Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Sunday Dine-around Invite at ascilite2015

If you have registered for the ascilite conference in Perth, you will be receiving an email invite shortly to a Sunday night "dine-around" organized by the ascilite Executive.

As you may know, formal social activities at the conference commence with the conference Welcome on Monday evening. However, if you are in Perth on Sunday evening like many other delegates, the "dine-around" email invite will give you an opportunity to meet and mingle with other delegates by selecting from a range of restaurants where group bookings will be made on your behalf.

If you have not yet registered for the conference but plan to this week, and are interested in the Sunday dine-around, please email the ascilite Secretariat for details.

Speed Editing sessions with an AJET Editor at the ascilite conference

The Lead Editors of AJET, Sue Bennett, Barney Dalgarno and Michael Henderson, will once again be offering prospective authors the opportunity for one on one meetings to discuss prospective articles. These short, sharp, speed editing sessions will allow prospective authors to discuss with a Lead Editor an idea for a paper that could be submitted to the journal.

Sessions, which will last 20 minutes, can be booked in advance of the conference via email to or through the registration desk at the conference. The scheduled time for these sessions in 3.30pm to 4.30pm on Tuesday. Authors will be allocated a 20 minute slot during this time window (you are welcome to request a specific timeslot).

Authors are encouraged to bring along a one page summary of their proposal using the following template:

  1. Proposed title
  2. Background to the problem addressed in the paper: why is the problem significant in educational technology and how does this study contribute to advancing knowledge in educational technology
  3. Research problem: aim or question this study addresses: be specific to the study
  4. Methodology: method, and materials: list empirical data and include theoretical framework
  5. Main results/findings: key points
  6. Discussion: key points
  7. Implications: further research, theory, practice and/or policy
  8. Overall conclusion

Symposium on CMALT Australasia and Professional recognition schemes at the ascilite conference

The aim of this symposium on Tuesday morning 1 December (check the final program) is to provide a forum for discussion around professional recognition schemes, starting with an in-depth look at the ascilite CMALT Australasia program to understand how we can contribute to developing our professionals in the sector. Guest presenters Dr Stanley Frielick and Vickel Narayan will help open up discussion on other professional recognition schemes, such as the HEA Fellowship scheme that also uses reflective practice to underpin the personal development of those working in the higher education sector.

We look forward to celebrating a successful CMALT Community of Practice in 2015 and engaging with members at the conference.

If you can’t make it to the conference, you can ask questions and contribute to the discussion online via GoSoapBox.

  • Use any device to log in to
  • Access code = CMALT
  • Join as a guest so no need to sign in
  • Engage with the discussion and polls that will be set up shortly.

We hope that this will be the start of some good, in-depth conversations about professional recognition schemes and how we can support our members and colleagues.

Find more information on CMALT Australasia on the ascilite website.

AJET Server Upgrade

In order to upgrade AJET's Open Journal Systems installation to the latest version, the AJET server will be unavailable this Friday from 7am Sydney time. The upgrade is expected to take less than an hour.


IMLF2016: Submissions due 15 Jan 2016

Submissions for the International Mobile Learning Festival 2016: Mobile Learning, Emerging learning Design & Learning 2.0M to be held in Bangkok, Thailand 27 – 28 May 2016, are due 15 January 2016.

The 3rd International Mobile Learning Festival (IMLF2016) builds upon successes of the previous conferences, by continuing to explore Mobile Technologies and Emerging Learning Design. The IMLF will be an exceptional venue for sharing information on contemporary approaches to education, learning design, MOOCs, flipped classroom, mobile learning, e-learning, and Learning 2.0 from around the world. The conference will feature evidence-based developments surrounding mobile and emerging learning design for the 21st century learning.

Tertiary and secondary school teachers, education policy makers, researchers, research students and developers are encouraged to attend and engage with colleagues at the IMLF2016. Your participation will contribute to the discussion and exploration of the most important developments in mobile learning and emerging learning design to date.

The conference speakers are expected to provide unique perspectives on human learning and highlight practical enhancement of human agency through the embedding of mobile and emerging technologies in learning design.

Full details are available on the IMLF2016 website.

Job Vacancy: Online Learning Designer, Otago Polytechnic, NZ

Otago Polytechnic is a leader in educational performance and is setting big targets for the future. The OP Online team at Otago supports the goals of the institution by working with subject matter experts to design and deliver a range of innovative online and blended programmes and courses that promote the highest quality learning experiences for all our learners. We are seeking an experienced educational developer to join our team on a permanent basis.

Team members have a range of complementary skills, including learning design and instructional design, which we use to develop high quality blended and online courses. The ideal candidate will hold a tertiary teaching qualification and be an experienced educational developer able to design online resources in conjunction with teaching staff across the Polytechnic. Team members are good communicators, are flexible, proactive, problem-solvers, and are future focussed. They have excellent knowledge of educational technology and open educational resources, and they know how to incorporate student-centred pedagogy and instructional design into the development of online learning resources.

The OP Online Team operates as a high performing and self-managing team. It draws on the strengths of individual members to manage work collectively and has a strong culture of self-responsibility. If you want to be part of a value-driven, learner-focused institution, if you thrive in an environment that balances independence with team culture, if you like to be challenged and work at the forefront of educational development, and if you have a positive and enthusiastic attitude – we would like to meet you!

Applications close 4 December 2015 and the start date is as soon as possible..

To find out more and to apply please visit our website.

Collaborating for Innovation Survey: Preliminary Findings

The Collaboration for Innovation Survey was undertaken by the University of South Australia and Flinders University in 2013. Respondents comprised 170 firms who collaborate, or intend to collaborate with the University of Adelaide.  The preliminary findings of the survey are now available.

If this subject is of interest, you may view the Summary of Preliminary Findings here.

The survey investigated the extent and nature of collaboration among firms for the purpose of innovating during 2012 and/or 2013 and it explores various aspects of collaboration, including its drivers, purposes and benefits derived. It also investigated who firms collaborate with and what these firms and institutions contribute to collaboration.

Authors of the survey are Dr Graciela Corral De Zubielqui, Associate Head of Research and Lecturer in postgraduate Project Management and Innovation in the Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre, The University of Adelaide and Dr Janice Jones, Senior Lecturer at the Flinders Business School, Flinders University.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members