Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


ascilite 2014, Dunedin, New Zealand 23 – 26 November 2014

eLearning Watch described ascilite 2014 as "THE conference to be at in 2014. Such a great place and such great people!"

The first ascilite conference to be held on the NZ mainland has an exciting lineup of keynote and invited speakers. Sara de Freitas (Serious Games Institute, London Knowledge Lab) and Alexander Hayes (wearable technologies, social media, networked learning) are our most recent additions. Check out the website for further details.

Submission Deadlines

Submissions for concise and full papers, posters and the new sharing practice symposia all close on 30 June. Submissions for workshops close on Friday 30th May.

Don't miss out! Get cracking on those submissions!

Early Bird Registrations Open

Registrations are now open. Be sure to make a note of the excellent Earlybird rates which are open until 3 October 2014.

Visit us on the website and keep up to date with the latest developments by following us on Twitter @ascilite14.

We look forward to giving you a very warm southern welcome. Jenny, Bronwyn and the ascilite2014 Conference Team.

ascilite Live! Webinar Available: "Bring your own Device to e-Examinations"

A video recording of ascilite's latest webinar presented by Dr Matthew Hillier and Dr Seow Teck Keong is available for viewing by members here.

Reminder: Member Fee Increase as of 1 July 2014

This is a reminder that a modest member fee increase comes into affect in July 2014. The increase was approved at the Annual General Meeting conducted at the 2013 ascilite Conference. A table showing the new fees is below. (All fees are in AUD$ and they are GST inclusive).

Fee increases were set to 10% and then rounded.  The increase also applies to ascilite's institutional members who will be sent details of their membership and the rounded amounts that apply.

The reason for the increase is twofold: firstly, the society has not increased fees for over 6 years; and secondly, the Society is anticipating a significant loss in 2104 due to development of a new website and I.T. infrastructure and increases in on-going costs related to AJET.

If you would like to take advantage of the current fees before the increase on 1 July 2014, you may renew your membership via the website provided you have received at least one automated renewal notice..  The first of three renewal notices are sent three months prior to your renewal.  If you have not received a renewal notice and you would still like to renew before July simply contact the Secretariat.

Member Category

Current Member Fee

As of 1 July 2014

1 year



1 year student/retiree



3 years



3 years retiree




Latest Articles from the ALT Online Newsletter

ALT (UK), which has a partnership agreement with ascilite, has recently revamped its online newsletter. Links to their most recent articles are below:

ALT Member Views on Learning Analytics
Transforming Universities For the Digital Age.

Positions Vacant: Learning Designer, Singapore Institute of Technology

The Learning Environment and Assessment Development (LEAD) unit at Singapore Institute of Technology is currently seeking to appoint a learning designer.

For full details and descriptions of this full time position, please see the University's job page with this link.

ALT News Digest 299

Association for Learning Technology Fortnightly News Digest 299 was issued on 16 May 2014.  ALT's journal – Research in Learning Technology is open access. Articles from the past 20 years are available here.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members