to the ascilite Executive Committee

A Call for Nominations to the Executive Committee was emailed to all current ascilite members on 17 September with an invitation to stand for election to the ascilite Executive Committee.

Current ascilite financial members who value the services and professional community engagement offered through our not-for-profit Society, and who believe they have the time, commitment and dedication to work in a voluntary capacity to contribute toward a variety of ascilite activities, are invited to nominate for election to the Executive Committee.

Nominations are open until 14 October and full details along with nomination forms are available here.

Reminder: Early Bird Rates Still Available for ascilite2015

Early Bird Rates

The Early Bird rates for the ascilite2015 conference at Curtin University, Perth are still available. Rates for the conference, workshops and social events will be found on page 3 of the registration system which is available here.

All conference submissions have now been reviewed and the conference program will be published shortly.  If, by any chance, you made a submission to the conference and did not receive notification of the outcome, please email Torsten Reiners from the conference organizing committee.

Sneak Preview of Sunday Workshops

A sneak preview of the workshop schedule for Sunday 29 November may be viewed here.  Full abstracts of the workshops will be available on the conference website in the coming days.

2015 ascilite Innovation Award is Now Open for Nominations

The ascilite Innovation Award (first introduced in 2011 as the Innovation & Excellence Award) celebrates work undertaken by an individual or team of people in support of the exemplary and research informed use of technologies for teaching and learning in tertiary education. Innovation is defined as a new idea, device or process. It is something original that “breaks into” teaching and learning in the tertiary sector.

Applications for this award are likely to include:

  • Innovative solutions which promote the exemplary and research informed use of technologies for teaching and learning in tertiary education.
  • Product development projects which promote the exemplary and research informed use of technologies for teaching and learning in tertiary education.
  • Large-scale implementation initiatives which promote the innovative, exemplary and research informed use of technologies for teaching and learning in tertiary education.
  • Major professional development initiatives which promotes the exemplary and research informed use of technologies for teaching and learning in tertiary education.

Full criteria for the award are available in this PDF here and you will find nomination forms here.  Nominations close 19 October 2015.


2015 Sciences and Technologies of Learning Research Fest

Register now for the 2015 Sciences and Technologies of Learning (STL) Research Fest, to be held at the University of Sydney on Thursday, 5 November.

The STL Research Fest is an annual event inviting the community of researchers and practitioners to come together to exchange ideas, showcase work, form new collaborations, and catch up on recent innovations in learning and knowledge technology research. This year's fest takes place on 5 November in the Charles Perkins Centre Hub at the University of Sydney.  Expect a full day of activities, including plenaries, parallel workshop, demonstration and round table sessions, and poster sessions, as well as the opportunity to mingle and network over breaks. Attending the Fest is free, but you need to register here.

The Fest is organised by STL (the Sciences and Technologies of Learning research network) and CoCo, the Centre for Research on Computer Supported Learning and Cognition, a University of Sydney Research Centre in the Faculty of Education and Social Work.

If you would like to register to attend or present at the Research Fest please do so here before 28 September. Everyone is welcome; please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you think may be interested. You are very welcome to contact us or visit our webpage at for more information.

Survey Invitation: UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education

This message is to invite you to complete the survey within the project “Access, Equity and Quality: Envisioning the Sustainable Future of Postsecondary Education in a Digital Age” implemented by the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education in collaboration with the UNESCO Headquarters and aimed at determining the future agenda in ICT in postsecondary education and contributing to shaping education policies based on research and foresight studies. The project includes virtual panels of policy makers and experts; mapping and assessment of major relevant trends; the online survey; analysis/generalization of the results of the panel/survey; feedback from UNESCO Chairs, etc.

The questionnaire deals with the issues of validation and credentialing of learning results and open educational resources; curriculum and institutional change and teacher development. The choice of the topics is based on the analysis of the outcome of a high-level meeting that was held in Paris in March 2015. The deadline for responses is Monday 28 September, 2015.

We would also be grateful if you would forward this invitation to your networks.

Kind regards,
Svetlana Knyazeva
Chief of Section of Digital Pedagogy and Learning Materials
UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education
8/1 Kedrova St., Bld 3, 117 292 Moscow, Russian Federation
+7 499 129 42 74

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members