Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ascilite 2104 Conference Key Dates

Below is a complete list of key conference dates. (Paper related dates were published in the last issue of the bulletin, 14 April 2014).  You will find a link to the conference website below.

Submissions Open

31 March 2014

Online Registrations Open

April 2014

Deadline for Workshop submissions

30 May 2014

Deadline for Paper submissions

30 June 2014

Deadline for Posters & Symposium

30 June 2014

Reviewing Process ends

23 July 2014

Completed Reviews sent back to authors (1st Review Due)

10 August 2014

Accepted papers/Revised papers due (2nd Review Due)

3 Sept 2014

Early Bird Registration Fee deadline

3 October 2014

Standard Registration Fee applies

4 October 2014

Standard Registration Due

12 October 2014

Cancellation Policy (refund of 50%)

23 October 2014

No refund

24 October 2014

Registrations close

22 Nov 2014

ascilite2014 Pre-Conference Workshops

23 Nov 2014

ascilite2014 Conference

24 – 26 Nov 2014

ascilite live! Webinar Video Recording Available

ascilite's latest webinsr "Gamification: It's Potential in Learning" presented by Keith Ng and moderated by Alan Soong is avaialble for viewing here. You can read a synopsis of what the webinar covered here.


Office of Learning & Teaching (OLT) Project

The Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) has commissioned a project to improve access to its online Resource Library, a database of learning and teaching resources emanating from past OLT, ALTC and Carrick Institute projects.

Over the next 12 months, the project, entitled the National Learning and Teaching Resource Audit and Classification, aims to redesign the database so that users can more readily find what they need. The principal investigator of the project is A/Prof Philip Hider, School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University. Other members of the project team include: A/Prof Barney Dalgarno, Dr Ying-Hsang Liu, Carole Gerts and Carla Daws, also from Charles Sturt University, A/Prof Sue Bennett from the University of Wollongong, and Pat Knight, Barbara Spiller and Robert Knight from the Australian Council for Educational Research.


As part of phase 1 of the project, we are seeking participants to complete a questionnaire survey which looks at how the Resource Library is being, and could be, used by those working in higher education.

The survey can be found here:  It consists of 12 questions and should take about 10 minutes to complete.

Webinar – "Promoting and assessing learning networks: Transitioning students to an emergent professional"

The next Transforming assessment webinar will be conducted on Wednesday 7 May. This latest webinar in the series will be presented by: Maarten de Laat (Open University Netherlands) and Shane Dawson (University of South Australia).

Education institutions are re-evaluating and changing their learning landscapes with a focus on open collaborative spaces where students have opportunity to maximize their learning experience, both in a formal and informal context. As a 'zone of proximal development' these collaborative spaces provide students with the means to prepare themselves for successful participation in our networked society. Hence, promoting student capacity and capabilities to develop personal learning networks and transition across networks are much needed 21st century skills. However, there remains the complexity of developing scalable tools and practices that can both facilitate and assess learning in networks.

This session outlines the application of three separate tools that can assist educators and students in assessing networked learning. In so doing we transition from the formal education context to the more informal dynamics that evolve in professional networks. Audience interaction is encouraged to make it a lively session.

The webinar will be hosted by Professor Geoffrey Crisp (RMIT University, Australia) and Dr Mathew Hillier (Teaching and Educational Development Institute, University of Queensland, Australia).

The start time will be 07:00 UST/GMT (duration 1 hour approx) and you will find your equivalent local time at

To join the session please RSVP via email.with "'rsvp 7 may 2014 webinar".in the subject line.  You will receive an automated response with login instructions.  Please note all sessions are recorded and made public after the event.   You will also find the session listing at

Position Vacant: UoNline Support Specialist (Echo360)

A full-time position (continuing appointment) has become available at UoNline at the University of Newcastle's virtual learning environment.  This position willl provide user support for teaching and learning technologies with an emphasis on video content and lecture capture (Echo360).

The position has a HEW Level 7 – $74,885 to $84,245 per annum. Compulsory contributory superannuation is a condition of employment plus generous employer contribution of 17%.

You may email any enquiries to Luke Boulton.

ALT News Digest 297

Association for Learning Technology Fortnightly News Digest 297 was issued on 16 April 2014.  ALT's journal – Research in Learning Technology is open access. Articles from the past 20 years are available here.

Comments are closed.

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