Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Next TELedvisors SIG webinar: 2018 Academic development and standards for technology enhanced learning – resistance or assurance.

The next TELedvisors SIG webinar session is scheduled for Thursday April 26 at the special time of 11am (AEST).

The concept is based around how to leverage enthusiasm in our work with academic staff. It was inspired by a paper by Sarah Stein (and colleagues) in the International Journal of Academic Development entitled You can’t teach me: exploring academic resistance to teaching development”.

Presentation 1 – You can’t teach me: Exploring academic resistance to teaching development

In this session, Sarah will discuss the research she did with her colleagues Lynley Deaker and Dorothy Spiller which was published in the International Journal for Academic Development. The research critically examined the commonalities between a pre-established set of discourses about resistance to teaching development and views about teaching and learning in academics’ comments on student evaluations of teaching. For this Webinar, Sarah will specifically discuss the result of the research in the context of technology-enhanced learning and teaching, and perhaps offer a few bits of advice for all of us.

Presentation 2 – Not as boring as you may first thing: Benchmarking technology enhanced learning

The Director of the ACODE Learning Technologies Leadership Institute, Michael Sankey will discuss some of the recent work that is being done around ACODE benchmarking. This includes findings from a benchmarking exercise by 24 higher education institutions about the use of the Australasian Council on Open, Distance and e-learning (ACODE) Benchmarks and its benchmarking process to provide data about technology-enhanced learning (TEL) environments. Michael will further report on where this process is going next and what it may mean for us.

Our presenters have extensive knowledge and experiences with researching, supporting and working in TEL in Higher Education in Australian and New Zealand and are happy to share their insights at this webinar. Presenters confirmed:

  • Sarah Stein (Director, Distance Learning, University of Otago)
  • Michael Sankey (Deputy Director, Learning Transformations, Griffith University)

Join us via this link (no pre-registration is required).

First TELedvisors SIG Face-to-Face Meetup

The TELe-SIG had its first Queensland face to face meetup last Tuesday 17 April at the QUT Gardens Point campus.   The group came together from various QLD universities to discuss a range of topic including Learning Analytics, Social Media and privacy in the wake of Cambridge Analytica and the impact of Automation on Higher Education.  The group plans to meet again in the second half of the year before meeting again at the ASCILITE conference.

Transforming Assessment (e-Assessment) SIG News

The Transforming Assessment SIG’s next session will cover “Risk aware: enhancing students’ clinical competence in risky environments through blended simulation-based learning”. The session is scheduled for 2 May 2018.

Students across the healthcare field engage in clinical placement as a component of their education. Unfortunately, there are a number of physical, psychological and environmental risks associated with clinical placement. Risk Aware is a simulation-based education program designed to address the risk associated with clinical placement, thereby enhancing students’ clinical awareness and competence. This presentation will discuss the development, implementation and evaluation of the Risk Aware program.

The presenter for this session will be Dr Jade Sheen (Deakin University, Australia).

Further information and registration please go here.

Recording available

A video recording and resources for the last session “Shades of meaning: nuance in written and audio feedback” held on 4 April 2018 are now available here.

This session, which was presented by Elena (Ellie) Woodacre and Sandy Stockwell (University of Winchester, UK), explored findings from research into the intriguing differences between student and tutor perceptions of feedback comments, particularly tutor intention as opposed to student interpretation. Responses from student interviews and some ‘takeaway’ suggestions on how we might enhance best practice on giving feedback to students were provided.

Latest TELall Blog – Where is the field of learning analytics heading? Reflections from the Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK18)

In this latest TELall post the ASCILITE Learning Analytics SIG co-ordinators present their shared reflections on the recent Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference (LAK18) and invite continuing conversations on these important issues. The authors of the post are Linda Corrin, Sakinah Alhadad, Hazel Jones and Cassandra Colvin.

Read more >><

Reminder: AJET Call for Special Issues 2018/2019

The call for Special Issue (2018/2019): “Designing, using and evaluating learning spaces” and “Re-examining Cognitive Tools” closes 1 May 2018. An extended submission date is unlikely so those interested in responding to this call are encouraged to do so by the above deadline.  Full details may be found on the AJET website here.


Call for Program Committee Members/Reviewers, IEEE TALE 2018

The IEEE TALE2018 conference takes place in Wollongong, Australia on 4 – 7 December 2018.

Applications are sought from suitably qualified and experienced individuals to join the Program Committee and paper and/or proposal reviewers for IEEE TALE, the IEEE Education Society’s flagship conference in the Asia-Pacific region. This prominent international conference caters to researchers and practitioners with an interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education—with a particular emphasis on engineering and computing disciplines—as well as those interested in the innovative use of digital technologies for learning, teaching and assessment in any discipline.

TALE 2018, which will be held in Wollongong, Australia from 4 to 7 December 2018, will include two Streams (more details about which are available here.

  1. Academic Stream for prospective academic/researcher presenters wishing to author peer-reviewed papers for the proceedings; and
  2. Practitioner Stream for prospective K-12, VET/L&D and Engineering & Technology Industry presenters those who only wish to submit an abstract for consideration (not published in the proceedings).

The minimum requirement to join the Program Committee for Academic Stream is a Master’s degree plus research experience; for the Practitioner Stream, a minimum of 3 years’ practical (e.g., teaching, training, design, development) experience is required.

An award will be presented to one or more Program Committee member(s) who the Program Chairs, in consultation with the Conference General Chairs and the wider Conference Organising Committee, deem to have made the most outstanding contribution in executing their reviewing duties. (Note that the Program Chairs’ decision will be final).

Individuals interested in serving on the TALE Program Committee should in the first instance complete the application form here (estimated completion time: 10-12 minutes).

The closing date for applications is 31 May 2018. Successful applicants will be notified by email in June 2018 (or earlier).

Job Vacancy: Learning Media Developer, Murdoch University

The Office of Curriculum and Academic Policy has established a team representing the first step in developing organisational capacity to undertake high end Digital Learning, Interactive Design and Media Production/Development specific to the needs of strategic projects in curriculum. The team is being established as a project team with plans to evolve the service into an ongoing capability.

The team has an exciting a challenging agenda for 2018 with project deliverables including the design of multiple educational modules for delivery on a range of internal and external digital platforms.

The role will provide expertise in the technical design, production and implementation of engaging learning media for Murdoch University’s high quality, online learning programs. The Learning Media Developer will work with teams on a range of strategic projects and provide leadership and expert advice in developing learning media and digital learning environments to enhance online learning programs. For further information about this position, please refer to the Position Description.

Please visit the Murdoch jobs site to view the Guide for Applicants and Position Description. Here you will also find the online form to submit your application. Please note that emailed applications will not be accepted.  However you may email Astrid Davine, Manager Digital Design or call Astrid on +61 8 9360 1432 with any questions. The closing date for applications is 2 May 2018.

Job Vacancy: Educational Designer, University of Canberra

Work with the University’s Teaching and Learning directorate. This is a full-time Continuing Position – UC7, Salary Range $84,644 – $91,699 + 17% Super. You will find full details here and you may also email Yvonne Wisbey or call 02 6206 8376 with questions.

The closing date for applications is Friday 27 April 2018.

Final Reminder: Call for Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (JUTLP) Special Issue Proposals

The closing date for 2019 Special Issue proposals for the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice is Monday 30 April 2018.   All proposals will be considered that address contemporary themes associated with effective and innovative teaching and learning practice in the higher education environment.

The expectation is that the special issue would be of interest to an international audience. To propose a special issue please download and complete the Special Issue Proposal template and email the completed form to Associate Professor Dominique Parrish.

Comments are closed.

Institutional Members