Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


AJET Issue Vol. 38 (1) published on authorship practices in educational technology research

The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) has released a new issue Vol 38 (1) on authorship practices in educational technology research. You will find the new issue on the AJET website here.

Learning Design SIG webinar on exploring the value of Design Thinking for higher education

Date and time: 29 April 2022, 12pm – 1pm AEST | Singapore 10am | Auckland 2pm | Other time zones

Design Thinking approaches have informed creative and participatory decision making, problem identification and solution design in corporate, creative and community contexts since the late 1950s. Recent research and practice has explored the application of design thinking in the context of learning and curriculum design in higher education.  In this session with Susie Macfarlane and Jane Kiddell you will explore some definitions and principles, share experiences using Design Thinking and Co-design mindsets, processes and toolsets, and consider the next steps for applying this approach to your own practice.

Jane Kiddell is Lecturer, Learning Futures, in the Learning Innovations (Health) team at Deakin University. She has been digressing at the boundaries of education and learning technology for more than 20 years. Jane thrives on working together with academics, learners and colleagues to co-create authentic, inclusive learning experiences and strategic projects using human centred & design thinking approaches.

Susie Macfarlane (Associate Professor, Learning Futures) leads the Learning Innovations team in the Faculty of Health at Deakin University. Susie’s research and practice focus on promoting the agency and unleashing the creativity of students and educators in higher education, and her strategic leadership is informed by her background as a psychologist and educator, and her studies in design, computing, systems thinking and participatory leadership.

Jane and Susie co-lead the Co-design+Design Thinking Community of Practice at Deakin University.

Login to the session here.

Teledvisors SIG session on student engagement in the online synchronous classroom

Date and time: 28 April @ 12 pm – 1 pm AEST

The TELedvisors SIG welcomes you to a presentation and discussion led by Dr Katie Freund (Australian National University) on 28 April at 12pm AEST on the topic of student’s use of cameras in online classes and ways to motivate them. Katie will lead a discussion on strategies for student engagement in Zoom, Teams meetings and other online synchronous spaces, and how to equitably encourage a cameras-on culture in designing and hosting these sessions.

Topics for this webinar will include:

  • factors that make students reluctant to turn on their video and/or audio
  • emotional and practical impacts of blank screens for teachers
  • student engagement – is it about visibility?
  • tips for classroom tasks for Zoom rooms

What has your experience been, and that of the teachers you support? How does this student choice affect learning and teaching in inclusive spaces? Join us for a deep-dive discussion into this post-pandemic phenomenon.

We look forward to seeing you – just go here at the time of the session. Pre-registration is not required.

Transforming Assessment SIG webinar on designing authentic exam questions

Date and time: 4 May @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm AEST | 8am London | 3pm Singapore /Hong Kong | 7pm Auckland.

This session will be presented by Raechel Wight (University of Technology Sydney, Australia), an academic with extensive experience researching and designing authentic online assessments, this session will cover the process of imagining, designing and creating authentic online exams or quizzes. There will also be time for Q&A.

Please visit this link for further information and registration:

ASCILITE Live! Webinar on doubling engagement with professional learning through choose-your-own adventure: the Modular Professional Learning Framework (MPLF)

Date and time: 19 May 2022 @ 11am – 12pm AEST | Singapore 9am | Auckland 1pm | Other time zones

This University of Sydney team received an ASCILITE Innovation Award in 2021 and their presentation will highlight the team’s reimagined continuing professional development (CPD) program for educators: the Modular Professional Learning Framework (MPLF).

The MPLF allows instructors to choose their own adventure through 21 bite-sized two-hour modules on effective and applied teaching practices. Built in collaboration with faculties and subject matter experts from across the institution, modules model hybrid and blended teaching, promote reflection, and focus on evidence-based practical applications covering diverse concepts including student engagement, educational technology, inclusivity and diversity, peer review, groupwork, assessment, and even career development. Modularisation, instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, allows educators to design their own CPD journey, and allows us to quickly adapt and share professional development. Educator engagement is up 75% with 3400+ module completions in two years, including uptake by two other institutions.


Samantha Clarke is a marine geologist and academic developer, passionate about learning and teaching. She has a strong background in student engagement, first-year transition to university, widening participation, and technology-enhanced learning. She has won international, national and faculty teaching awards for learning and teaching innovation and is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK. Sam is currently a Senior Lecturer (Education-Focused) in the Educational Innovation team in the DVC (Education) Portfolio, Academic Co-lead of the MPLF and Honorary Associate in the School of Geosciences.

Kimberly Baskin is a lecturer with the DVC (Education) portfolio and has extensive experience in developing professional learning courses for university educators. She currently provides coordination and design support for the University of Sydney’s flagship professional learning program – the Modular Professional Learning Framework – and the institution-wide Sydney Educational Fellowship Program, which supports staff to attain Fellowship to AdvanceHE.

Danny Liu is a molecular biologist by training, programmer by night, researcher and academic developer by day, and educator at heart. He works at the confluence of educational technology, student engagement, learning analytics/educational data science, pedagogical research, organisational leadership, and professional development. He has won multiple international, national, and university awards for learning and teaching, and is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK.

Eszter Kalman started her career in academia as a neuroanatomist researching the neurobiology of pain disorders. While retaining some of her teaching in the discipline of neuroscience her substantive role is in academic development with a research interest in the effective use of technology. Currently a Senior Lecturer (Education-Focused) in the Educational Innovation team in the DVC (Education) Portfolio, she is responsible for the first line of support for educators at the University of Sydney. Eszter is currently a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK.

Jessica Frawley has a multidisciplinary background spanning arts, social sciences and information technology. Her primary area of research specialisation is on understanding people’s lived experience with new and emerging technologies and using such understandings to inform future technology design and use. Jess is currently a Senior Lecturer in Academic Development and Leadership in the Educational Innovation team in the DVC (Education) Portfolio, the Director of the Sydney Educational Fellowship Program, and an Honorary Associate in the Sydney School of Architecture, Design, and Planning. She has won national and university teaching awards for her work in student engagement and technology, and is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK.

You will find the session login here. Please mark your calendars if you would like to attend.

Reminder: Call for Papers and Reviewers now open for ASCILITE 2022

This is a reminder that the call for papers for the 2022 ASCILITE conference is now up and details are provided on the conference website.

This year’s conference theme is “Reconnecting relationships through technology” and in line with the theme, the Conference Organising Committee would like to focus on the value and importance of connecting, of strong relationships, empowered by educational technologies. It’s a central part of higher education; relationships between teachers and students, within student groups, with our core purposes and campuses, between professional and academic staff, and even between all of us and technology.

Full details on submission types, sub-themes and presentation formats are available on the conference website here and the submissions portal will be opening soon to upload submissions. The call for papers closes on 2 July 2022.

Call for Reviewers

The 2022 Conference Organising Committee are inviting a large number of volunteers for the important work of reviewing conference submissions. The intellectual strength of ASCILITE conferences derives in part from the rigour of our peer review process and each submission will be reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers. If you are interested in participating, you fill find further details on the conference website here. The call for reviewers will close on 2 July 2022.

Final Reminder: Call for Contributions for Contextualising Horizon 2021 – 2022

ASCILITE’s Contextualising Horizon Initiative invites expressions of interest for section co-authors and educational technology and practice exemplars for the 2021 – 2022 Contextualising Report.

Expression of interest close 30 April 2022, with the intent to have the full report published in June 2022.

Section co-authors are responsible for writing a one-page analysis of one of the STEEP (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, and Political) trends or a two-page analysis of one of the educational technology and practice trends. Writing is anticipated to take place in May 2022. Prospective co-authors should complete the report author EOI. The form provides a detail listing of this year’s STEEP and technology and practice trends and asks for a brief statement of qualifications in the areas elected.

Contextualising Horizon seeks case examples of the 2021-2022 educational technology and practice trends. Exemplars illustrate the application of these technologies and practices across the sector. To nominate yourself or a colleague, complete the Exemplars Nomination Form. We also encourage you to distribute the call for exemplars throughout your networks.

Latest edition of the ASCILITE Wavelength Podcast is available

In the latest edition of ASCILITE’s Wavelength Podcast, Michael Cowling chats with Michael Milford about science communication and its value in learning and teaching. Amanda White completes her series on staff addressing academic integrity at the coal face. “The Student Voice” examines student motivation for pursuing tertiary education.

Episode 4

You’ll find all podcast episodes with additional information including episode transcripts and how to get involved on the ASCILITE website here.

Wavelength is a community-contributed podcast, and we invite members of the ASCILITE community and affiliates to produce and contribute segments for the podcast.

ASCILITE Live! Webinar recording available on embedding industry practices in authentic assessment design

Embedding industry practices in authentic assessment design has multiple benefits for students in higher education, including improved attitudes to learning, self-reflection and application to their own lived experience. Such student engagement activity extends to multiple stakeholders, enabling multiple means of translating theory into practice. It also assists universities to design assessments that encourage academic integrity. Under this model, academic staff are also better able to balance their industry research partnerships with their teaching, creating greater alignment with performance goals. Industry and government are also beneficiaries where student projects form part of broader research initiatives designed to produce policy and practice guidelines as outcomes.

In this webinar, Dr Kevin Argus and Dr Jessica Helmi from the Graduate School of Business and Law at RMIT University shared their experiences of embedding industry practices in authentic assessment design to optimise outcomes for students, industry, academics, and the university overall.

View the recording >>


Open Education Conference (OER22)

OER22 features over 80 sessions across the 3 days, including workshops, presentations and open spaces. The programme showcases proposals submitted under the following themes; Pedagogy in a time of crisis, Open textbook, Open in Action, Open research and Wildcard proposals.

The 13th Open Education Conference is less than 2 weeks away and over 150 participants from 20+ countries are expected to be in attendance. If you haven’t already, Register now and join us online, 26 – 28 April 2022.

Registration includes access to:

  • Featured speaker sessions
  • Discord open spaces, voice channels and discussions;
  • Pre-conference orientation sessions;
  • The full interactive program;
  • Recordings and session materials post conference;

Call for Papers for the International Conference on Information, Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE 2022)

The twenty second International Conference on Information, Communication Technologies in Education, ICICTE 2022, will be held again on the island of Rhodes, Greece, between 7 and 9 July, 2022. This is an island where the conference has been held successfully a number of times.

The conference has proved itself to be one of the best small conferences of its type. As it has done in the previous twenty one times that it has been organised, ICICTE 2022 will seek to address the many challenges and new directions presented by technological innovations in educational settings. Also following in the tradition of previous ICICTE conferences, ICICTE 2022 will bring together an international community of scholars and practitioners in a forum setting. Opportunities for discussion on current thinking and practices in applications of technology to education are enhanced by the limited number of participants.

ICICTE invites papers, workshops and posters in a number of general themes, but also suggests a number of specialised themes that can be explored by its participants. The special conference themes for this year’s conference are “Educational Robotics”, “Virtual Reality for Teacher Training”, and “Game-based learning to promote digital skills and the cultivation of entrepreneurial mindsets”.

For a description of this theme, as well as a full listing of topics for ICICTE 2022, please consult the conference Aims and Themes.

Call for Submissions for the 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2022)

ICERI2022 will be held on the 7 – 9 November 2022 in Seville (Spain) and abstract submissions are now invited with a closing date of 14 July 2022. Abstracts should be submitted online here.

After 15 years, ICERI has become an annual meeting point for lecturers, researchers, professors, educational scientists and technologists. Every year, ICERI brings together over 800 delegates from 80 different countries.

It will provide the ideal opportunity to present your projects and experiences to an international audience. Also, it will offer participants an overview of the current situation of education and new learning technologies.

ICERI2022 Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for their inclusion in Conference Proceeding Citation Index (Web of Science). Also, a DOI number will be assigned to each accepted paper.

We are sure that this conference will be very interesting for professionals in the area of Education, Research and Innovation.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely,

ICERI2022 Organising Committee

ALT (UK) News Digests 648 and 649

For those interested in what’s happening with technology enhanced learning in the UK, ASCILITE’s peer organisation – the Association of Learning Technologies, publishes a fortnightly News Digest. Links to their latest News Digests are as follows: Issue 648 released on 11 April and Issue 649 and released on 25 April 2022.

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