Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Call for Nominations to the Executive Committee

Current ASCILITE financial members are invited to stand for election to the ASCILITE Executive Committee.

The positions being elected this year are President, Vice President and 3 members of the executive.

You will find details of current Executive Members here and a summary of Executive roles and the work of the Executive is outlined in the document Prospective Executive Committee Member Information.

For further information on the work of the Society or the Executive Committee please contact the President, Vice-President or any Executive Committee member. Committee members will be happy to answer your questions by phone or email.

The Call for Nominations is open to all financial members from 28 August to 18 September 2023.

Voting will be open to all financial members from 20 September to 6 October 2023.

Members will be sent candidate information with an online voting link on 20 September and the results of this ballot will be announced at the ASCILITE Annual General Meeting at ASCILITE 2023.

You will find further details of the election schedule, positions available and nomination forms on the ASCILITE website here.

2023 ASCILITE Awards: Open for Nominations

Nominations close 2 October 2023 

Each year, ASCILITE members are invited to apply or nominate for the ASCILITE awards and to consider nominations that they believe meet the criteria set for each award. The award categories available to members in 2023 are as follows:

  • Innovation Award 
    • Celebrates work undertaken by an individual or team of people in support of the exemplary and research informed use of technologies for teaching and learning in tertiary education. Innovation is defined as a new idea, device or process. It is something original that “breaks into” teaching and learning in the tertiary sector.
      • The most outstanding Innovation Award: “The Allan Christie ASCILITE Innovation Award” (judged from Innovation Award nominations). Allan Christie was involved with ASCILITE since its conception in 1985. He was recognised with a Life Member award in 2003 (only the fourth person to receive this honour at the time). Allan continued to serve the Society for over 36 years and was on the ASCILITE Executive for 27 years when he retired from the Executive in December 2019. Allan was well known in higher education and sadly passed away suddenly last year. He is missed greatly in the ASCILITE circles.
  • Anthology Educational Designer of the Year Award, in memory of Allan Christie
    • In recognition of Allan Christie’s lifelong contribution to the sector, this award is professional staff member who has made significant contributions to learning and teaching. The award is sponsored by Anthology, to the value of $1,000
  • Emerging Scholar Award 
    • Has made a noteworthy contribution in the exemplary use of ore research into technologies for learning and teaching in tertiary education
  • Community Fellow Award 
    • Recognise the outstanding contributions of individual ASCILITE members in the exemplary building of connections in the wider community and into the ASCILITE community.
  • ASCILITE/CAULLT Award for Outstanding Leadership in Digital Learning in Higher Education
    • Recognises evidence of an individual’s innovative and effective leadership in the broad use of digital technologies to enhance teaching, learning, and overall performance in higher education.
  • Student Bursary Award 
    • Available to full-time PhD/EdD or equivalent students
  • Life Member Award 
    • A prestigious award that recognizes the significant service and/or sustained contribution of an ASCILITE member to the Society

For further information on each award, refer to the specific award criteria and nomination form on the ASCILITE website.

Conference ASCILITE23: Additional reviewers wanted

We are already two thirds through reviewing all the submissions for ASCILITE 23. The editorial team is very excited to see the breadth and quality of the submissions and it looks like ASCILITE 23 is shaping up to be another excellent event.

However due to scheduling commitments in our review community, we are still looking for volunteers to help out with some outstanding reviews. If you are able, we would appreciate the help. We really do rely on our community of reviewers for their time and support in this process so we can let authors know the outcomes of their work. If you are able to help out and do any extra reviews in the next week or two please let us know – This will help us speed up the review process.

For those ASCILITE Foodie’s: check out this 3min clip all about Riverside Market just 650metres walk from Te Pae

2023 ASCILITE Research School

Date: 23rd-25th October, Hosted by Charles Sturt University, Canberra

The ASCILITE Spring into Excellence Research School is typically held over three (3) days in which academic and professional staff come together to further develop their research skills. The school is facilitated by senior researchers and leaders drawn from the ASCILITE community. It includes lunches, morning and afternoon teas, as well as expert presenters for a approximate cost of $600 (ASCILITE current financial members) or $750.00 (non-members, includes a 12 month membership). The Research School commences at lunchtime day one – Monday, and finishes at around 1pm on day three – Wednesday.

More information can be gained from the website.

Interested? Please complete the EoI form here.

Recording: ASCILITE Live! Webinar – August 2023

Check out the recording of our ASCILITE Live! Webinar session in August where ASCILITE 2022 Best Full Paper Award Winner Andrew Cram discussed online assessment in business schools, breaking down the current usage and challenges.

Watch the recording here:

ASCILITE LD SIG: LDHACK Webinar : Designing for Inclusion

When: Friday 1st September, 12-1.30pm AEST
Topic: Designing for Inclusion
This webinar we will look at inclusive design and how to design for inclusion within a unit/course, and how you can signal and support welcoming and belonging in simple ways. The activity gets you to review the ‘Worst syllabus ever!’ and think about the purpose of the syllabus in both communicating important information, but also as an opportunity to build inclusion given it is often a student or learners’ first experience with the learning materials and unit/course.

Register for Webinar 3 via LinkedIn Events


  • Introduce topic and learning theories around inclusion, reminder on rules of engagement
  • Discuss and present findings within small groups (size dependent)
  • Larger discussion and reporting
  • Summary and wrap-up

More information on LDHACK website

ASCILITE TELedvisors SIG:  August webinar – What standard is that?

Date: 31 August
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm AESTMore information and registration here (Eventbrite link).

Scott Casley, Dom McGrath, and Sarah Thorneycroft  will take us on a journey across different standards and documentation to support those standards. A short question and answer session will conclude the session.

TELall Blog: A conversation starter on Professional standards for Learning Designers

In our latest blog post Rebecca Ng (University of Wollongong), Sharon Altena (QUT) and Meredith Hinze (University of Melbourne) reflect on their symposium at the 2022 ASCILITE conference. In this blog, they introduce their research and summarise some of the key discussion points from the symposium. They invite you to contribute to the post especially if you participated in the symposium, and seek your reflections on

  • What is needed for the profession in the coming years,
  • Are standards and competencies the answer, and
  • What are your thoughts six months after the conterence?

Read more here.

Are you a CMP (Community Mentoring Programme) member prior to 2020?

If so, please kindly contact A/P Kwong Nui Sim (the current CMP-WiPL coordinator) should you be interested to join us for the in person CMP 20th birthday celebration in Christchurch, New Zealand during the 2023 ASCILITE conference.


CRADLE Seminar Series – Developing learners’ feedback literacy in and for the workplace – Dr Christy Noble

Date: 12 September 2023,
Time: 2-3.30pm

This seminar is presented by visiting academic Dr Christy Noble (The University of Queensland). Her research interests include workplace learning, feedback literacy and assessment literacy.

The value of purposefully developing learners’ feedback literacy to enhance feedback processes is well recognised. As a result, much research has been directed towards conceptual advancement and improving students’ feedback literacy in higher education. Yet, learners in workplaces, such as healthcare, remain dissatisfied with their feedback experiences. Developing learners’ feedback literacy in and for workplace settings holds promise but remains under-explored.

In this session, participants will be challenged to consider the relationship between learners’ feedback agency and feedback opportunities in workplace contexts. The nature of this relationship might be an important way to advance the conceptualisation and the development of feedback literacy. We also challenge the extent to which contextual feedback know-how can be ‘developed’ purposefully outside of everyday work.

This session will be held at Deakin Downtown, Level 12, Tower 2, 727 Collins Street, Docklands and online.

Further information is available here.

UDL Symposium: UDL In Action: the what, the why and the how of UDL

The Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) is delighted to announce the inaugural tertiary education symposium on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which will be held virtually on the 5th and 7th September.

UDL In Action: the what, the why and the how of UDL will bring together experts, practitioners, researchers, and advocates from diverse fields to explore the latest developments in Universal Design for Learning.

The UDL Symposium will feature keynote presentations, panel discussions, workshops, allowing participants to share their knowledge, exchange ideas, and collaborate on future initiatives.

By creating an inclusive educational environment that caters to the diverse learning needs of all students, UDL has emerged as a powerful framework for educational innovation and excellence. This Symposium offers an opportunity to share knowledge and good practice with your tertiary education colleagues regardless of how far into the UDL journey you or your institution may be.

Symposium Dates and Times

5th September 2023, 2 pm to 5 pm AEST
7th September 2023 10 am to 1:30 pm AEST

Event is free to attend.

More information and the full program

Register now for the 2023 UDL Symposium

2023 Digitally Engaged Learning (DEL) Conference

Registration for the 2023 Digitally Engaged Learning (DEL) Conference is now open. DEL is a free and online international conference exploring digitally engaged teaching and learning in art and design. This year’s theme is Realities and Futures.

The conference is hosted online from University of the Arts London (UAL) on 21 & 22 September 2023. We are also trialing local hubs this year in London at UAL and New York City at Parsons, The New School to physically meet to view the online conference and for networking.

To view the schedule of sessions and to register visit the Digitally Engaged Learning website.

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Institutional Members