Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Webinar Recording Available: Using modern technology to enhance the in-class learning experience

Abstract: This webinar, conducted on 14 February, introduced examples of how students are using technology and devices in Physiology and Anatomy, in a way that facilitates individualized experiences and enhances learning. Virtual and Augmented Reality, Serious Games, Holograms, Activities and other initiatives were discussed, along with the research and evidence into their effectiveness.

Presenter: A/Professor Christian Moro has incorporated a range of technological tools to enhance student learning, including virtual and augmented reality, within his medical and biomedical classes. He is a former secondary science teacher with educational experience in Australia and the United Kingdom. Christian currently sits as the Science Lead of the Bond University Medical Program with his educational interest revolving around maximizing the provision of hands-on activities coupled with gamification and online content.

Christian is one of Australia’s most awarded tertiary academics, and in 2019 alone received the Australian Teaching Excellence Award (AAUT, AOLT & Universities Australia), The Australian Financial Review Higher Education Award, the Physiology Society’s David Jordan Teaching Award (UK) and the ASCILITE Innovation Award.

The session was moderated by David Porter (UOW), Executive Committee member and Chair of the ASCILITE Live! webinar series. If you would like to present a webinar to the ASCILITE community, please email David.

You can view the 52 minute video recording here.

ASCILITE webinars are fully supported by ASCILITE in regards organizing and promoting webinars and ASCILITE’s Webinar Guide for Presenters is available to assist with developing webinar presentations.


FLANZ 2020 Conference – submissions extension

Thank you to those who have already made their submission to FLANZ 2020.

Help us to shape the FLANZ 2020 conference. We still have a few spaces for Practice Papers and Posters in our program. The submission process is straight forward. Don’t hesitate, share your practice with your peers.

We have extended the submission date until Sunday 01 March 2020.  Please note that there will be no further extensions.

If you have any questions or if we can help you in any way, please contact

Free Teaching Induction MOOC – Contemporary approaches to university teaching

The free teaching induction MOOC, Contemporary approaches to university teaching, provides key introductory learning and teaching concepts and strategies for those in their first few years of university teaching.  Full details are available here. The self-paced MOOC is comprised of 11 expert-developed modules and several specialty modules and resources. Participants are encouraged to engage with the MOOC for two hours a week across the semester. However, the MOOC can be used as a just in time, just for me resource and used as and when needed. Topics include Planning for learning, Supporting online learning, Feedback for learning, Curriculum design etc.

Institutions providing learning and teaching professional development can learn how other universities are using the MOOC in the ‘How universities are using the MOOC’ section on the Fellowship website here.

ICICTE 2020, 2 – 4 July 2020 – submissions extension

The twentieth anniversary International Conference on Information, Communication Technologies in Education, ICICTE 2020, will be held again on the island of Samos, Greece, between 2 and 4 July, 2020. This is the island where the conference was first held in 2000.

The deadline for paper proposal submission has been extended to 10 March so please consider submitting a paper. There’s still time.

This conference has proved itself to be one of the best small conferences of its type. As it has done in the previous nineteen times that it has been organised, ICICTE 2020 will seek to address the many challenges and new directions presented by technological innovations in educational settings. Also following in the tradition of previous ICICTE conferences, ICICTE 2020 will bring together an international community of scholars and practitioners in a forum setting. Opportunities for discussion on current thinking and practices in applications of technology to education are enhanced by the limited number of participants. ICICTE invites papers, workshops and posters in a number of general themes, but also suggests a number of specialised themes that can be explored by its participants.

For a full listing of topics for ICICTE 2020 and for further information on submissions, please consult the conference website.

The gorgeous, historical environment, the limited number of participants, and the intimate setting allow attendees to develop associations that extend into post-conference activities. For further information, please contact the Conference Director, Nancy Pyrini.

International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference – Deadline for Proposals, 29 February 2020

The International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference will be hosted jointly by the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning (HETL) and the University of South Africa (Unisa), from 10 to 13 August 2020 at The Emperors Palace Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference will provide academics, researchers and higher education practitioners with a forum to exchange ideas, experiences and research findings relating to the preparation and support of students, teaching and learning methodologies, the use of open, distance and e-learning approaches, educational research, organization of educational systems, and the impact of sustainable development on higher education and the broader society.

Full details are available here.  The deadline for submissions is 29 February 2020.

The Call for Proposals for ALT’s Annual Conference 2020 is now open

The Association for Learning Technology (UK) 2020 conference focuses on inclusivity as its overarching theme and our ability to respond to the complexity of our changing environment. We invite you to submit proposals in response to one of the conference themes:

  1. Inclusive Practice – our learners are diverse. How do we design and create inclusive student-centred learning environments to support and celebrate this diversity? What challenges and opportunities do digital environments bring? How do we ensure that we are representing our student’s voice and our evolving student demographic?
  2. Leadership in learning technology – what role does leadership play? For example, implementing policies and frameworks; establishing learning technology within an institution; building learning technology teams; promoting and supporting diversity; professional development of learning technologists; collaborating internally & externally.
  3. Digital Wellbeing – Considering the relationship between the technology we promote and the wellbeing of students and teachers; the impact of digital services on people’s mental, physical and emotional health; the ethical questions raised through the use of analytics and the safety of user data; wellbeing and resilience as digital capabilities; the challenge of delivering online learning to those who are actively reducing their use of online platforms.
  4. Responding to Complexity – how are we dealing with change and the growing complexity of the education sector and our institutions?  How are we navigating new political and ethical considerations? What are the challenges and opportunities of unbundled education and disaggregated learning technologies?
  5. Wildcard: if your work doesn’t relate directly to any of the conference themes, then we encourage you to select the wildcard theme when submitting your learning technology research, practice or policy work from any sector including further and higher education, schools, vocational learning and training, lifelong learning and work-based learning.

How to submit a proposal

We look for session proposals that will make an innovative contribution to the conference programme and be of value to other participants.

All submissions are made online here. You can only submit 1 proposal as the lead author and presenter. You can add additional contributors to your proposal and be a contributor to other proposals. The deadline for submissions: 19 March 2020.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members